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The purpose of the Foundation is to raise public awareness by making distributions, granting other economic advantages or support individuals or organizations acting for the common good in the fields of environmental protection, science, culture and the arts. Distributions are to be made on case by case decisions and in a discretionary manner by the foundation board The foundation shall support organizations and projects which comply with its purposes as they are defined hereinabove. In particular, at present, such projects may refer specifically to the following activities: Cleaning-up and preservation of the oceans Protection of glaciers and polar zones Protection of endangered animal and plant species or species that are likely to be classified as endangered in the future Preservation of natural ecosystems, natural land, rivers and seas worldwide Promotion of sustainable development all around the globe Commitment to the development of renewable energy sources Spreading people's consciousness in regard to our planet's finite resources and their permanent destruction by man Other projects or missions may be added to the Foundation's activities anytime in the future. The Foundation shall be authorized to enter into all transactions for the purpose of and in accordance with its purpose. The charitable purpose of the Foundation is exclusive and irrevocable.

Fundacion Rafa Nadal

Our mission is based upon the belief that every child and youth should have access to equal opportunities now and in the future. Through our projects in Spain and India, we work alongside with them to make the most of their abilities, empowering them and fostering values such as self-improvement, respect and effort.

Associacao de Fomento ao Empreendedor Socio Cultural Educacional Sauva

Sauva is a non-profit association that works in networks, promoting sustainability, autonomy, projects and business circularity; it is motivated by the environment's regeneration in its entireness; by reducing social inequalities; by knowledge exchanges with Brazil's indigenous peoples and traditional cultures; by the practice of auto education and by the cocreation of other kinds of economic relations.

Green land Group

The program mission is well dedicating to the well community informed, community with free from poverty and community with green climate. The project which is named as the forest restoration and food production is the mission which is investing in poverty alleviation in the community and food production through restoration of both forest landscape and agricutural lands which belonging to the small holder farmers in the community of Lushoto district. Due to the presence of deference deforestation activities in the community of Lushoto district especially at the one among of forest reserve which is known as the Magamba forest reserve which is the reserve that has been degradated and received massive deforestation due to the presence of huge charcoal burning, presence of lumbering industry at the forest has resulted to the degradation of the Magamba forest reserve which more than 12 Hector's each year is loosing due to these activities. These has therefore affected the agricutural activities in the community of Lushoto district where by 25% of agriculture activities has been decreasing since 2017. The problem has seems to cause poverty and hunger due to the reductions of soil fertility and reductions of the land productivity at the farmers plots. Through this problem has caused hard difficult to more than 1000 woman's at the community of Lushoto district where by 55% of woman's at three villages are widows and adults who are suffering from this poverty and hunger which has been caused by these actions of soil degradation and deforestation of forest landscape and agricutural lands. Due to these problems the program has been invest the energy to remove this action such as: The project has decided to combat these activities through production of fruits tree and hard woods trees to the farmers especially more woman's who are widows and adults where we are going to produce more than 50000 native trees .The 30000 trees will be produced and planted to the Magamba forest reserve which has been degradated to restore it's biordevesty and allow proper soil strength. Also 20000 is going to be produced as fruits trees such as avocados fruits, apples, macadamia nuts, peaches, which is going to be supplied to the more than 1000 woman's at the Lushoto district community to increase the soil fertility of their agricutural land and to increase land productivity for the purpose of develop their agricutural harvesting and generate their income. Also this program is going to engage establishment of organic food gardens to the 500 disability woman's at their farms land such as spinach, carrots, tomatoes to increase the nutrition and to develop their economic situation due to the fact that the gardens are economic favorite to the community nutrition. Since the project is aiming to reduce poverty and allow the food production we are also going to develop irrigation system at the farmers land to those who we will develop the vegetables gardens to enable them access easy irrigation system through trapping of flowing water and collection of dams which are around the farmers plots. The project is also going to make sure that it's develop the mission through the training and awerness rising to the farmers where by farmers are going to be trained on: Well crop rotation Well crop diversity Well crop management Agroforestry development Water harvesting and animals husbandry Through this it will provide education and learning to the farmers who will turn there behavior and applied these well method of farming without destroy the natural resources. Also through this program the project is engaging the groups like youths, local schools,land owners. Through engagement of school students the project is going to engage more than 10 schools which will touch more than 500 students to train them on how to produce seedlings and how to maintain then. The project will opening different micro nursery trees in the 10 schools for more education and learning to increase the restoration knowledge to the students and their teachers where by 1000 trees are expected to be produced in each school for more Plantations at their school surrounding and some will be taken to their home for more agroforestry plantations. Also the program is going to use 4 workshop annually and opening 10 environment and food production clubs at school and frequently debates to increase the skills and scaling up the idea of forest landscape restoration and food production. The project is also using conference with land owners, government authorities and other stakeholders who we are discussing on how to cover the problem which is covering our community. Also this is dealing with discussion with land owners on how to practice sustainable use of land during their land consumption. Also water resources conservation is the project mission where by the project is generate and contribute to the 3 water resources which has been degradated and which are dependable by farmers for their plots irrigation and their vegetables irrigation through this fact the project through the partnership with global giving is going to conserve 7 water resources which has been degradated by different calamities including allowing of livestock passing and cutting down of the natives trees that surrounding the water resources . This will be through removing of invasive speceis and plastic materials and bags at the farmers water resources to develop the irrigation system to their agricutural plots and the whole community. Through the population engagement in this project activities such as tree planting, awarness and education provision will help to alleviate the poverty and develop the agricutural activities through empowerment of woman's in agroforestry empowerment.

Hacker Dojo

To promote and encourage technical, scientific and artistic skills and knowledge by providing a 24/7 open space for grass root developers and those looking to transition to technology to meet, discuss, teach, learn and create through individual projects, collaboration and education. Starting new pilot programs for the workforce and economic development.

Associacio Superaccio

Superaccio ('overcoming' in English) is a non-profit initiative that was born in Barcelona in early 2013 and is made up of professionals from a variety of fields, who are selflessly involved in enabling this project to be carried out. His mission is the improvement and personal development of young people at risk of social exclusion for their subsequent social and labour insertion. Specifically, the work and training of the triathlon serves as a vehicle for collaborating with young people who, for various reasons, have been abused by the 'system' or have not had the opportunity to learn or develop the tools needed to adapt to it. And it's much more than just the Triathlon! Through a broad and constant programme of physical, artistic and expressive activities, we can help to break stereotypes and for these young people to participate in, grow and adapt to different conditions and cultures. Superaccio has the sponsorship and collaboration of both public institutions and private entities. Thanks to their support it is possible to make this project become reality. Currently, Superaccio is extending its scope at a national and international level, with active programs in Tenerife and Tunisia. Look at the success achieved in spreading the Superaccio values to people who are the target of our activity. This is what motivates us to push the project forward every day!

Impact Stories
Humanity and Community Development Foundation

HUMANITY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION is a non-governmental, non-profit organization advocating for humanity and community development by initiating ideas, programs and projects that aimed at providing solutions to the critical areas of sustainable development that include access to clean water, good health, quality education, peace and ensuring accountability and social justice.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is an adaptable and flexible, non-bureaucratic organisation responding promptly to conservation threats by supporting trusted, reputable individuals and organisations operating in the field. Lean on administration but generous on funding, the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation supports a range of innovative, vital and far-reaching projects throughout Africa and Asia, achieving real results for wildlife survival by: - sending undercover agents into the field to investigate illegal wildlife crime, training and supplying anti-poaching patrols - establishing nature reserves and other protected areas - working with governments to establish conservation laws and regulations - educating wildlife consumers about the plight of the animals they 'use' - teaching young people about endangered wildlife through art and school projects

GLK Student Fund (Gayle Lyn Kliever Student Fund)

The goal of the Gayle Lyn Kliever Student Fund is to raise and distribute scholarships directly to worthy Tanzanian students. Scholarship help will be given to those students with ability, motivation and potential. Recipients may be of any age. Priority is given to those with little or no family presence. The fund will also support worthwhile educational projects in Tanzania.

The African SOUP, Inc.

The African SOUP's Vision is to transform the lives of Ugandan youth through education system reform. The African SOUP leads a national education reform effort through Active Learning and provides educational opportunities to vulnerable children in rural eastern Uganda. The African SOUP School utilizes the following strategies to fulfill our vision: The African SOUP Model School Secondary Enrichment Program The Active Learning Project Baby SOUP SOUP Model School Mission: To educate, nurture, and inspire scholars to unleash their potential and that of their community. Vision: The African SOUP School will become the premier active learning model school in Uganda Active Learning Project Mission: To improve the quality of primary education across Uganda through the implementation of active learning. Vision: The African SOUP's Active Learning Project will bring active learning into every primary classroom and teacher training college in Uganda. Secondary Enrichment Program Mission: To provide secondary scholarship support, mentorship and leadership training to African SOUP School Alumni so that they develop the skills needed to meet their potential and transform their community. Vision: The African SOUP's Secondary Enrichment Program will produce leaders who will transform their community. Baby SOUP Mission: To serve vulnerable children and pregnant mothers by providing health education, growth monitoring, and nutritional supplements to ensure holistic child development. Vision: The African SOUP Emma's Baby SOUP Program envisions a future where every child has the ability to survive and thrive in Namutumba District. Sustainability Mission: To cover all organizational operating costs through local, income-generating projects. Vision: The African SOUP will become a financially independent and secure Ugandan NGO.

Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network

The Mission of Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network is to: ANALYZE the present data showing our region’s challenges and opportunities; CONVENE Silicon Valley’s leaders across multiple sectors, and provide a framework for collaboration and decision-making; and LEAD projects and initiatives that deliver measurable results and advance that long-term health and vitality of Silicon Valley.

Corporacion Juntos Construyendo Futuro

The mission of Juntos Construyendo Futuro (Building Future Together) is to promote the communities social development, through the design, management, implementation and evaluation of social programs and projects, especially with children and young people. With these actions, the organization promotes: Leaders with a strong feeling of equity and respect for the others; Communities engaged with their own development, and Contributions to the peace building.