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Association Source Vive

Source Vive's mission is to bring support to families and relatives of children suffering leukemia and cancers in the greater Paris North area, at any stage of their disease. (each year, 2000 to 2500 children are declaring cancer or leucemia in France) Support consists of psychologist assistance (2 professionals), art-therapy sessions (1 professional), sport-health (1 professional) sessions and various activities (21 volunteers) such as gardening, cooking and games plays. All this is held in a dedicated 400 sqm+ location in the city of L'Isle Adam (North of Paris). The support is given in complement of and in coordination with the one local hospitals may be providing to the children and their families depending on the stage or importance of treatment. Hospitals may also call Source Vive directly for their support. Source Vive is as such supporting 75 families a year through a personalized and dedicated approach. This is a non-profit support; no financial participation is asked to families; this is free of charge and all financial resources come either from local and national subsidies or private donations. There is no limitation in time to the support provided to families (support length is average 3 years). The Source Vive location is mainly open on week-ends but many additional activities are created along the year to make sure children and families can benefit from a warm and dedicated attention through several experiences ( leisure park visits, horse riding, Christmas spectacle, etc...). Source Vive is also deeply developing in the support they can bring in the scholastic education of children who cannot go to school anymore due to treatments. They bring the support in coordination with local schools and can either bring the support in hospitals or at home for children where needed. Source Vive is also working closely with local other communities to make sure they can maximize synergies and join forces (sport associations, artistical associations, etc...). The association was founded in 1989 by Mrs Sylvie Brechenade who had to manage herself the leukemia of her 3 months children; she realized a lack of psychological support and excha,ge platform at that time and decided to create Source Vice as soon as her child had luckily recovered from the disease. 33 years after, she is still leading the way in the association, while making sure people will be ready to take over her action when time is needed.

Secours Catholique - Caritas France

Our purpose is to reduce poverty, bring hope and solidarity to poor communities or individuals in France and worldwide. We bring assistance to families, children and young people but also to the most vulnerable (homelesses, migrants, prisoners etc.). We fight against isolation, help them to find employement and we ensure their social reintegration. We provide emergency responses but also long term support, development aid and we work on the causes of poverty. The action of Secours Catholique finds all its meaning in a global vision of poverty which aims at restoring the human person's dignity and is part and parcel of sustainable development. To do so, six key principles guide this action, both in France and abroad: Promoting the place and words of people living in situations of poverty Making each person a main player of their own development Joining forces with people living in situations of poverty Acting for the development of the human person in all its aspects Acting on the causes of poverty and exclusion Arousing solidarity The actions of Secours Catholique are implemented by a network of local teams of volunteers integrated into the diocesan delegations and supported by the volunteers and employees of the national headquarters. On an international level, Secours Catholique acts in cooperation with its partners of the Caritas Internationalis network. Key figures of Secours Catholique: 100 diocesan or departmental delegations 4,000 local teams 65,000 volunteers 974 employees 2,174 reception centres 3 centres : Cite Saint-Pierre in Lourdes, Maison d'Abraham in Jerusalem, Cedre in Paris 18 housing centres managed by the Association des Cites of Secours Catholique 162 Caritas Internationalis partners 600,000 donors Every year Secours Catholique encounters almost 700,000 situations of poverty and receives 1.6 million people (860,000 adults and 740,000 children). This daily mission led in the field by the local teams and delegations, with the support of national headquarters, pursues three major objectives which aim at exceeding the distribution action and limited aid: Receiving to reply to the primary needs (supplying food and/or health care aid, proposing accommodation, establishing an exchange and a fraternal dialogue, etc) Supporting to restore social ties (bringing together people in difficulty with an aim to reinsertion, encouraging personal initiatives and collective projects, establishing a mutual support helper-receiver of help relationship, etc) Developing to strengthen solidarity (proposing long lasting solutions, establishing a follow-up over the long term, encouraging collective actions carried out by people in difficulty etc.)

Stichting WereldOuders

WereldOuders focuses on the empowerment and personal development of vulnerable children and families in Latin America and the Caribbean. With us, they receive attention and the support that suits them. WereldOuders has a unique approach, based on four pillars: a safe home, health, education and independence. By providing a social safety net while building the children's self-confidence, they regain a future perspective, an opportunity to realize their dreams. WereldOuders has projects in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. These are Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. A home is the most important safe base for a child. When a home situation is scarred by poverty, addiction, violence or the death of one of the parents, the secure base falls away. WereldOuders and partner organization NPH are committed to creating or restoring a safe home base for children and youth in Latin America. Our vision of "a safe home" has changed significantly over the past years. NPH was founded in Mexico in 1954 with the opening of a children's home for children who had nowhere else to go. The organization continued to expand to include children's homes in the other eight countries. More than 19,000 children found shelter in an NPH home. These homes were called "family homes" by the organization. NPH placed great importance on creating a warm, loving family atmosphere in the homes. No matter how well this worked out, a family home can never replace a real family. With today's knowledge, arising from empirical evidence and in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we recognize the unintended harmful effect that institutionalization has on children and youth. Children and youth become alienated from their families and communities of origin. Stigmas attached to growing up in a children's home lead to (young) adults struggling to find their place in society. Having no family to fall back on makes it difficult to hold your own in society as an "uprooted" adult. 'Our' children can always come to NPH even later in life, but that is an exception in the world of children's homes. Uprootedness in general is a major problem: this group has difficulty raising their own children and keeping them from ending up in crime or on the streets. International child welfare organizations are therefore increasingly focusing on de-institutionalization. NPH, too, is going through this transition. We can and want to do more to really change the situation of families and children. We have to change course. We have therefore started to focus more and more on supporting vulnerable families and communities to prevent families from falling apart. This is not entirely new: since its founding, NPH has supported more than 80,000 children who did not live in an NPH family home.

Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)

In 1984, a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders established the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) as an independent non-profit organization. They did so to fill a need for improved debate, independent analysis, and innovative policy ideas for environmental and energy issues. Since then, EESI has occupied a unique niche as an educational resource for national policymakers, an information conduit between federal, state, and local stakeholders, and a catalyst for innovative partnerships. EESI has earned a reputation for working constructively with a wide range of partners and constituencies to advance innovative policy solutions to energy, economic, and environmental challenges. Through EESI's work over the past 28 years, it has built credibility for nonpartisan perspectives and innovative solutions. EESI's mission is to promote environmentally sustainable societies. EESI develops and promotes innovative policies on climate change, agriculture, transportation, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, and sustainable communities. We promote policymaker action through education, advocacy, coalition building, publications, workshops and task forces, and media outreach. We seek to develop innovative policy solutions and strategies through all of our work. EESI has an 18-member Board of Directors made up of environmental, business and academic leaders; a multidisciplinary staff; and an Advisory Board of 23. Our goal is to facilitate a transition to a low-carbon energy economy based on energy efficiency and renewable energy. This will result in dramatically decreased greenhouse gases and air pollution, and improved public health, energy security, and economic development opportunities. In 1988, the EESI Board of Directors declared that the problem of climate change creates a moral imperative for action; therefore, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has been an essential element in all of our policy and educational work since then. EESI uses an effective, integrated approach of policymaker education, work in coalitions, and policy development. Expanding support for climate change mitigation and renewable energy development is a crucial component of our work. One of EESI's strengths is its broad and extensive network of contacts across diverse constituencies; it is a critical part of our strategy. By looking at energy and climate impacts and solutions holistically, we unite diverse constituencies behind win-win solutions, building support, and emphasizing the benefits of a stable climate, the costs of inaction, and the economic and other benefits of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Our participation in numerous coalitions (e.g., Climate Action Network, Energy Efficiency Coalition) allows us to leverage other organizations' resources and strengths. We serve as a valuable conduit and synthesizer, bringing the actions and voices of a wide range of stakeholders nationwide to the attention of Congress and other policymakers in the federal government. Likewise, we serve as a key national policy contact for hundreds of groups and constituencies across the country. By sustaining these valuable relationships, we improve communication among stakeholders and between stakeholders and their representatives in Washington, providing an avenue for their participation in national policy development.


Future Adventure Future Adventure is an independent NGO organization registered in Kenya to offer programs that fight poverty, promote education and skills development, advocate for equality, advocate against gender violence, promote health among all people, ,conservation of environment and human rights .The organization commenced community work in 2020 but was formally registered by the NGO Coordination of Kenya in July 2022. Executive Summary The organization promotes skills training for adolescent girls and young disadvantaged mothers taking them through a journey of self-awareness, building critical thinking, interpersonal skills and providing them with vocational training to make them self-reliant and economically productive. We offer skills training of Tailoring, Beauty, Weaving and cooking.The organization has a Board of 5 members being the 3 women and 2 men, The board comprise of the Chairperson, The Secretary, Treasurer, and two Executive members. The mandate of the board is 3 years. The daily management of the organization is the Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Board. The organization is registered by the Kenya Revenue Authority and its tax returns are up to date Organization Summary Name of Organization Future Adventure Type of Organisation/ Legal Status NGO Registration Number OP.218/051/21-431/12528 Place of Registration NAIROBI, KENYA Date of Registration 8TH JULY 2022 Physical Address KILIMANI NAIROBI Postal Address P.O BOX 52631 CODE 01000 NAIROBI Contact person Rose Nyambura Mwangi Contact person's email info@futureadventure.or Contact person's mobile phone number +254759208882 Director/CEO & Contact Details +254790500682 Website of the Organisation Vision To inspire and nurture the human spirit to create a healthy and socio-economically empowered society where everyone lives in dignity and in a clean environment. Mission Our mission is to provide hope, inclusion where all peoples live with dignity, social and economic justice and equality. We are : a) COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE- ." Life gives you back what you give it: the more you give to others, the more you'll get back". We will be excellent in helping others. We will do everything with dedication and excellence. b) COMMITTED TO LEARNING. "You can't win more by giving less" Our desire is to improve the lives of others. We will never stop from learning from others, as the programs we undertake matters to all mankind. c) COMMITTED TO SOLUTIONS.Successful programs are focused on solutions. We will never look for excuses but solutions at all levels of our programs. When challenges arise we will concentrate on finding alternatives for obstacles that we find in our way. d) COMMITTED TO OTHERS ."If you want to go far, go together". We will ensure that we work together with the people we serve and ensure that no one is left behind. We will cultivate our network of contacts. Dedicate our energies, time and resources in changing the lives of many underprivileged people in Kenya. Specific Object: a) To enhance the capacity and employability of 100 disadvantaged adolescent girls and woman every year. b) Ensuring income generation opportunities of sustainable livelihood to disadvantaged adolescent girls and woman through Tailoring, Beauty ,weaving and cooking. c) To ensure ability for generate income to sustainable livelihood to the poor adolescent girls,woman and youth through skill training. d) To adopt unique and innovative technology to initiate quality Tailoring, Beauty ,weaving &cooking development trainings e) To provide necessary guide to beneficiaries to get appropriate trainings, employment ability and self reliance. The Need Lack of skills training opportunities among young women is a common issue in Embul Bul Ward, Ngong, Kajiado County and in Kieni Nyeri County often, due to socio norms, lack of employment opportunities and financial crisis, they are unable to undertake vocational and skill trainings in the expensive training centers. Young women most of who are high school leavers and drop outs depend on housekeeping, , collecting fodder and collecting firewood to earn income. They do casual labor work that produce poor earning which is not sufficient to arrange meal twice daily. This impact on their health and that of their children. Due to lack of vocational training facilities in Embul Bul Ward, Ngong, Kajiado County and Kieni in Nyeri County these young women are never offered these techniques to create their micro enterprises in a profitable manner. It on this background that Future Adventure resolved take a patriotic challenge to initiate various skills training programmes to help these young women who are struggling with their daily lives. This programme include vocational and skills development and will be reaching to these young women with appropriate community mobilization and capacity building. We are offering tailoring and dressing making, beauty techniques and cooking but the courses will be expanded every year Women play an active role in day to day survival of the poorer communities in these villages. They bear the double burden of work in the house and out of the house. The low rate of literacy in the women of disadvantaged part of the community. They do not have any other skill to earning. There is increasing risk for scarcity of livelihood and employment in the region. There are few and unevenly distributed technical vocational training centres. Kenya has over 700 technical vocational training centres to serve a country of 50 Million people which include; four national polytechnics, one technical teachers college, about 35 technical training institutes, and over 600 youth polytechnics (commonly refered to as village polytechnics) which are mostly concentrated in economically endowed counties and almost non-existent in arid and semi-arid areas like Kajiado and Kieni Sub- County There is a consistent decline in the quality of training offered in training centres as a result of declining number of quality trainers and a lack of modern and efficient machine and equipment. There is a lack of relevance in skills taught that match with occupational and social realities present in today's economy. Some training centres continue to teach skills that no longer have a market and ignore those that do have and this is the need Future Adventure is addressing.

Collectif des Femmes, Nonprofit

Created in 1979, the Collectif des Femmes is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the emancipation of women and men, particularly women from immigration and/or precarious women. We are work mainly in Belgium, but we have extended collaborations with women's organizations in the Developing countries in order to share experience in the field of Equality between women and men and to promote inclusive development. The association aims to empower its target audience and reinforce their autonomy of thought and action. The involvement of women and men at all levels of the association creates an upward dynamic that promotes their ability to take their destiny into their own hands, and free themselves from their multiple shackles. The social purpose of the association is therefore the social and professional integration of women migrants in Belgium (although some of our target beneficiaries are unemployed men in search of work). The association's vision is to promote equal opportunities, fight against discrimination, combat gender inequalities and promote access to employment for women and men, migrants and of foreign origin. Article 3 of the Statute of the "Collective des Femmes" stipulates that the purpose of the Association is: - Training and supervision of migrant, refugees and asylum seekers, and immigrant women, with a view to better socio-professional (re)integration,... - Facilitate the adaptation of foreign women and that of their families in Belgium, particularly in the field of the practice of the French language, health, food, the education of children and their personal autonomy. - Reflection on the role and status of women, in relation to development issues; - Etc. The Association is approved by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to fight against Intimate partners and all forms of Gender-Based (Violence against women and girls). The achievements of this first period are the foundation of professional relations between migrants and respond to the concern to give back to women the power over their own history. It was also in those years that the fruitful encounter between these women from elsewhere took place, some progressives in search of professional prospects and new conceptual tools to improve their status. Although we began in 1979, the 1990s constitute an important period in the life of Collectif des Femmes as it laid "the first stones" with regard to structured professional integration, psychomedico-social support for an allochthonous or indigenous public, the strengthening of the capacities of women in the countries of the South... Hence, in 1997 the Collectif des Femmes obtained its official agreement in the Wallon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Alongside the desire to promote the development of our center, our objectives are to promote the evolution of factors influencing the wellbeing of this precarious population and participation in any action aimed at favorably modifying these factors. And finally, in the longer term, we participate in the development of an equal opportunities policy based on our experiences and in the promotion of gender mainstreaming. It is since that time that we have been subsidized in a more structural way and that we have been approved for a certain number of our missions; a real public-private partnership. Our growing center demonstrates the relevance of all our goals even more today than in the past. The paths to success in terms of emancipation, socio-professional integration, lifelong education are a demonstration of this that is both relevant and convincing. Today, in the position that the Women Collective occupies, everyone benefits from this mixing of ideas which leads each of us towards the path of individual progress. Over the past 40 years, the thinking of the Collective has deepened and broadened in several directions. First of all, it was necessary to understand and take into account the profound changes in society. We have developed over time a more complex and more complete vision of the situation of migrants, of front-line proximity work, of poverty, of emancipatory pedagogy, of work in popular education, of socio-professional integration. The question of gender equality, civic and permanent education is the common thread of our various approaches. Another opening given to our horizon, we have sought and built bridges between the fields of integration, training, education, social action and we have given the issue of empowerment a transversal dimension. In terms of pedagogy, we have promoted pedagogy by project, our toolbox is currently more extensive, we have produced several publications, including a cultural imagery tool. It is a real militant journey, a social commitment of each one, of each one which has enabled various political questions during our international conferences: whether in the field of plural violence, female entrepreneurship, poverty, situation of women in the labour market, in relation to new information technologies, in relation to HIV/AIDS, in the face of radicalization always by crossing gazes South/North North/South South/South. Since 1979, several thousand adults have passed through the Centre. This means that every year since 1979, more than 22,000 people have knocked on our door and started training or requested intervention, psychosocial support, or even participated in our focus groups. As a result, several thousands agents of change scattered here in Belgium or in the countries of the South are in non-profit or international organizations in the sectors of continuing education, education, health, social work or community. Over the past 3 years, evaluation work has been carried out, which combines several interests. First, an interest in more refined knowledge of our public, its origins, its trajectories, its motivations, its commitments, the effects of the intervention of the Collective, whether in terms of social or professional integration. A second interest was to compare the aims, objectives and values of the Centre. Confrontation which, managed with a view to constructive criticism of work, has made it possible to strengthen our dynamism. Let us cite for example the professional integration rate of more than 90%. A relevant analysis of the pedagogical procedures, of the observations and evaluations of the people... has made it possible to identify practices and objectives that must be modified or pursued in another way. This has stimulated collective work in several essential directions for an organization like ours, namely the development of the culture of evaluation and constructive criticism. A rigorous analysis, still in progress, of our corporate culture, was also essential for the dynamics of our center and the pleasure of working in the field of people empowerment. This approach allowed a lucid look at our organization; while showing the shortcomings and the limits, it has valued the quality and induces a search for an increased quality which makes it possible to develop a self-reflective and formative work on our own practices and our organizational pedagogical processes. These are quickly outlined the various philosophical and political challenges of our center.

CARPE DIEM Organization for the Promotion and Development of Creative and Social Skills of Children,

Carpe Diem was established with the aim of improving the quality of life, contributing to the general well-being of the community and stimulating and developing the creative and social potential of children, youth and adults. Through active community roles, we encourage positive social changes using common values such as teamwork, professionalism and equal opportunities. Areas of activity of the Organization in accordance with the objectives are democratic political culture, human rights, international cooperation, culture and art, education, science and research, social activities, technical education, health protection and social entrepreneurship. Carpe Diem builds a sustainable society through non-formal education, strengthening of human resources, development of community capacity, fostering tolerance and justice. The values of our organization are teamwork, togetherness and networking; expertise, responsibility and efficiency in work; social inclusion; active citizenship; partnership and cooperation; lifelong learning; innovation and sustainability. Our vision is an active and responsible society with equal opportunities. Our mission is Carpe Diem builds a sustainable society through non-formal education, strengthening of human resources, development of community capacity by nurturing tolerance and justice. Carpe Diem has become an important organization in the social, cultural and civic life of Karlovac to this day. The primary target group is young people, but its programs and projects often include all age and social groups. It has a well-developed organizational structure, competent people who are members of various national councils and committees for social development, and enjoys the reputation of one of the key organizations for improving the quality of life in Karlovac County. Carpe Diem mostly works with young people, covering all areas of young people's lives in order to contribute to the development of better living conditions for young people in Karlovac County. Since its foundation in 2005, the Carpe Diem association has implemented over 110 projects, programs and initiatives, initiated numerous changes in the city. What we consider our greatest success are active young people who have found themselves and meaning in life, who have been organizing various events in Karlovac in recent years. One of the most important projects run by Carpe Diem is the Youth Center in Grabrik since 2008, which has become an example of good practice in Croatia, but also in Europe, through which we inform, educate and empower young people for active participation in society and strengthen their competences for life. Since 2021, the Carpe Diem association has also run a social and cultural center called Prostor(i)ja and is located in the city center of Karlovac. One of the most important areas of the association's activities is the development of volunteerism, and annually, in our activities, about 60 volunteers participate. Also, since 2014, in the Carpe Diem association, every year we host 3 foreign volunteers who come for a year through the program of the European Solidarity Corps. Carpe Diem is a member of national networks in the field of youth information, volunteerism development, civic education and, at the local level, networks for the development of independent culture.

Associacao Gaucha Pro-escolas Familias Agricolas

I - Enable the integral promotion of the human person, promoting education and cultural development through action and socio-community education, in activities inherent to the interest of agriculture, especially regarding the sustainable development and social elevation of the family farmer from the spiritual-ethical-ecological, intellectual, technical, health and economic point of view; II - Encourage, through education, entrepreneurial attitudes of rural youth, their families and communities, contributing to the access to the generation of work and income, as well as providing continuous formation processes of Alternation Educators / Monitors of Agricultural and Family Schools and several publics, with a view to contributing to mobilization of popular empowerment and emancipation in the complex sociocultural reality of the Brazilian countryside; III - Ensure that the formation and animation activities of the EFAs are articulated and integrated with the promotion and sustainable development projects in which they are inserted; IV - To promote, as its predominant activity, a contextualized and differentiated education, serving as a maintaining institution to regulate, manage, raise funds, represent and manage the operation of the Santa Cruz do Sul Family Farm School - EFASC, which may offer teaching courses High School and Vocational High School, as well as initial and continuing education, complementary and technical specializations of Rural Professional Learning, following the principles of the CEFFAs Network - Family Centers for Alternating Training in Brazil, with universality of service, scholarships and benefits related to school transportation, uniforms, teaching materials, housing and food; V - Providing, conducting, executing and encouraging initial and ongoing processes of training for Alternating Educators / Family School Teachers and EFA association members; VI - Promote a quality education, contextualized, differentiated and focused on the rural environment, in accordance with the foundations and principles of the CEFFAs Network, with a Pedagogy of Alternation methodology and appropriate to the Law of Guidelines and bases of National Education (LDB No. 9,394) / 1996) and the National Plan of Current Education (PNE), as well as Decree No. 7352, of November 4, 2010 and other normative instruments of field education and relevant legislation; VII - Recognize the knowledge of family farmers and the community, recognize their role as alternative educator, seek and promote the construction of theoretical / practical knowledge from the local reality of youth and the harmful and sustainable development in activities related to agriculture, currently the education and training of young people, families and the community; VIII - Encourage, carry out and promote the organization and mobilization of farmers and the youth of Family Farming in order to gain their rights and access to public policies; IX - Promote moral and ethical values, valuing the spirit of solidarity, respecting the environment, promoting gender equity and analysis, ethnicity and patterns of group types, valuing cultural diversity and any nature; X - Develop the attendance and evaluation of the beneficiaries of the Organic Law of Social Assistance - LAAS, their defense and guarantee of their rights. Promote social assistance - serving all stakeholders, including: children, adolescents, young people, adults, men, women, the elderly, people with disabilities and all minorities in society; XI - Educational institution service to create, integrate, regulate, accredit, administer, covenant, fundraise, use, organize, maintain and use education resources at any level, including higher education - both undergraduate and postgraduate - University graduate. It may be offered or in partnership or cooperation with other universities;

Federacja Polskich Bankow Zywnosci

The Federation of Polish Food Banks is a public benefit organization whose mission since its establishment 20 years ago has been to prevent food waste and malnutrition in Poland. 31 Food Banks, which operate throughout the country form the Federation of Polish Food Banks. They are all NGOs with the status of an Association. Together, they form an Association with status of public benefit organization. The Federation is a community voluntarily created by various, autonomous Food Banks. Their common values and activities are supported and represented by a democratically elected Board. Food Banks associated in the Federation specialize in obtaining, transporting and distributing food products. Thanks to their large-scale daily operations, they obtain 50,000 tons of food annually, which is then distributed among over 1,600,000 most needy people through 3,500 aid organizations and social institutions. The food is obtained, among others, from producers, farmers, retail chains and as part of food collection campaigns. The organization also actively works to prevent food waste and promote healthy eating through educational activities addressed to various social groups, including social campaigns and workshops. Food wastage has many aspects. It can be considered as a social, ecological and economic problem. From a social perspective, a basic question is that many people do not have access to good quality food that would satisfy their health-related needs. Paradoxically, many people cannot afford to buy food while at the same time tons of whole food are discarded. However, food wastage has above all an adverse effect on the environment. Food production, processing and delivery to shops and homes of consumers entails water, energy and fuel consumption. Discarded food means wasted hectoliters of water and wasted energy used for its production, transport, storage and preparation. Food is wasted at every single stage of its production and distribution with consumers being responsible for over 50% of food wastage. Minimizing the scale of food waste requires actions to be taken to alert people about reasons and consequences of throwing food away. Apart of main activity concentrated on collection and distribution of food, educational projects, research project and initiatives aimed at creation of national law supporting reducing of wasted food belong to our strategic goals. The above additional but also crucial goals are described in document presenting information about three main categories of our activity. Federation of Polish Food Banks realizes its mission through: - Searching for sources of surplus of food, - Acquiring food, including products with a short shelf life, - so-called non - commercial products, incorrectly packaged, whose nutritional value is beyond doubt - Storage of received products and their rational distribution to organizations, not individuals - Promoting attitudes that counteract the utilization of food or food waste - Large-scale initiatives having impact on modifications of national law aimed at reduction of food waste (National Act against waste of food, which came into force on 1th March 2020)

Seeds for a Future

Perched atop the buried pre-classic Maya city of Chocola, the village of Chocola on the back slopes of the volcanoes that form Lake Atitlan, is poverty stricken yet poised to become a model of cultural celebration and self-sufficiency. What it needs most is leadership training and technical support to develop its potential for diversified agriculture, archeological-tourism, health care for its families and education for its children. In its simplest terms, the mission of Seeds for a Future is to help this impoverished community plan and achieve prosperity based on balanced development principles that protect cultural tradition, the natural environment and preserve the Mayan and post-colonial history of the town. Seeds for a Future traces its roots to the period from 2003 through 2006 when many Earthwatch Institute volunteers came to Chocola to work on the archaeological site, which was then being excavated under license from the Guatemalan government. The volunteers embraced being associated with an important archaeological endeavor and learned about the vast pre-Classic Maya city that may hold keys to the early development of Mayan language, system of time and other fundamental cultural practices. At the same time, many of us fell in love with the community, its families and children and the fabulous, healthy mountain environment. As a result, groups of volunteers organized to help a community struggling with terrible poverty and deprivation to find a way to prosperity without destroying their way of life or the delicate balance of their natural environment. A vision emerged among a core of volunteers, Guatemalan visionaries and local leaders in which Chocola is seen as lifting itself into a more healthy and prosperous community based on its historic farming skills, adding value to its coffee, vegetable and cacao producers and through community cooperative action. In the future, there is great promise for the development of Chocola as a tourist destination based on archaeo-tourism; conservation of the natural resources in which the community is embedded and conservation of one of the first and greatest coffee processing plants (beneficios) established during the 1890s. But we also discovered in the early years that before Chocola could begin to realize its potential, the people needed training in identifying their own vision for the future, learning to work together and acquiring the technical skills needed for success. Overcoming 500 years of economic and social servitude is not easily done, but real progress is being made and our program has been recognized as ground-breaking, by the Guatemalan Ministry of Culture and others. Four operating principles guide the work we do: We provide information and technical assistance to the people of Chocola to help them evaluate new opportunities and to plan. We provide direct funding and other forms of support for community requests for assistance on specific projects. These requests must come through Chocola leadership and must demonstrate sustainability and a willingness and capability of the community to provide part of the needed resources. All programs must aim at achieving self-sufficiency. We will help with programs that governmental agencies believe may be of value, provided that they too meet the same test as is noted for the community above. All such requests must be consistent with our mission to help the people and do no harm to either the Maya archaeological site or to the 1890 Coffee Finca site. In all of our programs we try to ensure that the participants become more engaged in the social and civil fabric, that they gain self confidence in their ability to change their own future for the better, and that we provide knowledge and coaching for a sufficient period of time that their activities and new ideas become self-sustaining in the community.

Fundatia Inima De Copil

Fundatia Inima de Copil (Heart of a Child Foundation) was established in 1996 by a group of volunteers from Galati, Romania who decided to help the children in need. Today, the foundation has 30 employees and 30-40 volunteers monthly and supported in 23 years over 15.000 children and families. Our mission is to provide a better life for children in Romania.We hope to enhance the life quality of children in Romania, by providing social services and we fight to protect children's rights. All the projects carried out together with our sponsors and contributors are intended to reunite human and community resources, so that every child may benefit from home, a family, and fulfil their potential. Approximately 21,5% of Romanian children live in poverty, according to the Eurostat 2019 statistics, and this ratio is the highest in EU, where the media is 5,9%. Over 32% of children live in extreme poverty, shows a report issued by Save the Children and People's Advocate in 2019. This phenomenon is widely-spread and more worrying in rural areas. For example, almost 30% of the children from the organization's programs live in families with an income of less than 70 USD/month/ person. Another worrying figure is that 150.000 children go to sleep hungry at night, just before the COVID 19 crisis, and the statistics included only the children living in the rural area and it has been calculated on the basis of a study made in 2018 by Save the Children, in which 3% of children said that they are going to sleep hungry every night, and 5% just from time to time. The ones that are more exposed to this risk are the ones who have 2 or more siblings. At the same time, the data from the report indicates that Romania has the highest mortality rate of children from EU (2018 - 6,5.), with a separate chapter of mortality under 1 year old. More than half of the deaths under 1 year are produced in the first month of life (neonatal mortality). During the last years, the rate of school abandonment has remained high and worrying. 19% of the children at the national level and 25% of the ones from rural areas abandon school before finishing high-school. Most of them do this because of material deprivation or work exploitation when they are 12-14 years old. Functional illiteracy is also an alarming consequence of the inadaptation of the educational system to the needs of children. If we take into consideration the non-unified regional economical development of Romania and the high discrepancies between urban and rural areas, the highest number of children and families affected by poverty and its consequences are registered in SE and North and in rural areas. The nowadays COVID 19 crisis has emphasized these problems as people lost their jobs, the high number of children that did not have and still don't have access to digital education (the estimated number is 250.000 children at the national level and approx 12.000 in our area), the limited access to health services and hygienic supplies that translates into higher costs for families. In all these circumstances, our mission as an organisation is far more important. We are one of the most known and appreciated organisations that offer social services in the South East of Romania, having beneficiaries right now from 4 poor counties from Romania (Galati, Vaslui, Vrancea, Tulcea). Moreover, the present focus of the organisation and of future programs is concentrated on the rural area, on communities where we know that the chances for children's evolution are very limited without any support from the outside.

Bulgarian organization of voluntary blood donation/

Every day more than 600 people in Bulgaria have a life-saving need for blood and blood products, because of accidents, emergency life-saving procedures, surgical interventions, childbirths, different cancers and many other diseases that need blood for treatment. Their lives are directly dependent on securing the necessary quantities of safe human blood which can be obtained ONLY through DONATION OF BLOOD because BLOOD has NO substitute! Unfortunately, Bulgaria is currently in one of the last places in Europe when it comes to donating blood. Most people donate blood only for relatives or friends who are in need and the true number of genuine voluntary blood donors is less than 25% of all blood donors. Due to the very limited amount of blood donors, hospitals force patients to find donors before they can have a required treatment (the so-called "replacement donor system", which poses significant problems to the patients and their families. Also, this highly questionable practice has led to the growth of an ugly black market for blood donors.). We hope that with our joint efforts we will be able to change this situation. BULGARIAN ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION is a non-profit association operating in public interest done by volunteers. We are the first Bulgarian association working entirely to encourage and promote regular, anonymous, voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. We believe that blood donation is one of the most humane acts. We also believe that our cause is extremely important for every human being because the shortage of blood could affect everyone. In our daily activities we provide information about blood donation, answer questions and give support; help in cases of an urgent need for blood; organize blood drives and campaigns to educate and inspire people to donate. In 2013 BOVBD launched the first-of-its-kind for Bulgaria long-term project called "Donate Blood", aimed at promoting and facilitating voluntary blood donation and helping those in need of blood for themselves or their relatives. The core of this project lies with the "Donate Blood" system, entirely managed and administrated by BOVBD. The system is a sort of dual registry and has two main functionalities that are interlinked - on one side for the people who are voluntary blood donors or wish to become such and help, and on the other - for everyone who needs blood. The system is extremely useful for finding blood donors on time. It is an innovative and very effective tool to at least partially fulfil the need for blood in Bulgaria and to help when the need is urgent. "Donate blood" can be used completely free through our mobile phone applications for iPhone and Android. Every user has constant access to important and useful information about blood donation, offered through the BOVBD website -, including the prerequisites and contradictions for donating blood, addresses and contact details for blood centres in the country, blood collection campaigns that are ongoing or upcoming, etc. Our ambition is to upgrade the applications with additional functionalities when we have enough funding. By focusing the public attention on the problems that arise from the lack of information on blood donation and its importance, from the insufficient number of voluntary blood donors and the risks of paid donors, we are working together to resolve them. The World Health Organization proclaims voluntary blood donation as the safest method for collecting the necessary quantities of blood and blood products needed in everyday healthcare. We hope and work for so that one day there will be enough voluntary blood donors and we, our kids, our parents and everyone who needs blood or could find himself in need of blood to be sure that there is enough safe blood that would help to save his life.