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Displaying 253–264 of 5,969

Combat Blindness International

Combat Blindness International (CBI) is a non-profit health organization incorporated in Wisconsin, USA. CBI eliminates preventable blindness worldwide by providing sustainable, equitable solutions for sight through partnerships and innovation.

Women's Centers International

Women's Centers International (WCI) creates safe community-based Centers that provide access to integrated training, support and capital, enabling women to build more prosperous families and communities informed by women's priorities.

Refugee Protection International

RPI’s mission is to partner with local NGOs and duty bearers to strengthen protection and self-reliance among urban refugees and internally displaced persons near conflict zones through interventions including, but not limited to, innovative housing solutions, civil and residency documentation, and emergency protection assistance. RPI and its implementing partners are currently assisting Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons in the Middle East. RPI may respond to displacement crises in other regions as they arise. RPI is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Kids Alive International

Kids Alive International reflects the love of Christ by rescuing orphans and vulnerable children, nurturing them with quality holistic care, and sharing with them the transforming power of Jesus Christ so they are enabled to instill hope in others.

International Bipolar Foundation

International Bipolar Foundation empowers individuals living with bipolar disorder and their caregivers by providing advocacy, education, support, and awareness - fostering a caring community and stigma-free world where mental health is equitably acknowledged and treated.

Airline Ambassadors International

Airline Ambassadors leverage contacts with the airline industry to provide medical escorts for children, hand deliver humanitarian assistance to children and educate and advocate for human trafficking awareness in the travel industry

International Womens House

International Womens House is a domestic violence shelter with a mission to provide a safe haven and supportive services to women and children who are the victims of family violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, with a focus on immigrant and refugee women and children, cultural sensitivity and self-sufficiency.

Bridge Kids International

Bridge Kids International is a global non-profit organization helping young people of Africa and the African Diaspora, aged 13-25, unleash their social entrepreneurial spirits to solve economic development, education, environmental, girls’ rights, and health challenges and build sustainable communities.

International Promise Foundation

The mission of International Promise Foundation (IPF) is to provide assistance internationally in fulfilling the biblical instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ as outlined in James 1:27…”look after the orphans and widows in their distress.” Our hope is to serve God’s Kingdom to the best of our ability for generations to come.

International Blue Cross

The International Blue Cross is one of the world's leading non-governmental organisations, caring for people harmed by or at risk from alcohol or illicit drug use. Our project work in prevention, treatment & counselling and aftercare focuses primarily on young and vulnerable people, and on those in extreme poverty. Through carefully researched and targeted interventions we advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies at the national and international level. In doing so, we seek to draw positive and dignified attention to the issues faced by dependent people and their families. Our Vision: We see a world where all people can knowingly choose and live a life free of harmful addiction; a world where all people harmed by addiction have access to and can benefit from high quality and holistic treatment. Our Mission: We provide healthcare development support and promote holistic well-being; We prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs and help mitigate the associated negative health, social, and economic consequences; We advocate for evidence and best practice-based alcohol policy formulation and implementation on the national and international levels. Alcohol and illicit drug misuse afflicts innumerous individuals and families. It also costs societies around the world billions of dollars in health and socio-economic costs. This growing burden is worthy of everyone's attention. The International Blue Cross constitutes a credible and renowned organisation driven by the values, the sort of professionalism, governance, and local community connections needed to effectively address this global challenge.

Habitat International Coalition

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

Children & Charity International

Children & Charity International mission is to "embrace humanity" by utilizing God given talents and resources to promote educational advancement and development; provide charitable and humanitarian aid, and 'Make a Difference' in the lives of poor and underrepresented people. As a mentoring organization we utilize charity and education to teach and empower people to take responsibility for their lives. We accomplish our mission partnering with churches, leaders, groups and organizations.