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We clean water for kids. We believe that every child deserves to have clean water, clean hands, clean toilets, and access to menstrual health support. Through partnerships with governments and other local leaders, we will demonstrate a replicable model for cost-effective citywide water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions that can improve the lives of millions. Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive. Yet, there are still millions of children lacking access to clean water, reliable infrastructure, and essential knowledge about their wellbeing. As long as this need persists, Splash remains steadfast in fulfilling its vital role.

At The Crossroads

At The Crossroads reaches out to homeless youth and young adults at their point of need, and works with them to build healthy and fulfilling lives. By bringing our services directly onto the streets, we cultivate long-term, unconditional relationships with young people who would otherwise be disconnected from consistent support. We empower our clients to accomplish their individual goals, build community, pursue their passions, and find their own paths to happiness and stability. We believe that there are no limits to what our clients can achieve, and that every homeless youth deserves the chance to build an outstanding life.

Silent Heroes Foundation

Silent Heroes Foundation (SHF) believes in the One Health philosophy, whereby humans and animals are intricately connected to their environment. This is most especially true where we operate, in the developing world. With One Health in mind, SHF is committed to enhance both animal and human well-being in Africa, as well as to aid in the protection and conservation of its wildlife and endangered species. This is achieved through supporting the work of veterinarians & conservationists in Africa, through the implementation of innovative conservation and mitigation of human-wildlife conflict, & through research and education initiatives with a focus at the interface between humans, domestic animals, and wildlife.

Hearing Education and Awareness For Rockers, Inc.

Since 1988, H.E.A.R., Hearing Education and Awareness For Rockers, mission is dedicated to the prevention of hearing loss and tinnitus. We cater particularly to the population most vulnerable to potential noise induced hearing loss ––young music lovers, musicians, DJs and their audiences and others in the music and entertainment industry––but extend our education, awareness, and advocacy to people from all walks of life. In addition to awareness, education and advocacy work, we provide music-hearing services in San Francisco and a directory of partners for other locales. In everything that we do, we strive to ensure that hearing conservation becomes part of every music education and music lifestyle. H.E.A.R. wants you and your loved ones to enjoy music, and the pleasure of hearing, for a long, long time.

Healing Pines Respite

It is our goal to provide a Respite for women with cancer. Cancer treatments are depleting, exhausting, and life changing. We allow women time and space to heal through rest, connection, self care and nature. Women are often the caretakers of the family and a cancer diagnosis impacts the entire family. It can be difficult for women to allow themselves the time and self care that is needed for healing. Our motto is that self care is not selfish! Women often need reminders that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Women greatly benefit from time away from the realities of cancer, a break from family, work and life obligations. Our respites provide a time for women with cancer to focus on their healing, a chance to care for themselves instead of others. It is our mission to spread the message that women need this.

Hackley School

Hackley School is an independent, college-preparatory, non-sectarian, day and boarding school for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Founded in 1899, it became co-educational in 1970. Hackley challenges students to grow in character, scholarship and accomplishment, to offer unreserved effort, and to learn from our community's varying perspectives and backgrounds. Hackley believes that students will grow in character and responsibility by participating in structured activity that serves the needs of people outside the spheres of home and school. By committing their energy, time, and imagination to serving those needs, students can experience the satisfaction of helping others and can gain some appreciation of the complexity and concerns of the larger community.

Home Of New Vision

Home of New Vision is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides gender-specific programs and specialized services to empower, protect, encourage, and enrich the lives of men, women, their families, and communities affected by the disease of addiction. We are committed to promoting change and awareness, and reducing stigma and shame, by providing a better understanding of recovery. Our philosophy is that substance use disorders are treatable, chronic diseases whose progression can be interrupted at any point. We believe that substance use disorder education, treatment, and support are effective ways to intervene in the progression and development of chemical dependency, and to allow for sustained, long-term recovery.

Fostering Great Ideas

Our vision is that every child in foster care feel important, cared for, and deeply loved. We firmly believe the well-being of these 400,000+ traumatized children improves when communities make an intentional effort to better understand and address the significant, emotional pain of the children in their midst. Our mission is to find and develop child advocates who care deeply about the emotional well-being of children living in foster care, provide these individuals and organizations innovative, "great ideas" that address the children's concerns, and measure the impact on each child. Finally, we invite advocates into a larger, national network for mutual learning and policy development.

Partner To Decide

Partner to Decide is a US-based non-profit organization that exists to improve decision-making quality in maternity care. We believe maternity care can be a more positive and empowering experience. We develop, test, evaluate, and implement tools and trainings to make it easier for pregnant people and providers to make person-centered, evidence-based, values-aligned decisions together. In our work, we prioritize the needs and preferences of pregnant people who identify as Black and/or Latinx, are insured by Medicaid, and who have low literacy levels since they are least likely to experience shared decision-making and most likely to experience bias in their care.

Hudson David Mcneel Memorial Fund

The Hudson David McNeel Foundation's mission is to raise awareness and funds that will help support premature lives and assist families navigating through the NICU journey. Did you know that 1,400 babies are born prematurely in the United States every single day? That is one out of every eight births. Preterm birth is the leading cause of infant death and over 15 million babies globally are born prematurely each year. In over 40% of these cases, the cause is unknown. Preterm birth is defined as a live birth before 37 weeks of gestation. Late preterm relates to 34-36 weeks gestation, moderately preterm is between 32-36 weeks, and severely preterm are those born under 32 weeks. How We Help.Every cent raised for our foundation is gifted to the University of Washington Medical Center's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where Hudson was cared for until his passing. Hudson was born at 25 weeks and his odds of survival were 50/50. Our mission is to contribute funds for further research and development, to prevent or aid in the treatment of premature complications and deliveries. The NICU can use these funds for continuing education, fellowship programs, unit expansion, increased technology and infant transport programs. Due to Hudson's severe prematurity, he needed to cared for in a level IV NICU, which can handle the most complex level of neonatal care. We feel fortunate to be living in an area with these resources available, and were nothing but amazed at the profound care that he received. Giving back to support this cause has provided us comfort and solace as we grieve over the loss of our son. Making a difference in his honor is a remarkable way to celebrate his life and help others in need. Thank you for supporting such a fragile and delicate cause…a newborn's life.

Portneuf Health Care Foundation

Portneuf Health Care Foundation's mission is to enhance and improve health in southeast Idaho and surrounding areas. Our organizational focus is:   1) Building and strengthening Portneuf Medical Center.   2) Investing in the promotion of health in our region through organized, thoughtful stewardship.   Together with our partners LHP Hospital Group,  the Portneuf Health Care Foundation owns Portneuf Medical Center. This joint venture governance model provides the benefits of local governance through the Foundation, and the benefits and expertise of a national leader in hospital management and capital through LHP.  We believe this joint ownership and governance structure to be the most effective governance structure in hospitals today.

Global Diversity Foundation

Global Diversity Foundation believes that our future depends on our respectful engagement with the vast biological and cultural diversity of Earth. We work to protect this diversity and enhance socioecological wellbeing. We carry out collaborative biocultural projects that build resilience, foster innovation and promote learning. Our work contributes to the growing global transition towards justice, respect and dignity for all beings.At the grassroots, through our regional programmes, we support communities as they improve their livelihoods while respecting environmental processes and make autonomous, informed decisions regarding their lands, resources and futures. At the global scale, we strengthen the knowledge, networking and communication skills of emerging environmental changemakers