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Willow International

Our mission is to end human trafficking through restoration, prevention, and partnership. We work collaboratively with Ugandan officials and international organizations to rescue victims and provide restorative care to survivors of human trafficking and their families, provide access to justice for trafficking victims, disseminate information and empower communities to prevent human trafficking, and advocate for the strengthening of the criminal justice system. 

Hopestart International

Hopestart International was formed in 2013 for the specific purpose of bringing hope to people living in oppressive poverty, ignorance, hunger and poor health; and to those who are victims of social injustice. We have been working in Haiti with a focus on the poorest and most vulnerable sections of the population. We are in the process of expanding our operations to other needy populations in other countries in South America and the Middle East.

Winrock International

Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity and sustain natural resources. Winrock matches innovative approaches in agriculture, natural resources management, clean energy and leadership development with the unique needs of its partners. By linking local individuals and communities with new ideas and technology, Winrock is increasing long-term productivity, equity and responsible resource management to benefit the poor and disadvantaged of the world.

See International

We provide essential and transformative eyecare, around the world and right here at home. We bring medical volunteers and partners together to care for the people who need it most. Our teams work side-by-side with local doctors and clinics to improve access to high-quality eyecare. Together we break the cycle of hardship that blindness and visual impairment cause, making patients, families, and communities healthier and stronger.

IntraHealth International

Our commitment: IntraHealth is a global champion for health workers. We have pledged to double our impact between 2011 and 2015 to ensure that more health workers are present, ready, connected, and safe. Mission: IntraHealth empowers health workers to better serve communities in need around the world. We foster local solutions to health care challenges by improving health worker performance, strengthening health systems, harnessing technology, and leveraging partnerships. Vision: IntraHealth International believes in a world where all people have the best possible opportunity for health and well-being. We aspire to achieve this vision by being a global champion for health workers.

Geohazards International

GeoHazards International works to reduce loss of life and suffering around the world in communities most at risk from earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and floods. Our vision is a world of self-reliant communities - rural and urban - that can continue their economic, political and cultural development unimpeded by natural disasters. GHI helps communities avert disaster by creating safer buildings, assessing geophysical hazards, helping governments affordably prepare, and educating residents about what to do in the face of high risk. GHI bridges the gap between scientific experts and the people in developing countries who want to take action. In each case we work with communities toward locally appropriate and lasting solutions.

Femme International

Femme International is committed to using education, conversation & distribution to break down the global menstrual taboo. Menstruation affects 51% of the world's population, with every woman experiencing menses during her lifetime. For menstruators in low-income communities, getting your period presents a set of specific challenges - poor access to menstrual products, oppressive taboos, lack of adequate hygiene facilities, and lack of reproductive health education. 83% of girls in Burkina Faso, and 77% in Nigeria (UNICEF) have no place to clean themselves at school, and will therefore leave early. The World Bank has estimated that girls will miss 10-20% of her education because of her body's natural cycle. Femme believes that providing adolescent girls not only with reusable menstrual products, but also comprehensive education, empowers them to feel in control of their bodies, and breaks down the menstrual taboo. When women lack access to sanitary pads, either by financial constraints or lack of availability, they will use alternative methods. In India, 88% of menstruating women use homemade methods. In Tanzania, the most common method is to use rags, or cloth, folded into the underwear - something women have been doing for centuries. However, when the cloth is not washed properly, used when damp, or shared among sisters, it becomes unsafe. Other homemade methods common in Tanzania include foam mattress stuffing, newspaper, leaves, even mud. These methods are not safe or hygienic, and they are uncomfortable, preventing girls from being able to concentrate or participate in school. They also don't help girls feel comfortable during a week when they are already feeling ashamed of their bodies. Unsafe menstrual management is a leading cause of reproductive tract infections (UTIs, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis), which when untreated can cause more serious health concerns. The decision to use and promote reusable products is because sanitary pads are unaffordable for many women. The average cost of a package of 8 pads in Tanzania is approximately $1/day, which is often the same as the daily wage for an unskilled labourer. For a 14-year old girl, she will rarely feel comfortable asking the male breadwinner for this money, and they will rarely be able to provide her with it. A study in Kenya indicated that one in ten girls aged 15 had engaged in transactional sex to purchase pads. In rural Tanzania, or even urban centers, there is no method of garbage disposal beyond burning. Many women report burying their products, but must do so far away from their homes because of the perceived destructive powers of menstrual blood. The environmental impact of disposable menstrual products is staggering, and unsustainable, both financially and environmentally. The Twaweza Project is simple - and it works. Preliminary M&E reports demonstrate significant impact, including improved academic results and attendance, improved self-confidence, reduction of financial stress, and improved health. Adolescent beneficiaries are two times less likely to report symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

STG International

Our mission is to provide technical, financial and intellectual support, assistance, and training to projects and organizations focused on bringing sustainable energy technologies to communities across the developing world. Critically, access to an affordable, distributed, renewable form of energy generation can improve productivity and quality of life in rural villages, clinics, schools, and organizations without increasing their carbon footprints. We are focused on the development of a solar technology that can be locally customized, manufactured, and distributed to local economies and provide local jobs while extending energy access beyond the traditional electricity grid.

CTC International

Providing hope through relationships and using a holistic approach to community development, CTC is empowering our world.

Lifelink International

Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we provide ongoing help and guidance to the poorest and neediest people of Nicaragua in four ways: Education Community Development Health Care Vocational Training

Agathos International

In response to the biblical call to care for orphans and widows in their distress, the mission of Agathos is to foster economic life in impoverished communities.

Khope International

To provide financial and hands-on support for the basic needs of children living in poverty through direct scholarships or grants or organizations that directly support children.