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International Education Network dba Palliative Care Network

Mission: Palliative Care Network is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of patients who are combating serious illnesses through open access education for professionals worldwide. Vision: Palliative Care for Everyone, Everywhere Chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. 35 million people died from chronic disease in 2005. These include heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. 80% of chronic disease deaths occur in low and middle income countries (1). Healthcare professionals lack appropriate training to care for patients as a "whole" and, in particular, fall short in skills to care for patients with diseases with poor prognosis. Quite often, patients receive poor end-of-life care, even in societies with technologically advanced healthcare. Ultimately, patients experience unnecessary pain and suffering during treatment of disease and at the end-of-life. Palliative Care Network (PCN) aims to address pain and suffering more effectively through education. PCN provides a FREE, online, educational platform for palliative care professionals. Registration on the website and access to materials remains free of charge allowing those who have limitations to remain abreast of palliative care trends. Expert interviews, lectures, presentations, posters, etc. are voluntarily shared on the PCN Community. Participants from Harvard share the same platform with palliative care providers from developing countries in Africa, landlocked Nepal and Mongolia, etc. PCN evens out the platform for palliative care professionals worldwide. The multiple projects initiated by PCN not only help the professional community in assisting patients and their families but allow palliative care providers to encourage each other. The PCN Directory lists professionals from around the globe interested in collaborating to exchange knowledge and information. For example, using the PCN Directory, an Indian physician connected with an American social worker to share cultural issues, myths, and norms about palliative care, grief, and loss. Additional success stories include collaborations with a professor of sociology, nurse, and a producer/director.

Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V. - GESINE Intervention

GESINE Intervention, in Traegerschaft des Vereins Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V., ist das Zentrum fur Praevention, Information, Schutz und Unterstuetzung bei Gewalt gegen Frauen im Geschlechterverhaeltnis im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis - arbeitet aber auch immer wieder weit uber den Kreis hinaus. Neben Schutz und Beratung fur Frauen bietet GESINE auch Interventionsangebote fur Maenner sowie Unterstuetzung fuer all die Menschen, die in ihrem Beruf oder Privatleben mit von Gewalt betroffenen Frauen in Kontakt sind. Seit den spaeten 80er Jahren setzt sich der Verein Frauen helfen Frauen En fuer den Schutz und die Unterstuetzung von Frauen und ihren Kindern im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis ein. Mit dem GESINE Frauenhaus, der GESINE Frauenberatung, dem GESINE Netzwerk Gesundheit und dem Programm fuer gewaltaktive Manner hat der Verein eine breite Infrastruktur zur individuellen Unterstuetzung und zum Schutz von Frauen und ihren Kindern geschaffen. 1992 konnten wir das erste Frauenhaus im EN-Kreis eroeffnen. 1996 wurde mit der Frauenberatungsstelle in Witten ein Angebot fuer Frauen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen geschaffen. Lebenskrisen, Trennung/Scheidung, Mobbing, Stalking und auch seelische, koerperliche oder sexuelle Formen von Gewalt sind haeufige Beratungsthemen. Mittlerweile haben wir in drei weiteren Kreisstaedten Beratungsstandorte: In Schwelm, Hattingen und Herdecke. Das GESINE Netzwerk Gesundheit mit seinen vielen Akteur_innen setzt sich seit 2004 fuer eine gute gesundheitliche Versorgung gewaltbetroffener Frauen und ihrer Kinder ein - eine wichtige Voraussetzung fuer eine Zukunft ohne Gewalt. Dieses Ziel verfolgt der Verein seit 2007 auch mit unterschiedlichen Forschungs- und Praxisprojekten. So etwa von 2012 - 2019 mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Frauen und Gesundheit NRW - finanziert vom Gesundheitsministerium NRW. Seit 2006 war GESINE Intervention Partnerin in 7 EU-Projekten und zwei bundesweiten Projekten. Seit 2015 wird mit TONI ein Programm fuer Manner und Frauen angeboten, die in ihrer Partnerschaft zu aggressiven verbalen oder koerperlichen Uebergriffen neigen und ihr Verhalten aendern moechten. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind regionale Projekte zur Verbesserung des Gewaltschutzes fur Frauen und Manner mit Behinderungen sowie fuer Frauen in Fluchtsituationen. Dies alles sind Angebote, die von uns kontinuierlich weiter entwickelt werden. Zur Praevention von und Intervention bei Gewalt gegen Frauen hat der Verein eine Gesamtstrategie entwickelt. Ueber individuellen Schutz und Unterstuetzung hinaus zielt diese auf die grundlegende Veraenderung der Bedingungen, die Gewalt gegen Frauen erst moeglich machen. Mit dem Internetportal GESINE Intervention bietet der Verein eine digitale Anlaufstelle fuer Gewaltbetroffene, ihr Umfeld, Fachpublikum und Engagierte. Dort sind auch die von GESINE Intervention entwickelten Materialien fuer von Gewalt betroffene Frauen (auch Jugendliche und Maenner) sowie fuer das Fachpublikum eingestellt - Flyer, Broschueren, Plakate, Dokumentationsboegen, Filme. Viele Materialien liegen in mehreren Sprachen sowie in Leichter Sprache vor. Mit GESINE Campus bieten wir Fortbildungsangebote fuer verschiedene Berufsgruppen sowie die Entwicklung von Gewaltschutzkonzepten fuer verschiedene Einrichtungen an. GESINE Intervention kooperiert mit vielen Institutionen und Verbaenden. So z.B. mit dem Dachverband der Frauenberatungsstellen NRW, der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenhaeuser NRW, dem Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe (BFF), der Zentralen Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhaeuser (ZIF), der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Taeterarbeit Haeusliche Gewalt, der BIK = Bundesweite Initiative der NGOs zur Umsetzung der Istanbul Konvention, dem Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Therapie, Medizin und Gesellschaft (AKF) sowie auf der internationalen Ebene u.a. mit WAVE = Women against Violence Europe und dem Verein Autonome Oesterreichische Frauenhaeuser (AOF). Ganz aktuell fuehrt GESINE Intervention ganztaegige Schulveranstaltungen zum Thema "Und das soll Liebe sein?"" durch. In geschlechtsgetrennten Gruppen arbeiten Schueler_innen der 9. und 10. Klasse zum Thema Partnerschaftsbeziehungen und moegliche Warnzeichen fur Gewalt bzw. zu der Frage, wie Beziehungen gewaltfrei und partnerschaftlich gelebt werden koennen. GESINE Intervention, under the auspices of the association Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V., is the center for prevention, information, protection and support in cases of gender-based violence against women in the Ennepe-Ruhr district - but it also works far beyond the district. In addition to protection and counseling for women, GESINE also offers intervention services for men as well as support for all those people who are in contact with women affected by violence in their professional or private lives. Since the late 1980s, the association Frauen helfen Frauen En has been committed to the protection and support of women and their children in the Ennepe-Ruhr district. With the GESINE Women's Shelter, the GESINE Women's Counseling Service, the GESINE Health Network and the Program for Violent Men, the association has created a broad infrastructure for the individual support and protection of women and their children. In 1992 we were able to open the first women's shelter in the EN district. In 1996, with the Women's Counseling Center in Witten, an offer for women in difficult life situations was created. Life crises, separation/divorce, mobbing, stalking and also mental, physical or sexual forms of violence are frequent counseling topics. In the meantime, we have counseling locations in three other county seats: In Schwelm, Hattingen and Herdecke. The GESINE Health Network with its many actors has been working since 2004 for good health care for women affected by violence and their children - an important prerequisite for a future without violence. Since 2007, the association has also been pursuing this goal with various research and practical projects. For example, from 2012 - 2019 with the Competence Center Women and Health NRW - funded by the Ministry of Health NRW. Since 2006, GESINE Intervention has been a partner in 7 EU projects and two nationwide projects. Since 2015, TONI, a program for men and women who are prone to aggressive verbal or physical abuse in their partnership and want to change their behavior, has been offered. Other focal points are regional projects to improve the protection against violence for women and men with disabilities and for women in refugee situations. These are all offers that we are continuously developing. The association has developed an overall strategy for the prevention of and intervention in cases of violence against women. In addition to individual protection and support, this strategy aims to fundamentally change the conditions that make violence against women possible in the first place. With the internet portal GESINE Intervention, the association offers a digital contact point for people affected by violence, their environment, experts and committed people. The materials developed by GESINE Intervention for women affected by violence (including young people and men) as well as for the professional public - flyers, brochures, posters, documentary sheets, films - are also posted there. Many materials are available in several languages as well as in easy-to-understand language. With GESINE Campus we offer further education for different professional groups as well as the development of violence protection concepts for different institutions. GESINE Intervention cooperates with many institutions and associations. For example, with the umbrella organization of women's counseling centers in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state working group of autonomous women's shelters in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Calls (BFF), the Central Information Center of Autonomous Women's Shelters (ZIF), the Federal Working Group on Domestic Violence, the Federal Initiative of NGOs for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention (BIK), the Working Group on Women's Health in Therapy, Medicine and Society (AKF), and at the international level with WAVE = Women Against Violence (WAVE), among others. among others with WAVE = Women against Violence Europe and the association Autonome Oesterreichische Frauenhaeuser (AOF). GESINE Intervention is currently conducting day-long school events on the topic "And that's supposed to be love? In gender-separated groups, students of the 9th and 10th grade work on the topic of partnership relationships and possible warning signs of violence, or on the question of how relationships can be lived in a non-violent way and in partnership. Translated with (free version)

Karuna Deutschland e.V.

Karuna Deutschland is committed towards ending caste-based discrimination, dedicating efforts for poverty-alleviation, and ensuring equality in India and Nepal. Our mission is to serve individuals and families of the poorest communities in India and Nepal. The women and children as well as people from lower cast backgrounds come under the most vulnerable population in India and Nepal. The former "untouchable" castes are still suffering from social exclusion and violence and also form the largest chunk of 'ultra-poor' in these countries. It is extremely difficult for them to access healthcare, education, housing and a dignified livelihood. Dalit women and girls particularly are subjected to gender-based violence and exclusion. Although caste-based discrimination has no legal premises, the stigma attached to the lower castes in India and Nepal hinder their dignified participation in all spheres of life. They are pushed further behind by a variety of forces such as existing discrimination, inequality, poverty, illiteracy etc. Therefore, we endeavour to remove the root causes of discrimination, exclusion and poverty. We seek to run our projects and activities based on the principle of inclusion, justice, diversity and equality in order to drive a positive as well as holistic change at the community level. The foundation of our work lies in engendering a dignified life for the people; helping them build a better future for themselves as well as empowering them to take their destiny into their own hands. To elicit lasting solutions to the problems we intend to address, our approach is based upon self-help, self-determination and self-reliance at the community level. The principle of 'leaving no one behind' as mentioned in the Sustainable development goals is enshrined in our core values. Changes often happen at the local level. Creative and innovative solutions are pertinent to reach our goals. Our activities are thus built upon a wealth of local skills and knowledge. We seek to understand the vulnerabilities, strengths and needs of our target groups. Evidence based approach rooted in in-depth analysis, research of ground needs and realities is extremely important for us to promote accountability and responsibility. The four pillars of Karuna Deutschland's work are made of Education, Health, Dignified Livelihoods and Gender Equality. These four pillars are the key focus areas of the work carried out by Karuna Deutschland in India and Nepal. More information about Karuna Deutschland's activities can be found on our website.


At Donate4Refugees our vision is for every displaced person in Europe to be welcomed with humanity and respect in Europe and given the helping hand they need to find safety, peace and happiness in their new forever home. We work collaboratively to help ensure every displaced man, women and child asking for Europe's help gets the support they need to start their new life with dignity. That is, to have a place to live, enough food to eat, clothes to wear, warmth, lighting and hygiene. Along with access to essential information and education. We primarily do this by raising money that helps fund inspiring humanitarian projects delivered on-the-ground by our grassroots volunteer partners. We work together keeping people and hope alive. "Whoever you think are the most disadvantaged people in society, refugees are below that." - Trish Clowes, Donate4Refugees' Ambassador Right now, as you and I adapt to life amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, Europe's humanity to refugees has scarcely been worse. Did you know that at the UK border in northern France there's no shelter and little food or water for refugees? That rising hostility is played out through police brutality and cruel policy? Meanwhile, on the Greek mainland, evictions are making hundreds of families street homeless, living in poverty. Whilst the Greek arrival islands buckle under severe over-crowding, lack of basic hygiene and appalling food within camps sending tensions inside the camps, and right wing violence outside of them, soaring. Life for refugees in Europe's hot spots in 2020 is utterly miserable. The hope in people's eyes is disappearing, the smiles are fading... Now that you know, will you help? Within this devastating environment our volunteers are too often providing the only lifeline to refugees. Donate4Refugees uniquely brings together donations from individuals, businesses and trusts to give grants and emergency funding to our trusted grassroots partners on-the-ground. Those volunteers supporting refugee communities on Europe's front-lines. Together we're filling shamefully big gaps in aid and humanity and, without the tireless dedication of our volunteers, refugee men, women and children would be struggling to even survive. We're acting now providing very real help, human-to-human, to many of the world's most vulnerable people. We only wish we didn't have to.

National Initiative for Social Action(NISA)

Vision NISA wants to develop a society that is free from all sorts of exploitation and discrimination, economically productive, equitable, socially just, environmentally sound, and viable, where everyone has the opportunity to realize their full potential. Mission Our first mission is poverty alleviation and socio-economic development by empowering the disadvantaged cohorts of Bangladesh. Our second mission is to provide quality services in the development sector of Bangladesh to bring positive changes through economic and social development programs. Our third mission is to promote self-reliant and sustainable development of the poor and help them to achieve their potential through social and economic empowerment. Our fourth mission is women empowerment and child protection through participation, capacity development and decision making processes Our fifth mission is Youth and Adolescents development through vocational education and life skill training Elaboration of NISA's Programs 1. Migration, Displacement and Humanitarian Policy NISA conduct rigorous research and provide innovative policy approaches that enable migrants, refugees and host community to prosper. Centre for Global Community Development's program on migration, displacement and humanitarian policy is focused on ensuring that everyone on the move realizes their full potential. We work to maximize the benefit of migration to destination and origin countries, expand the opportunities available to forcibly displace people and reform humanitarian system to better serve the needs of those affected by conflict and crisis. We recognize that human mobility can have positive and negative effects, depending on policy choices. We therefore work with policymakers around the world to create sustainable, pragmatic and evidence-based policies for everyone on the move. 2. Global Health and Nutrition Policy Global community faces new challenges relating to health and nutrition. Prevalence of communicable and non-communicable diseases and Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) are increasing alary. NISA's work focuses on building sustainable health systems, global health financing, improving global health security, addressing GAM, diseases and treatment inequalities and designing fiscal policies for better health 3. Inclusive Education Despite tremendous progress, education has not yet fulfilled its promise to wider communities: gender inequality remain acute, intergenerational mobility is declining, and poor children often go to much worse school than rich children. NISA's research examines the mechanisms through which education can give children equal life opportunities and build the human capital that nations need to prosper. 4. Sustainable Development Finance To meet the Sustainable Development Goals, development finance must increase from billions to trillions. Our work focuses on more finance from existing and emerging sources, and on allocating those funds to meet both ongoing needs and future challenges. 5. Technology and Development Policy innovation is not keeping pace with technological change. How can digital country be made to increase state capacity and reduce inequality? How should we manage and regulate growth in biometric ID and governance? How can digital payments be safely and effectively scaled up? NISA's research helps policy makers catch up with our changing world 6. Government and Development The policies and program of major country government wield enormous influence on global development process. NISA provides data, evidence, and solutions that can help guide Bangladesh development policy. Our Bangladesh-based Development Policy team seeks to strengthen Bangladesh foreign assistance tools with proposals for reform grounded in rigorous analysis and evidence. NISA Bangladesh team aims to help the Bangladesh government in building the capacity of the root level staffs of MOH&FW, Local Elected Bodies (LEBs) and the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE). Our work also encompasses research on aid effectiveness and how to address corruption problems and transparency. 7. Gender and Equality NISA works on gender focuses policies in aid, development project, trade, migration and peacekeeping that will improve women's economic empowerment worldwide. Greater equality drives big gains in health, education, and improved livelihoods - for individuals, their families, and their communities. However, in many parts of the world, women and girls and other marginalized group including LGBTI people, still face legal, economic, and political constraints that prevent them from participating fully and equally in society. NISA uses evidence to show how governments, donor institutions, and the private sector can help in creating low-and middle income countries that allow all people to thrive. 8. Global Poverty Reduction National Initiative for Social Action (NISA) works to reduce global poverty and improve lives through innovative economic research that drives better policy and practice by the world's top decision makers. NISA believes that volunteers can overcome poverty by sharing their knowledge, experience and skills across the globe. NISA closely works through National and International Volunteers for global poverty reduction in skills sharing approach. 9. Youth and Adolescent Development Youth and adolescents constitute 18 percent and 16 percent of the global population where 90% live in the developing countries. If these large portion of populations can be brought under skilled human resources, they will able to contribute in countries GDP. NISA works with the youth and adolescents to build their institutional capacity especially involve the youth and adolescents in development activities and help to register the youth club with the Department of Youth Development (DYD). NISA advocates with the NCTB and MOHFW in order to ensure young people's access to SRHR information in existing co-curricular and to ensure youth friendly services in government health facilities. 10. Sustainable Environment Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries in Asia due to its geographical locations. It has experienced of 1970's and 1991's devastating cyclones, 2007's Sidr and 2009's Ayla. NISA creates space for the coastal people to build a disaster resilient community and sustainable environment. In order to cope with the situation, NISA promotes green programs especially mangroves afforestation in coastal areas including roadside tree plantation. Since its inception, NISA research on climate change impacts on communities. NISA also promotes climate adaptive livelihoods for the coastal communities like sheep rearing, duck rearing, crab farming and saline tolerant varieties. Moreover, NISA works for Carbon Reduction and participate in emergency response and rehabilitation activities when needed. 11. Food and Agriculture More than one billion people in developing countries suffer from chronic hunger. The role of agriculture in promoting pro-poor growth is attracting attention internationally. NISA's work in this area focuses on how rich countries' agriculture effects in developing world. Most of the people in developing countries live in rural areas and depends on agriculture for their livelihoods. But they don't have enough savings required to invest for farming. NISA research on food and agriculture and provide support for year round vegetable cultivation and other cropping. 12. Social Protection Activities NISA is actively involved with the different types of social protection activities at the community level like preventing child torturing, child abuse, early marriage, child labor, child and women trafficking etc. It organizes rallies, discussion seminars and advocacy workshop at different level on child protection and trafficking. 13.Research and publication NISA works for global research and development including research design, baseline survey, end line survey, questionnaires development, and midterm review (MTR), impact evaluation, training need assessment, training module development, SBCC materials development, project proposal writing, report writing, case study development and implementation of development projects in Bangladesh.

Stowarzyszenie Grupa Stonewall

The Stonewall Group is the largest organization fighting for the rights of LGBT+ people in the Wielkopolska region. The Group has been active since 2015 in the following areas: advocacy, education, help/intervention, culture, and healthcare. The Group comprises 41 members and around 50 volunteers cooperate with us. The board comprises five members. Each of them is responsible for a few areas of activity. Our flagship activity is the Poznan Pride Week festival (we organized a few hundred events in the course of five editions of the festival), which culminated in the Equality March (13,000 people participated in 2019). We help LGBT+ people and their families. For four years now, we have been co-operating with six therapists holding psychological consultations which have been provided for around 200 individuals now. We run five support groups for: youth, transgender people, families of LGBT+ people, bisexual people, and LGBT+ people from Ukraine. We provide legal help for LGBT+ people, who are often victims of hate crimes (the legal help is also partially financed by municipal grants); since 2016 we have provided a few hundred hours of support in total, which also consisted in representing a client. We organize many cultural activities: produce concerts, theatre plays, and organize meetings with authors. We are also active in the area of healthcare - thanks to the grant from the city of Poznan, we are organizing a training project for therapists about so-called ChemSex. In 2019, we were commissioned by Panstwowy Zakad Higieny (State Institute of Hygiene) to conduct research about ChemSex. We provide free testing for HIV, syphilis, and HCV. We train companies about antidiscrimination (e.g., Allegro, Franklin Templeton). In 2019, we organized the first edition of Letnia Akademia Rownosci (Summer Equality Academy) - we visited seven cities in Poland, combating harmful stereotypes about LGBT+ people (funded by Sprite). We conduct business activity - we manage the bar Lokum Stonewall bar which has become not only a meeting place for the Poznan LGBT+ community, but also the main stage of Polish queer culture for such events like weekly drag queen performances. The bar also boosts our visibility - it is located on the main pedestrian street in the center of Poznan ( What is more, as a part of our business activities, we run an online shop ( and organize trainings for companies.

Stichting WereldOuders

WereldOuders focuses on the empowerment and personal development of vulnerable children and families in Latin America and the Caribbean. With us, they receive attention and the support that suits them. WereldOuders has a unique approach, based on four pillars: a safe home, health, education and independence. By providing a social safety net while building the children's self-confidence, they regain a future perspective, an opportunity to realize their dreams. WereldOuders has projects in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. These are Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. A home is the most important safe base for a child. When a home situation is scarred by poverty, addiction, violence or the death of one of the parents, the secure base falls away. WereldOuders and partner organization NPH are committed to creating or restoring a safe home base for children and youth in Latin America. Our vision of "a safe home" has changed significantly over the past years. NPH was founded in Mexico in 1954 with the opening of a children's home for children who had nowhere else to go. The organization continued to expand to include children's homes in the other eight countries. More than 19,000 children found shelter in an NPH home. These homes were called "family homes" by the organization. NPH placed great importance on creating a warm, loving family atmosphere in the homes. No matter how well this worked out, a family home can never replace a real family. With today's knowledge, arising from empirical evidence and in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we recognize the unintended harmful effect that institutionalization has on children and youth. Children and youth become alienated from their families and communities of origin. Stigmas attached to growing up in a children's home lead to (young) adults struggling to find their place in society. Having no family to fall back on makes it difficult to hold your own in society as an "uprooted" adult. 'Our' children can always come to NPH even later in life, but that is an exception in the world of children's homes. Uprootedness in general is a major problem: this group has difficulty raising their own children and keeping them from ending up in crime or on the streets. International child welfare organizations are therefore increasingly focusing on de-institutionalization. NPH, too, is going through this transition. We can and want to do more to really change the situation of families and children. We have to change course. We have therefore started to focus more and more on supporting vulnerable families and communities to prevent families from falling apart. This is not entirely new: since its founding, NPH has supported more than 80,000 children who did not live in an NPH family home.

Secours Catholique - Caritas France

Our purpose is to reduce poverty, bring hope and solidarity to poor communities or individuals in France and worldwide. We bring assistance to families, children and young people but also to the most vulnerable (homelesses, migrants, prisoners etc.). We fight against isolation, help them to find employement and we ensure their social reintegration. We provide emergency responses but also long term support, development aid and we work on the causes of poverty. The action of Secours Catholique finds all its meaning in a global vision of poverty which aims at restoring the human person's dignity and is part and parcel of sustainable development. To do so, six key principles guide this action, both in France and abroad: Promoting the place and words of people living in situations of poverty Making each person a main player of their own development Joining forces with people living in situations of poverty Acting for the development of the human person in all its aspects Acting on the causes of poverty and exclusion Arousing solidarity The actions of Secours Catholique are implemented by a network of local teams of volunteers integrated into the diocesan delegations and supported by the volunteers and employees of the national headquarters. On an international level, Secours Catholique acts in cooperation with its partners of the Caritas Internationalis network. Key figures of Secours Catholique: 100 diocesan or departmental delegations 4,000 local teams 65,000 volunteers 974 employees 2,174 reception centres 3 centres : Cite Saint-Pierre in Lourdes, Maison d'Abraham in Jerusalem, Cedre in Paris 18 housing centres managed by the Association des Cites of Secours Catholique 162 Caritas Internationalis partners 600,000 donors Every year Secours Catholique encounters almost 700,000 situations of poverty and receives 1.6 million people (860,000 adults and 740,000 children). This daily mission led in the field by the local teams and delegations, with the support of national headquarters, pursues three major objectives which aim at exceeding the distribution action and limited aid: Receiving to reply to the primary needs (supplying food and/or health care aid, proposing accommodation, establishing an exchange and a fraternal dialogue, etc) Supporting to restore social ties (bringing together people in difficulty with an aim to reinsertion, encouraging personal initiatives and collective projects, establishing a mutual support helper-receiver of help relationship, etc) Developing to strengthen solidarity (proposing long lasting solutions, establishing a follow-up over the long term, encouraging collective actions carried out by people in difficulty etc.)

Born Free Foundation

Born Free's mission is to keep wildlife in the wild. We work tirelessly to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs. As a leading wildlife charity, we oppose the exploitation of wild animals in captivity and campaign to keep them where they belong - in the wild. We promote Compassionate Conservation to enhance the survival of threatened species in the wild and protect natural habitats while respecting the needs and safeguarding the welfare of individual animals. We seek to have a positive impact on animals in the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, for their own intrinsic value and for the critical roles they play within the natural world. Our consistent motivation and aim since 1984 has been to protect wild animals, whether free living or in captivity. We are dedicated to the wellbeing of animals and humans, recognising that achieving co-existence is vital for the continuation of life on earth. It takes courage and determination to promote the well-being of wild animals who are unable to speak for themselves. Challenging individuals and organisations who stand in the way of improving outcomes for wild animals, local communities and the environment, is not always easy or straightforward. We actively engage in projects that address conservation, welfare, education and policy. Conservation Born Free is committed to our global conservation projects, supporting a vast array of species from lions to elephants, gorillas and tigers, wolves and bears, to name just a few. All of these wild animals face their own particular threats and challenges which we approach according to specific need. This may include addressing habitat loss and degradation, poaching, exploitation and the wildlife trade, conflict, policy failure, or other social pressures. Field conservation only ever has a meaningful impact if it is implemented over the long-term. Conservation often needs to take place in complex socio-political environments, where threats are constantly evolving, changing or increasing in magnitude. Born Free has a distinct track record of sustainable, long-term delivery. We have been supporting Ethiopian wolf conservation for a quarter of a century, protecting tigers in India for seventeen years, and addressing human-lion conflict mitigation in Kenya for over a decade. Welfare Building on over three decades of experience, Born Free's animal welfare programme continues to expose captive wild animal suffering that occurs in circuses, menageries and to animals kept as 'pets' by private individuals. Whenever possible, our expert teams rescue, rehabilitate and provide lifetime care for wild animals who have been treated cruelly or captured illegally. Our ability and capacity to rescue animals, however, is all too often determined by the resources available. Long-term, sustainable investment into our animal rescue and sanctuary programmes means we can help more animals. Education Local communities, far from being part of the problem, are, in fact, part of the solution. Born Free works with local communities to develop trust and strong working relationships through co-operation, commitment and understanding. Our investment in these relationships is vital for a future which embraces human-wildlife co-existence. Our education programmes are popular but currently limited by capacity. We are always seeking to reach more children and communities, and provide extensive educational and life-skills resources, throughout the areas in which we operate. Even small investments in education can have dramatic and lasting results and we would be delighted to talk about how you can support education, community empowerment and social change. Wildlife Policy Born Free's wildlife policy operates at the highest levels, influencing national governments, regional associations and global entities such as the UN. Our work involves detailed research, representation and advocacy at decision-making conferences that set the international framework for the ongoing relationship between humanity, nature and the environment. . This is international work at the top table, where our vision and experience can make a real contribution. The human resources and collateral necessary to influence policy and legislation must match our ambition for a more sustainable, more compassionate, more inclusive world where people and wildlife can coexist. Achieving Long Term Sustainable Results Since our establishment in 1984, we have achieved and continue to develop long-term, sustainable conservation, education, wild animal welfare and wildlife policy projects. Some examples of our achievements to date include: The building of over 300 predator-proof bomas ,night time stockades, in Amboseli, Kenya, which have reduced conflict and contributed to the growth of the lion population from 50 individuals in 2010 to over 200 today. Over 20 years' support for the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme, whose long-term protection and monitoring programme has been vital in sustaining the 500 wild individuals that represent the most endangered canid in the world. The Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership brings together seven conservation organisations across central India, and works to protect wild tigers and promote co-existence. Tiger numbers in central India have increased by almost 70% in the last five years through the painstaking work of such conservation organisations. An expanding UK education programme including Creative Nature, our bi-annual publication Hear the Roar, school outreach, curriculum-driven teaching materials, conservation clubs, and the nationwide Great Debate. Since 2014, a growing international education initiative, which now works with numerous schools in many African countries to deliver activities and extra-curricular clubs, introducing over 49,000 young people and rural community members to the wealth of natural wildlife around them and inspiring the conservationists of the future. The Raise the Red Flag campaign, highlighting and exposing the suffering endured by so many wild animals in captivity, has received 35,000 public reports in 20 years. Now sponsored by BA Holidays, the interactive campaign encourages the reporting of wild animal cruelty throughout the world to increase awareness and to enable us to campaign for tougher laws and legal protections. The lifetime care in Born Free operated or supported sanctuaries of 95 rescued lions, leopards, cheetah and tigers along with countless other carnivores, primates, birds, reptiles and ungulates, offering each one the best possible care in a natural environment. Serving as the UK's zoo watchdog for more than 35 years, exposing the exploitation and poor standards that compromise the welfare of wild animals in captivity, and leading efforts to end the use of wild animals in travelling circuses across the UK. Persistent influencing of international and national legislation and policy. Outcomes include an increase of international legal protection for many species, the introduction of EU Zoos Directive, the ending of the keeping of dolphins in captivity in the UK, the banning of wild animals in circuses in several jurisdictions, the introduction of the UK Ivory Act, and the global ban on the international ivory trade, to name a few. Ongoing and effective campaigns to end cruel and unsustainable wildlife exploitation by trophy hunters, poachers and traffickers, and governments. Born Free is driven by world-class professionals. Our staff are highly-qualified and experienced in conservation, welfare, policy and education. Our team leaders include Dr Nikki Tagg (Conservation), Dr Chris Draper (Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity), Laura Gosset MSc (Head of Education) and Dr Mark Jones (Head of Policy). We have the invaluable support of our Chief Scientist Professor Claudio Sillero and of our special advisor Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE, to name just a few. Based on decades of experience, our teams are able recognise which interventions should be prioritised for greatest impact and who to work with to achieve sustainable success. They and their teams, are supported by robust monitoring, evaluation and management systems. Our Executive President, Will Travers, has built up an unparalleled network of contacts over more than three decades at Born Free. The Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors who contribute their time and expertise from a range of disciplines including law, finance, animal advocacy, public speaking, media, business, personal development and executive recruitment. Population expansion, global industrialisation, land conversion and infrastructure development; along with pollution, climate change, over-exploitation, and conflict with people, mean wild animal populations are increasingly under threat. A million species are now believed to be threatened with extinction. Born Free is committed to addressing the well-being of all wild animals and with best practice, compassion and integrity we will endeavour to keep wildlife in the wild.

Fundacion Moises Bertoni

The FMB was founded in 1988 as a non-profit, non-governmental organization by a group of people from different sectors of society. We work on a balanced, equitable and inclusive development model, therefore, we seek a comprehensive approach based on the people themselves. that inhabits the territory where we work and we become articulators of various initiatives with the public sector, the private sector and civil society for the search for solutions and innovative approaches to the complex socio-environmental problems that we face as a society. Sustainable development through nature conservation, social responsibility and the participation of the local population are the basic principles of the work of the FMB. It has a Board of Directors of the FMB is made up of 12 members of civil society and is the highest authority of the FMB. Four members of the board of directors rotate every two years, elected at an ordinary general assembly. There is a president of the board who develops and coordinates the actions along with an executive director. A central vision of the Foundation is to work in an innovative way for sustainable development through the protection of nature, with social responsibility and the participation of the population. All WBF projects take into account equally their different target groups and both indigenous and farming communities are always invited to participate in the measures. To promote sustainable development in the different neighboring communities, the WBF has accumulated resources and technical and institutional knowledge. This forms a valuable foundation for their work and is divided into four areas: Wildlife Sanctuaries, Rural Development, Community Education and Awareness, and Conservation Research and Private Initiatives. Each of these areas, which are constantly being expanded and improved, contributes to improving the quality of life of the local population by reinforcing social, economic and ecological factors. The Mbaracayu Educational Center (CEM) is a boarding school that has existed for more than 10 years and was created for young rural and indigenous women between the ages of 15 and 18 from different rural communities of the Mbaracayu Forest Nature Reserve (RBBM), Department of Canindeyu. The educational center focuses on offering quality education based on the learning-by-doing model and currently houses 150 students who have been studying the environmental baccalaureate there for three years. By targeting women exclusively, the aim is to promote equality and eliminate the disadvantage of rural women in access to education. According to the country's guidelines and recommendations, affirmative action is applied because young women in rural areas have few opportunities to attend secondary school. At CEM, students receive training that allows them to succeed and acquire the necessary skills to develop their communities as part of their commitment to the environment and conservation. The institution welcomes young people from the Mbaracayu Jungle Biosphere Reserve region, which is characterized by its multiculturalism: Paraguayan women, daughters of Brazilians settled in the region, Ache and Guarani indigenous people, and other foreigners. The CEM aims to provide these young people with a quality secondary education to increase their chances in the labor market and thus improve their quality of life and that of their families.

Instituto Revoar

Revoar was born in 2017 from a dream of working with the power of socially vulnerable youth, starting from the perception that youth is an important phase of a human being's life, during which young people are in full development and in a moment of great doubts, pressures and conflicts. However, they have few opportunities, people and places that are safe and adequate for them to develop fully and reflect on and share anxieties and concerns about their decisions about the future. This absence of specific conditions and support to look at oneself and develop in an integral way, whether in the current school system, in families or in places and groups frequented by youth, leads today to a frequent number of young people with depression, with fear and few prospects for the future, and suffering from anxiety and psychosomatic illnesses. The power and vitality of youth, as well as their potential for mobilizing change, both in relation to their role in the economically active population of the coming decades, and for their strong presence and transformative power, have been underdeveloped and got little attention, due to the way in which the education system is considered in the country. Education today remains focused on the enhancement of cognitive skills, with a focus on the obligation to teach content and a more technical vision of education, which is geared towards preparing people for the professional market. Traditional education still uses models designed to answer old demands, without being able to clearly meet the demands of the new century and reflect new discoveries about human complexity. This policy option for education excludes from the process of development of human beings, which are complex and multidimensional beings, the learning of social and emotional skills. Young people, the adults of tomorrow, end up going through school and the youth phase without having the opportunity to know and improve a human dimension relevant to their integral development, which in turn generates human beings with limited, and little explored potential. Today, schools are unable to fulfill the mission of developing all the skills that human beings need to face the challenges of the 21st century. And that does not mean that cognitive skills (interpreting, reflecting, thinking abstractly, generalizing learning, etc.) should be left aside, but rather calls for the integration of the development of socio-emotional skills into the teaching/learning process, since the two are related and complement each other, and together they allow for the integral development of human beings. Therefore, the development of a full education, which considers the human being in its entirety and fullness, is, in general, not being achieved. Currently, there are many terms that refer to socio-emotional skills, such as education for life, 21st century skills, soft skills, emotional and social intelligence, among others. Regardless of the term used, studies have demonstrated the importance and benefits - individual and social - of developing such skills, such as increased creativity, overcoming losses and difficulties, improving teamwork, reducing bullying, decreasing anxiety and depression and better awareness of talents and strengths. With the lack of an integral education that is concerned with the development of these skills, young people miss the opportunity to improve the way they relate to themselves and to others, they do not know how to deal with their feelings and emotions, they do not learn to make decisions in a responsible manner, they don't learn to deal with problems and difficulties, they don't develop empathy, self-confidence and they don't learn to be collaborative people. In view of all these situations and realities, Revoar was created with the proposal to design and implement educational processes for young people in situations of social vulnerability, in public and private schools in Rio de Janeiro, working to contribute to the socio-emotional development of these young people. The organization's mission is to promote a new education, which values a more humane and integral education, in order to enable better personal and socio-emotional development, through a focus on four pillars: self-knowledge, collaboration, empathy and autonomy. To fulfill these objectives, a novel educational path was created, based on practical and dynamic experiences, combined with deep and provocative reflections and meditations, based on several collaborative and innovative methodologies, which was named Pedagogy of Reconnection. The entire methodological process proposed is participatory, respecting listening and dialogue between participants. Knowledge is sought through pleasure and the desire to be in Revoar. And, for this, the methodology is based on participative, cooperative and playful actions that recognize the individuality of each one and, at the same time, the strength and importance of the collective. Revoar's methodology is inspired by innovative and collaborative methodologies such as: Pedagogy of Cooperation, Cooperative Games, Dragon Dreaming, mindfulness, Art education, among others, for the development of socio-emotional skills. Instituto Revoar, in its four years of activity, has held courses with middle and high school students from public schools in Rio de Janeiro, as well as with young people under age who have committed crimes and serve socio-educational measures at the Novo Degase institution. Based on the monitoring and evaluation of its actions, Revoar verified positive and important results, such as, for example: greater ability among participants to identify their own feelings and emotions and greater confidence in expressing them; greater capacity for listening and empathy, and improvement in sociality and working in groups; increased self-esteem through the identification of skills and strengths; improvement in life prospects with the awakening of dreams and greater capacity for choice and decision making with the elaboration of life projects. After two years of working with young people, in 2019, Instituto Revoar began to share its experience and knowledge with educators from the municipal education network in the city of Rio de Janeiro through the "Connected Educators" project. Connected Educators is a process of experiential training, from the perspective of integral education, which aims to deepen the knowledge of educators about socio-emotional skills, so that they can more intentionally develop them in the classroom. The Connected Educators course focuses on connecting educators with themselves, with their "I-educator", with their studies and with the school and, from there, developing a more direct and deeper knowledge about socio-emotional skills, and about ways to develop them intentionally in the classroom. The feedback from the participating educators was very positive, having seen results in the educators' self-esteem and motivation, as well as their practical experience of socio-emotional education in the classroom. Instituto Revoar, therefore, currently creates learning experiences to strengthen and connect educators and students, with a focus on the development of socio-emotional skills and the promotion of integral education.

Associacao Gaucha Pro-escolas Familias Agricolas

I - Enable the integral promotion of the human person, promoting education and cultural development through action and socio-community education, in activities inherent to the interest of agriculture, especially regarding the sustainable development and social elevation of the family farmer from the spiritual-ethical-ecological, intellectual, technical, health and economic point of view; II - Encourage, through education, entrepreneurial attitudes of rural youth, their families and communities, contributing to the access to the generation of work and income, as well as providing continuous formation processes of Alternation Educators / Monitors of Agricultural and Family Schools and several publics, with a view to contributing to mobilization of popular empowerment and emancipation in the complex sociocultural reality of the Brazilian countryside; III - Ensure that the formation and animation activities of the EFAs are articulated and integrated with the promotion and sustainable development projects in which they are inserted; IV - To promote, as its predominant activity, a contextualized and differentiated education, serving as a maintaining institution to regulate, manage, raise funds, represent and manage the operation of the Santa Cruz do Sul Family Farm School - EFASC, which may offer teaching courses High School and Vocational High School, as well as initial and continuing education, complementary and technical specializations of Rural Professional Learning, following the principles of the CEFFAs Network - Family Centers for Alternating Training in Brazil, with universality of service, scholarships and benefits related to school transportation, uniforms, teaching materials, housing and food; V - Providing, conducting, executing and encouraging initial and ongoing processes of training for Alternating Educators / Family School Teachers and EFA association members; VI - Promote a quality education, contextualized, differentiated and focused on the rural environment, in accordance with the foundations and principles of the CEFFAs Network, with a Pedagogy of Alternation methodology and appropriate to the Law of Guidelines and bases of National Education (LDB No. 9,394) / 1996) and the National Plan of Current Education (PNE), as well as Decree No. 7352, of November 4, 2010 and other normative instruments of field education and relevant legislation; VII - Recognize the knowledge of family farmers and the community, recognize their role as alternative educator, seek and promote the construction of theoretical / practical knowledge from the local reality of youth and the harmful and sustainable development in activities related to agriculture, currently the education and training of young people, families and the community; VIII - Encourage, carry out and promote the organization and mobilization of farmers and the youth of Family Farming in order to gain their rights and access to public policies; IX - Promote moral and ethical values, valuing the spirit of solidarity, respecting the environment, promoting gender equity and analysis, ethnicity and patterns of group types, valuing cultural diversity and any nature; X - Develop the attendance and evaluation of the beneficiaries of the Organic Law of Social Assistance - LAAS, their defense and guarantee of their rights. Promote social assistance - serving all stakeholders, including: children, adolescents, young people, adults, men, women, the elderly, people with disabilities and all minorities in society; XI - Educational institution service to create, integrate, regulate, accredit, administer, covenant, fundraise, use, organize, maintain and use education resources at any level, including higher education - both undergraduate and postgraduate - University graduate. It may be offered or in partnership or cooperation with other universities;