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Foundation Orient Occident

Founded in 1994, the Fondation Orient-Occident's primary vocation is to be a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean. The vision of the Fondation Orient Occident is to work for the sustainable and responsible development of populations in precarious situations through education, professional training, culture and integration into the world of work. It focuses its action on two major areas of development: Territorial development (Education and citizenship, Vocational training, Solidarity economy, Entrepreneurship) Migration and interculturality (Intercultural dialogue, South-South migration, North-South Migration..) FOO's mission is to support the development of communities through transculturality (recognition and valorisation of all cultures) and social integration. For many years, the Fondation Orient Occident has been developing projects to support Moroccans and the most vulnerable migrants throughout Morocco. The Fondation Orient Occident currently has teams in 6 offices active in the cities of Rabat, Casablanca, Fez, Oujda, Tangier and Marrakech.

Made Media Group

Made Media Group's mission is to inform, empower and transform African American communities through media & tech to eliminate economic disparities through neighborhood initiatives.  1.Literacy program: Texas Black Literacy Project which cultivates literacy & celebrates literature.Our programs include 2. Soul of Austin Culture fest: Creative space for Texas based artist, performers, musicians to share their talents with a multicultural audience. The goal is to employ as many minority artists as possible. 3. Narrow the Gap Initiative- Economic education: Teaching black & women owned businesses how to start and build small or nonprofit businesses, to help with job creation to create economic equity 4. Media & Tech training: Camps and programs to teach minorities and females how to seek careers in media and technology.


Teen-Turn addresses the numbers of third level qualifications, particularly those related to STEM, attained by women from disadvantaged and underrepresented communities. Teen-Turn achieves this by providing--from when participants are teenagers--ongoing hands-on experiences, exposure to consistent, invested role model mentors and long-term support through alumnae career development opportunities. ***** Teen-Turn aims to influence course decision-making processes, inform participants on education and career options, and combat stereotypes by strategically changing how girls from disadvantaged and underrepresented communities identify with STEM career environments through mentored summer work placements, after school activities and alumnae opportunities. Programming begins with a work placement in the summer after Junior Cert, during which participants are exposed to projects, introduced to role models and begin to blog about their time so that we can evaluate the effect of the experiences. From there, the girls have the option to join after school activities which include science projects for BTYSE/SciFest, the creation of a social enterprise and app development for Technovation, homework/grinds clubs, or related events like learning camps and incubators with company partners. Once participants have completed secondary school, they enter into our alumnae network--which offers numerous events to meet with fellow Teen-Turn participants, mentors who are women working in STEM roles, and career advisors all there to help with qualification completion and to build a professional network. What we do is empower our participants-to identify a STEM interest, to be supported in the pursuit of mastering skills and gaining qualifications related to that interest, and then provided the connections and social capital and ongoing reinforcement to develop a STEM career from that interest. We call it our 'Junior Cert to Job' commitment. ***** Our proposition is that more girls acquiring in-demand STEM skills will result in more women employed in STEM careers, addressing skills shortage, gender ratio and social inclusion challenges. This is done by initially introducing STEM careers through work experience, followed by after school STEM activities including science projects and app development, then bolstered by STEM club involvement and ongoing STEM learning, exam support, discussion and debate events and career workshops. NOTE: All activities, other than work placements, were successfully brought online during COVID-19 restrictions and can again if the need arises. Core Project Elements Summer Work Experience: girls in the summer after Junior Cert (aged 15) are introduced to STEM career environments at companies located near their homes; during this experience they are introduced to female role models, work on an actual project, learn to visualize themselves in a STEM workplace, and gain an understanding of the companies flourishing in their neighborhood thereby crossing what is often a corporate/community divide. After School Activities: (1) Project Squad, 13 weeks in autumn, participants learn about the scientific method, research methodology, experimentation, data collection, results reporting and visual presentations while mentored on projects of their own design by industry and academic women-in-STEM; (2) Technovation, 13 weeks in spring, participants learn how to build a business plan and develop a mobile app that addresses a community problem, including design thinking, scrum/lean methodology, market research, pitch and demo presentations, and computer programming principles such as loops, conditionals, variables, and databases again while mentored on projects of their own design by industry and academic women-in-STEM. Clubs: (1) Grinds, year round, senior cycle and exam support is provided on a fortnightly basis by university students imparting techniques for studying and improving habits and following NCCA curriculum materials; (2) Groundwork, year round, participants engage in ongoing person centered planning activities through monthly sessions conducted online by trained mentors who work with beneficiaries to develop plans that establish individual goals and what is needed in terms of support to achieve them with additional quarterly personal development workshops-this activity is particularly effective with those from our cohort who have disabilities. Term Break Camps (1) Incubators, during autumn and winter mid-term breaks, teams from our afterschool who produce work that could go into production/to market or, at the very least, be developed into a minimal viable product learn about and work on a strategy for commercializing their inventions or apps; (2) Devising Week, during Easter break, 'devising' for participants means to plan or invent for a four day period when learning skills, mentoring and career experience are combined to deliver instruction in using technologies to problem solve in ways that are relevant to and currently being done in industry. Alumnae Opportunities: girls who have completed secondary school can participate in offerings that are designed to be social and enable the building of support and professional networks including debate and discussion events, scholarship information and application workshops, CV, job hunt and interview training, study habits bootcamps, and "give-back" mentoring days. Teen-Turn works with school representatives, including school completion officers and guidance counselors, to identify girls with promise who lack the confidence or are challenged by home circumstances, learning difficulties, or other obstacles (including ASD) that prevent them from performing in school as well as they potentially can. Conscious that these at-risk girls have high attrition and low post-secondary education progression rates, our approach is both immersive and followed up with reinforcement along what we call the 'Junior Cert to Job' route. An important component to this intervention is that each girl interacts regularly with women-in-STEM mentors as learning in the presence of female role models has been shown to impact girls' self-image and confidence, encouraging them to see themselves in new ways and stimulate new interests. We also provide recurring skill training and personal development opportunities. ***** Teen-Turn seeks impact over impression, distinguishing itself by committing to support participants through multiple stages--secondary school, third level, and career--to combat the high drop-out rate which affects our beneficiary group. Teen-Turn focuses on long-term results through its 'Junior Cert to job' support system. We are on track to increase the number of disadvantaged girls entering third level/acquiring jobs by 1,000 by 2021 and expect to continue at a rate of at least 300 per year. Within five years we will have provided a significant number of disadvantaged girls in Ireland the social capital and skills experience necessary to acquire STEM qualifications and career opportunities. The impact is this development of a local talent pool of skilled women who can thrive in a STEM career environment from whom companies can hire. Resultant, too, is the knock on effect of their presence as role models to girls from their own communities. Our Theory of Change envisages this impact as reaching even further than broadening inclusion in STEM. In addition to the likelihood of participants finding meaningful employment in STEM, changing their own and possibly their families' standard of living, there are other possibilities. Because of the enterprise programming to which the participants are exposed and the frequent feedback reiterating an interest in starting a business, some Teen-Turn beneficiaries will start their own companies, becoming employers themselves. The qualifications attained combined with the professional network developed should position these individuals to succeed. Also, as a factor of a skills shortage is staff turnover, employee retention will be improved by there being a talent pool from which to draw who has ties to the neighboring communities. Lastly, studies indicate that when those from disadvantage are empowered to become active citizens, they also become powerful self advocates. It is our expectation that future policy makers and community lobbyists will emerge from our cohort, already evident on a few of the girls' blogs.

Venerable Sydney Children's Wellness Center

Personal passion and a start-up charity setting up a children's hospital in Africa. The Well Being of Our Future Matters! It is a non-profit making charity - all monies are going towards this project to help establish this children's' hospital and provide care to the local indigents. Our plan is to Kick off and deliver a '2018 Children's Wellness Event' where we will provide yearly health checks to orphanages and school children in the vicinity of the planned hospital. At the Yearly event we aim to provide the following: Children specialist care for 'cleft lip and palate' General wellness routine check for all attending children All children's details will be stored in a secured 'Medical Record System' design with identification features like bio-metrics and current photos 'Your Health is in Your Hands' training sessions. This includes: o First Aid and CPR training for parents and orphanage care workers o Nutrition talks and materials

CARPE DIEM Organization for the Promotion and Development of Creative and Social Skills of Children,

Carpe Diem was established with the aim of improving the quality of life, contributing to the general well-being of the community and stimulating and developing the creative and social potential of children, youth and adults. Through active community roles, we encourage positive social changes using common values such as teamwork, professionalism and equal opportunities. Areas of activity of the Organization in accordance with the objectives are democratic political culture, human rights, international cooperation, culture and art, education, science and research, social activities, technical education, health protection and social entrepreneurship. Carpe Diem builds a sustainable society through non-formal education, strengthening of human resources, development of community capacity, fostering tolerance and justice. The values of our organization are teamwork, togetherness and networking; expertise, responsibility and efficiency in work; social inclusion; active citizenship; partnership and cooperation; lifelong learning; innovation and sustainability. Our vision is an active and responsible society with equal opportunities. Our mission is Carpe Diem builds a sustainable society through non-formal education, strengthening of human resources, development of community capacity by nurturing tolerance and justice. Carpe Diem has become an important organization in the social, cultural and civic life of Karlovac to this day. The primary target group is young people, but its programs and projects often include all age and social groups. It has a well-developed organizational structure, competent people who are members of various national councils and committees for social development, and enjoys the reputation of one of the key organizations for improving the quality of life in Karlovac County. Carpe Diem mostly works with young people, covering all areas of young people's lives in order to contribute to the development of better living conditions for young people in Karlovac County. Since its foundation in 2005, the Carpe Diem association has implemented over 110 projects, programs and initiatives, initiated numerous changes in the city. What we consider our greatest success are active young people who have found themselves and meaning in life, who have been organizing various events in Karlovac in recent years. One of the most important projects run by Carpe Diem is the Youth Center in Grabrik since 2008, which has become an example of good practice in Croatia, but also in Europe, through which we inform, educate and empower young people for active participation in society and strengthen their competences for life. Since 2021, the Carpe Diem association has also run a social and cultural center called Prostor(i)ja and is located in the city center of Karlovac. One of the most important areas of the association's activities is the development of volunteerism, and annually, in our activities, about 60 volunteers participate. Also, since 2014, in the Carpe Diem association, every year we host 3 foreign volunteers who come for a year through the program of the European Solidarity Corps. Carpe Diem is a member of national networks in the field of youth information, volunteerism development, civic education and, at the local level, networks for the development of independent culture.

Tana River Life Foundation

Tana River Life Foundation (TRLF) is a charitable organization based in Idsowe Village in the Tana Delta in Kenya. It was founded as a private trust in 2005 by Gabriel Teo Kian Chong, a Malaysian citizen resident in Kenya. TRLF was registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the Kenya NGOs Coordination Board in 2007. Tana River Life Foundation's mission is to assist individuals and thereby entire rural communities, especially the marginalized and economically disadvantaged, become self-reliant in dignity. Tana River Life Foundation's vision is to build a more just and honest society, leading to more complete humanity for all. Through education support schemes, sustainable agricultural projects, community-based entrepreneurship schemes, and youth integral formation programmes, TRLF seeks to nurture the inherent talents and potentials of people such that they have the freedom and ability to build lives of dignity for themselves, their dependents, and their larger communities. By connecting people from economically developed and developing societies, TRLF also seeks to give more meaning and depth to each life that it encounters.

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Puerto Rico Inc.

As a museum, MACPR upholds the highest standards of Collections Stewardship, Education and Interpretation, and Service to Underserved Communities. Exhibitions The Museum's exhibitions and publications program (primarily researched and designed in-house) hosts distinguished artists and important collective and anthological projects. Education MAC serves audiences of all ages through: the Museum/ School (pre -K through 12); Young Leaders: Artists in Action for the Community (young people 13 -16 years old); Independent Studies Program (for university/college students and professional artists); and Workshops for Seniors. The MAC also provides tailored services for people with autism and learning disability. MAC in the Barrio: From Santurce to Puerto Rico This extra mural program has residence in 23 low-income communities in San Juan, Guaynabo, Catano and Loiza, combining work by the Museum, artists, educators, urban community planners and residents aimed at empowering the communities and their causes, through art com missions that facilitate connections with community organizations, private business, and government development authorities.

Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardi

The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.

Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro

Mission To win children away from a life of war and delinquency, with love, through education and the holistic development of their academic, personal, and social abilities, empowering them to construct and achieve their own life projects. Vision That the children of Ciudad Bolivar will be capable of breaking their cycle of poverty and become the kind of persons that they desire to be. Values - Love and respect for oneself and for others - Always put oneself in the place of the other - Pursue excellence - Seek justice About Pintando Caminos Who We Are Pintando Caminos Asociacion para Recrear el Futuro (Pintando Caminos Association to Recreate the Future) is a registered non-profit that, for more than 12 years, has provided spaces and opportunities to improve the lives of boys and girls who live in the oppressed and impoverished neighborhood of Potosi, in Ciudad Bolivar (Bogota, Colombia). We desire to break the cycle of poverty in Colombia ad to provide the children and young adults with all the necessary tools for them to succeed in life in a dignified way, and to help the youth become complete and integrated persons, with values that make it possible for us to build a better country in the future.

Childline Kenya

Childline Kenya's mission is to promote children's rights and enhance child protection in Kenya by delivering quality services through harnessing the power of ICT innovations. The organisation was established in 2004 with a remit to provide a 24-hour toll-free helpline for counselling and referral services to children, young persons and their families. We have since added chat and email counselling to our services and have developed a broad portfolio of outreach and educational projects. By offering a communication channel to children in distress, Childline Kenya aspires to become an organisation that not only extends support and sanctuary to victims of abuse, but one that adds weight to the message that crimes against children will not go unchallenged. To this end, we work with a network of members and partners from across the child welfare and children's rights community to offer the full spectrum of support and advice. Our vision is a society where every child is heard and children's rights and dignity are upheld at all times. The work of Childline Kenya is based on our core values of commitment, courage of conviction, integrity, competence, reliability and action.

Bioteka - udruga za promicanje biologije i srodnih znanosti

Bioteka' s mission is to effectively connect science and society. As of 2010, when our civil society organization has been formed, we are dedicated to educating and raising public awareness on the importance of scientific discoveries and results, STEM, nature/environmental protection, sustainable development, public health, and related areas. We specialize in bringing scientific language, methods, and facts to the wider public. Our work includes educational (workshops, educational camps etc.), popular science (content creation, article writing, public outreach), volunteering and research activities, as well as initiatives for raising the public's awareness of topics in the field of natural sciences, nature and environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development. Bioteka continually promotes critical thought, science, modern teaching methods, active citizenship, sustainable development, and implementation of nature-based solutions. We cooperate with scientists, educational institutions, the private sector, and the public and have so far successfully carried out more than 75 projects of local, national, and international character and importance.

Idjwi Island Education Fund

The Idjwi Island Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of providing a better school for children in the village of Buhumba on Idjwi Island in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Idjwi Island, located in Lake Kivu on the eastern border of the DRC, has seen a dramatic increase in its population in recent years, much of which is the result of refugees fleeing violence in Rwanda and the DRC. A substantial number of these new residents are children, including many orphans. Approximately 400 children attend the existing primary school. This makeshift school is overcrowded, has a leaky roof, and does not provide desks or even books for the students. In 2009, Them Nyamunongo, who grew up on Idjwi and now works in Washington, D.C., returned to visit family on the island. During his stay, he gave gifts to children that he met in Buhumba. As he spent time with the children, he learned about the extremely poor conditions at the school, including how it has become overcrowded due to the increase in refugees and orphans. The children told him that their true wish was for a school with a roof so that they were not sent home every time that it rained. When Them returned to Washington, D.C., he and his wife, Safi, approached a friend who is a director at a local preschool. From this meeting in late 2009, the Idjwi Island Education Fund was formed. In just over eighteen months, the Idjwi Island Education Fund has obtained property in Buhumba for the new school (which was donated by Them's family), met with and conducted a needs assessment with the director of the existing school, and provided some interim support for the facilities at the existing school. The Fund has recruited a board of directors that includes professionals with experience in international development and project management. The Fund has also conducted a series of fundraising events through which it has raised more than $15,000, in gifts ranging from $20 to 1,000, from more than 100 different donors. With this foundation in place, the Fund is intensifying its efforts on the design program for the new school, interviewing representatives of other non-governmental organizations with experience with similar projects in the region, and identifying local organizations to collaborate in the building process. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide improved facilities, desks, books, and a safe-haven for more than 400 primary school children in this isolated community.