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Near East Foundation (NEF)

Founded in 1915, the Near East Foundation's mission is to help build more sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive communities in the Middle East and Africa through education, governance, and economic development initiatives. NEF is an operational NGO with projects in seven countries-Armenia, Sudan, Senegal, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Palestinian Territories and Egypt-where we work to directly improve the lives of tens of thousands of vulnerable people through programs in peacebuilding, civic engagement, education, sustainable agriculture, and business development. In the field, approximately 50 NEF staff members-all of them from the countries in which they work-partner with local organizations to find homegrown solutions to the development problems of communities throughout the region.

Center for Health & Learning

Our Vision: To serve as the nation's catalyst, inspiring optimal health for all. Our Mission: To build a foundation for healthy communities, through educational resources, professional development and practice improvement, research, policy development, evaluation, and consult. Our Guiding Principles: *Equity and Access *Evidence and Outcomes-based Practice *Innovation *Collaboration *Community-oriented Our Goals & Activities In our endeavor to achieve systemic and sustainable change through education, policy and environmental strategies, we: *Offer regional trainings and technical assistance through grant funding from federal, state and private agencies *Provide site-based trainings and technical assistance on request from school districts and community organizations *Develop online programs, student learning modules and curricula *Assist with professional licensure, CEU and graduate-level credit *Create strategic partnerships with other non-profit organizations and school systems CHL is an outgrowth of an initiative by the Center for Disease Control's Division of Adolescent and School Health to build local capacity for school and community health promotion through training centers that foster and deliver high-quality professional development and practice improvement initiatives. We have substantial experience designing and delivering projects, conferences and professional development opportunities. From instruction and technical assistance to research and report writing, curricula creation and evaluation resources, CHL has served over 20,000 professionals and community members, delivered services for more than 100 projects and developed and promoted numerous local and statewide comprehensive and coordinated strategic health initiatives. CHL has the following current programs and projects: 1. Suicide Prevention- * CHL supports state-wide suicide prevention efforts through the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center, a public/private partnership which seeks to foster a sustainable approach to suicide prevention in Vermont. *CHL manages the VT Suicide Prevention Coalition consisting of representatives from public health, education, state agencies, advocacy groups, youth, mental health services, and survivors. *CHL manages, develops and oversees state-wide suicide prevention trainings including Gatekeeper Training, a Zero Suicide Practice Institute and the Collaborative Assessment for the Management of Suicidality (CAMS) trainings; *CHL coordinates the VT Gun Shop Project in collaboration with the VT Department of Mental Health. *CHL implements the Zero Suicide approach in Vermont and coordinates Zero Suicide Pilot Projects. *CHL and the VT Suicide Prevention Center coordinate the annual Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium, a cross-agency statewide event that brings together professionals across all sectors for a day of learning from national experts on critical topics and skills in suicide prevention, treatment, and recovery. 2. Prevention Training and Workforce Development - CHL coordinates and implements Substance Abuse Disorder prevention trainings and workforce development activities for the Vermont Department of Health/Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs for Regional Prevention Partnership professional staff. 3. Annual Symposia and Conferences: In addition to the Suicide Prevention Symposium, our cornerstone event, CHL assists with the coordination of annual Symposia and Conferences for various partners including the following events: o 4th Annual College Symposium on Substance Use o Community Solutions to the Opiate Issues Facing Vermonters for the VT Department of Health o Substance Abuse Workforce Development Conference for the VT Department of Health. 4. CHL Proprietary and Fee for Service: CHL has several proprietary programs developed and implemented by the organization: *Umatter Suicide Prevention for Schools and Umatter for Staff and Family Awareness -CHL developed this best practice training for school and community settings. *Umatter for Youth and Young Adults Mental Health Wellness Promotion and Community Action--CHL is moving the focus on mental health "upstream" from intervention and crisis to promotion and prevention (self-care, coping and communication skills, etc.). *Community / School District Trainings--CHL provides professional development, technical assistance and support for the implementation of coordinated approaches to school health, and conducts training on mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol, tobacco, sexual health and other critical health topics. *Family Engagement- CHL is building an initiative to promote effective practices for Family Engagement - an emerging interest across sectors

Africa Schoolhouse

Africa Schoolhouse (ASH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing quality education, medical care, job training and clean water to rural villages in Northern Tanzania. In order to achieve these goals, ASH works in partnership with communities and the local government to build desperately needed schools, deep wells and medical clinics, creating an environment that enables residents to live full, productive and healthy lives. ASH was founded in 2006 after village elders from Ntyula, Tanzania approached founder Dr. Aimee Bessire with the idea of building a school for their children and a medical clinic for the entire community. Dr. Bessire, who has a decades long relationship with the people of Ntulya, was determined to take action. Within six months, the Africa Schoolhouse board was assembled. ASH broke ground on its first project, the Ntulya Primary School and campus, in July 2008 and completed construction in 2010. President of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, personally inaugurated the new school and declared it a model for all rural schools in the country. The villagers talked about how proud they were that the President came to visit the school they had helped to build. Following the request of the Ntulya elders, the organization completed a modern medical clinic the following year, which now serves approximately 4,500 people. ASH continued working with local communities in the region to identify need and completed the renovation of Mwaniko Secondary School and Shilanona Primary School in 2012 and 2014. Improvements at these locations included building a bio-chemistry lab and the installation of the first solar-powered computer lab in Misungwi District. ASH also trained a local work-force to help with the construction and continued maintenance of these projects. ASH's newest project is to construct an all-girls boarding school-the first in Misungwi District. This exemplary school will provide space for 360 girls in Forms 1-4, with the possibility to expand the campus and add another 80 girls in Forms 5-6 as needed in later years. Currently only 1% of Tanzanian girls complete secondary school education. They face a wide range of obstacles to their education, including everything from families who privilege the education of sons over daughters, to girls being married off at young ages, and unsafe journeys to school. One of the largest issues faced by girls is finding a safe place to live while pursuing their education. In this rural area, many girls travel long distances to reach school. Safe passage to and from school is a critical issue. We want to provide a safe living situation for young women to delight in their education. ASH is partnering with Misungwi District to build a much-needed safe haven for girls, empowering them through education to grow into strong, healthy women. In addition to a standard academic curriculum, the school will also promote leadership, entrepreneurship, social justice and care for the environment. The school will create an essential safe space where young women can successfully complete their studies and grow into empowered, independent adults. As with our other projects ASH is collaborating with the local communities, school committee, and Tanzanian government. We are building this school at the request of the local community, who identified this as their greatest need. The school will be staffed and run by the District once completed. The District has selected Florencia Ndabashe to be the school's head teacher. Ndabashe currently leads a co-ed secondary school in Misungwi and brings great energy to her work. She will be a strong leader for the girls school, inspiring her fellow teachers and serving as an excellent role model for young women.

Kids Club Kampala

Kids Club Kampala (KCK) is a children's charity working to bring hope and love to vulnerable children and to transform poor communities in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. Founded in 2009, Kids Club Kampala was set up to overcome the lack of hope and self-esteem of children living in situations of extreme poverty, and works to empower children, women and whole communities to bring about sustainable changes through different development projects and supporting their basic needs. The vision is to see lives transformed, children and communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout the areas that we work in and further afield. Kids Club Kampala works with some of the most vulnerable and poor communities in the urban slums in and surrounding Kampala, Uganda, reaching over 4000 children and their families every week. We currently provide 250,000 meals each year for malnourished children, access to education for 700 children, sustainable income generation projects for 250 women, and children's activities and social support for up to 4000 children across 18 disadvantaged communities in Uganda. The objectives of Kids Club Kampala are: The prevention and/or relief of poverty in the slums of Kampala, Uganda through providing education, training, recreational activities and income generation projects To bring hope and love to vulnerable children To transform poor communities in Uganda To advance in life and relieve the needs of young people providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. To be community led and community driven To uphold the rights of the child Kampala's slums are notorious for drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime, poor sanitation and abject poverty. Many families often survive on just one meal per day and cannot afford to send their children to school. Out-of-school children are left unsupervised during the day whilst their parents try to make a living, and without a daily purpose or safe space to go these children become even more at risk. Many of the children that Kids Club Kampala work with have been abused, neglected, orphaned, street workers or simply abandoned. Kids Club Kampala has a proven track record of having a large impact in the communities that we work in. We are making a big difference by bringing hope and love into the lives of many vulnerable children in Kampala, and through changing the situations in which they live. The vision of Kids Club Kampala is to see lives transformed, children and communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout the areas we work in and further afield, and we are passionate about empowering these children and communities, letting them know they are loved and are worth something, and helping them to overcome their situations and poverty.

Humanitarno drustvo ADRA Slovenija

VALUES Because we believe that every human has the right to life with dignity. Through trustworthy and effective work we care for the forgotten and most voulnerable. VISION ADRA Slovenia returns people's dignity through transparent and professional cooperation. We are achieving measurable and lasting changes in society through the implementation of projects in the fields of education, health, social inclusion, development/humanitarian aid and crisis response. Positive changes are permanent, both in the individual and in the whole country. MISSION ADRA Slovenia works with people living in hardships, poverty, and unfavourable conditions. Action is focused on creating positive and fair change for all. This can be achieved through responsible actions and partnerships. Partnerships are created between national ADRA organizations as well as with other organizations in the private, non-governmental and public sector with similar and consistent principles.

Bigkid Foundation

BIGKID Foundation is a multi-award-winning youth and community charity established in 2008; our mission is to end social exclusion and youth violence. We work with over 2,000 young people annually and are experts in youth engagement. We equip young people to take control of their lives, find, develop and act on their own potential. We do this through three core programmes: delivered across seven London boroughs: Community engagement - sports sessions including football, American flag football, boxing, basketball and tennis; youth club, music, visual arts and social action projects. Mentoring - both peer mentoring and with adult mentors. Breaking Barriers - our in-school leadership programme for young people at risk of exclusion, or otherwise vulnerable due to concerns around mental health or well-being.

Detroit Food & Entrepreneurship Academy

Detroit Food Academy is a non-profit youth leadership program that works with local educators, chefs, and business owners to inspire young Detroiters (ages 13-24) through self-directed entrepreneurial experiences rooted in food--experiences, which open doors, create connections, and cultivate confidence. From cooking delicious healthy meals for friends and family to facilitating complex conversations with community to developing artisan food projects from scratch to market, students learn by transforming their ideas into reality.Through this process, they grow as holistic leaders who are healthy, connected, and powerful to affect change within and beyond the local food system. Students graduate our program as entrepreneurial thinkers confident in their own power, conscious of the food system, familiar with business principles, and connected to networks of mentorship and support.

Fundacion Via Cocina

Fundacion Via Cocina is a community based project focused on improving the health and economic development of vulnerable women, youth and underprivileged in Medellin Colombia. With a personalized training and mentoring system sharing healthy food recipes, cooking techniques and applied financial planning and entrepreneurial small business fundamentals, we build a program for individuals and families based on their current reality, applying the training to objectives created with them, for them, in their own home. Additionally, we provide classes to individuals and groups who want to learn to cook healthy dishes with local ingredients for their families, transforming them into uncommon flavors that are low in fat, oil, salt and sugar-free. These activities look to decrease frequency and severity of non-communicable diseases in the communities, including obesity, diabetes and cholesterol.

Real School Goris Foundation

Real School in Goris is founded to create an informal education in Goris which will give the students the opportunity to get both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, which will be enough to enter the job market easier. Our main goal is to create a techno-park based on that educational platform. To reach this goal, we took the Real School concept and programs and we are implementing the school in Goris as a separate institution. The main mission is like the Real School mission, which can be found below: The REAL SCHOOL is providing its graduates with knowledge (theoretical and practical) and skills (professional, personal and social) to succeed in high-tech innovative industry. REAL SCHOOL is a four year collage level program that combines liberal arts in-class education and vocational off-site trainings in R&D organizations, resulting in a level of knowledge comparable to today's Bachelor level graduates of Armenian universities combined with practical skills and CV of a 1-year junior developer in modern IT/High-tech company. The main difference from classical Bachelors program is targeting professional career in the industry, rather than academic career. However it doesn't mean that the applicants are low-level technicians. Modern high-tech industry requires everyday effort in self-education (lifelong learning) due to constantly changing technologies, innovation, new fields, spheres, opportunities. The modern life is not divided into "learn" and "work" segments anymore, but is combining the work & learning process till the last day of the professional career. As a consequence, the classical approach to education (learn only) and to professional career (work only) is failing in XXI century. Our vision of XXI century high-tech organization is a combination of Research, Production and Education formats. An organization that lacks any one of these 3 components, will loose in competition to those who are doing their own innovation, that is close to their own production, and are educating their own staff by maintaining the internship logistics. Our mission is to implement such program in partnership with IT organizations in neighborhood of each RealSchool site. It includes expansion to rural areas of developing countries, helping local industry to upgrade to meet the challenges of innovative high-tech economy. The liberal arts program is following classical approach to education of a "free citizen" of a republic, i.e. provide understanding of the structure of the world, universe, civilization, economy, which is sufficient for the person to discover their mission for their life or at least for the next 7-12 years, and to develop their skills and knowledge towards fulfillment of that mission. The liberal arts program itself is built in a project-based approach. The projects used in this section of the curriculum are also real-life projects, i.e. they are not invented by professors for educational purposes but are chosen from the infrastructure projects and issues faced by the region/country/world. Examples of such projects for I and II grade students include: 1) Forest recovery, in cooperation with the Armenian Forestry Committee. Green industry projects. Reuse of materials. Effective ovens development. Effective usage of forests/wood in the industry and household. Biodegradable materials development and use in the small scale high-end production. 2) Study of ancient Armenian literature, classical Armenian language, terminology, in cooperation with prominent researchers in the field. Creation of fonts, spell-checkers, translators for modern dialects (western/eastern) of Armenian and classical Armenian. Localization of the GNU SW (Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, Xfce4, Gimp, Inkscape, etc). 3) Study of ancient musical notation systems and body movement (dance) notation systems, development of SW for musical and ethnographic studies, in cooperation with researches from Armenian Conservatory, institute of Komitas and Armenian song and dance academy. 4) Study of environmental health control and monitoring, development of measurement kits for air, water, soil and ether (electromagnetic) pollution, performance of the measurements and publication/awareness promotion projects 5) Study of information management systems, information security challenges, development of national standards for information age, upgrade of national institutions, ministries to reduce paperwork and use modern IT solutions 6) Study of macroeconomic and microeconomic field, legislation. Development of promotion programs and lobbying for making legislation more friendly towards innovation, startup, family-business and small/medium enterprises. 7) Study of pedagogical and epistemological issues in high-tech post-modern reality, development of extracurricular and curricular studies for middle-school and high-school students. Support and further development of Armath curriculum, in cooperation with original authors of Armath curicula. Augmenting Armath with radio-frequency, electronics, mechatronics and biochemical kits. In the fields of pedagogy and epistemology - the mission is to reconsider foundations of personal training, establishment, attachment and feeling of heartbeat of the civilization, world, universe for a modern human being. From our perspective the history of the epistemology and thought is split into segments of before XIV century (primarily descriptive science), followed by the birth of analytical methods and decomposition, until hitting the ground (subatom, genome, lexical elements) in the mid XX century, and starting the third phase - the age of synthetic science (syntetic materials, synthetic life forms, synthetic languages). At the same time this switch from analytical to synthetical coincided with demographic supernova burst: for ages the population on earth was < 1B, and in XX it jumped to 7B and continues growing. As in the case of supernova - and in general - any bifurcation point - it is hard to predict what will be the next state: the dwarf, black hole, or new star. It is easier to choose desired outcome and invest resources in achieving that outcome, rather than investing in analytical efforts to predict the outcome. Fundamental reconsideration of human beings attitude towards self, towards their planet, their civilization and the universe is due to protect new generation from storm of information they are facing from their birth time, and give them instruments to categorize, prioritize and filter that information, in order to extract the core values, build goals and obtain attachment to life that was "given" in in the past to a person by the life style, and now has became a major problem for new generation, which has hard time finding challenges outside the virtual world of social networks and network games. Parents cannot solve this problem alone. The system needs to be built by the state to help them. Our goal is to provide B2G consulting and active participation in building the new formats and curricula for different age groups. Our consortium has created the Armath program under this mission, is building the Real School program, and has started building the Academic Research Hub for the academic (fundamental research) field as well. Among these, the RealSchool in mid-term has the highest impact on our future.

Made Media Group

Made Media Group's mission is to inform, empower and transform African American communities through media & tech to eliminate economic disparities through neighborhood initiatives.&nbsp; 1.Literacy program: Texas Black Literacy Project which cultivates literacy & celebrates literature.Our programs include 2. Soul of Austin Culture fest: Creative space for Texas based artist, performers, musicians to share their talents with a multicultural audience. The goal is to employ as many minority artists as possible. 3. Narrow the Gap Initiative- Economic education: Teaching black & women owned businesses how to start and build small or nonprofit businesses, to help with job creation to create economic equity 4. Media & Tech training: Camps and programs to teach minorities and females how to seek careers in media and technology.

German-Colombian Chamber of Commerce - AHK Colombia

The German-Colombian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Colombia) is projected as a large multidisciplinary network that connects Colombia and Germany, creating links and bilateral opportunities for business strengthening, sustainable development and knowledge transfer. Supporting SMEs from different fronts in the optimization and continuous improvement of their processes for the fulfillment of business objectives, strengthening the links of binational relations, framed in strategic pillars of sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and continuous training. AHK Colombia works so that the actors of its ecosystem meet their objectives. That is why we generate quality solutions oriented to the needs of the market, in order to be the best option for sustainable progress. The AHK Colombia is also focused on sustainable development; promoting equal access to economic opportunities for those who need them most. We particularly prioritize women, young adults, and migrants according to the German government's priorities in the framework of the cooperation with Colombia.

Foundation Orient Occident

Founded in 1994, the Fondation Orient-Occident's primary vocation is to be a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean. The vision of the Fondation Orient Occident is to work for the sustainable and responsible development of populations in precarious situations through education, professional training, culture and integration into the world of work. It focuses its action on two major areas of development: Territorial development (Education and citizenship, Vocational training, Solidarity economy, Entrepreneurship) Migration and interculturality (Intercultural dialogue, South-South migration, North-South Migration..) FOO's mission is to support the development of communities through transculturality (recognition and valorisation of all cultures) and social integration. For many years, the Fondation Orient Occident has been developing projects to support Moroccans and the most vulnerable migrants throughout Morocco. The Fondation Orient Occident currently has teams in 6 offices active in the cities of Rabat, Casablanca, Fez, Oujda, Tangier and Marrakech.