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Displaying 505–516 of 601

Renal Support Network

Lori Hartwell founded Renal Support Network (RSN) in 1993 to empower people who have kidney disease to become knowledgeable about their illness, proactive in their care, hopeful about their future and make friendships that last a lifetime. Lori was diagnosed in 1968 with kidney failure and knows how important hope, peer connection and knowledge is to survive and thrive with an illness. RSN’s hopeful and life-enriching, non-medical programs help people who have kidney disease and their families, whether they are in the early stages of the disease, are on dialysis, or have received a transplant. People we connect with come to see kidney disease in a totally different light – that although it’s difficult, it is manageable. We help them recognize the need to take control of the course and management of their illness through storytelling. Learning from another patient’s experience and point of wisdom to live successfully and navigate care is vital for success. An Illness is too demanding when you do not have hope. RSN strives to make a lasting and positive difference in the lives of people with kidney disease and ensure that healthcare professionals and regulatory agencies legislative leaders that serve us hear what our needs are to have the best care and health possible.

Ruthie Trammels Champions For Compassion

Ruthie Trammel's Champions for Compassion exists to carry on the legacy of Ruthie Trammel by: You would be surprised to find that some people are hindered in their recovery simply because they cannot make it to treatment. RTC4C wants to remove the barrier of transportation by providing bus passes and bicycles for  the primary purpose of staying engaged in recovery and maintaining employment. Awareness is the first step to a compassionate, informed response to the needs of people who are in the process of recovery or living with mental challenges. We would like to continue building bridges and facilitate conversations between mental health specialists and other professions within our community. We aim to slow the revolving doors to our hospitals and jails and open the doors to our local churches. We support the continuing education of people on the front lines of mental health and substance abuse recovery. Ruthie was a big fan of Dialectial Behavior Therapy. We hope to make seminars and learning opportunities available to more people in our communities who are providing direct services to people who are in the process of overcoming dependency on substances and mental health challenges. As we remove the obstacles of shame and transportation and cultivate a community that is prepared to celebrate the progress of those in recovery, we restore hope for individuals in the throes of addiction. 

Chelsea Hutchison Foundation

The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation grants comfort and hope to those affected by epilepsy through providing monitoring resources, vital information, and a safe haven for conversation and community. Our main goal is to raise awareness of SUDEP and to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families living with epilepsy. We raise funds to provide education about SUDEP and to provide seizure response dog grants and movement monitors that help to protect against SUDEP. We stay up-to-date on current trends in medical technology in order to be able to provide the most effective devices as they become available. We provide financial assistance for what we believe to be life-saving movement monitors, grants for seizure-response service dogs and Chelsea's Wish Trips to Epilepsy Expos across the US each year. We respect the value and quality of life of every person living with epilepsy. We are dedicated to providing opportunities that allow individuals and families greater independence, increased confidence, ability to enjoy social environments, and community understanding.

SafeArt, Inc.

SafeArt is a community-based organization that engages creativity and the expressive arts as tools to support mental health and overall well-being. We offer residencies, workshops, and classes in the expressive arts for children, teens, and adults as well as ongoing focus groups. Over the years, we have worked with trauma survivors to help them engage with and transform emotional, mental, and physical injuries of all kinds. We define trauma as any held injury in body, mind, and soul. As the organization has matured, we have witnessed the healing power of creative expression as beneficial for all, and have added offerings to the broader community in addition to our trauma-focused programs. All of our programming continues to be inclusive of everyone and trauma-informed. We believe that we are all shaped by our experiences, and encourage participants to dive into the process of expressing themselves creatively without judgement or fear. Together, we can nourish and strengthen our minds, our families, and our communities - creating a safe space for all.

The Rose

We believe no one should die from breast cancer simply because they can't afford a mammogram. The Rose has been committed to eliminating breast healthcare inequities for Southeast Texas women since its founding in 1986. The organization was founded by two pioneering women determined to provide comprehensive, quality breast care. The Rose provides mammograms, diagnostic work including biopsies, and access to treatment if needed to all women regardless of their ability to pay.  Each year approximately 7,000 uninsured women and men in our community come to The Rose for help. They have no other place to go. The Rose is the only nationally recognized nonprofit breast health organization in Texas that simultaneously serves the insured and the uninsured through a preventive, culturally sensitive, family-centered, and community-based approach. We have the highest ratings available from independent charity watchdog organizations. While we know we can’t stop breast cancer from happening, together, we can make a difference in whether an uninsured woman survives it.

Voice Of the Bride Ministries

Mission Statement: To serve the poor in Mexico, and further the Kingdom of God through worship and intercession. Voice of the Bride "Worship and Compassion" Ministries exists for two purposes. We are committed to serving the poor and needy, specifically in Mexico. Daily, we are either picking up donated food supplies for distribution in Tijuana, or distributing food and other items to those in need in the poorer parts of Tijuana. This includes orphanages, rehabs, elderly homes, women's shelters, infirmaries, and various street outreaches, where many people hear the Gospel, as well as receive food for their families. VOB is also committed to furthering the Kingdom of GOD through worship and intercession, believing that prayer and worship 'grease the wheels' of mission work. VOB has sponsored and led worship in several targeted worship and intercession events. We have led worship at various outreaches in Tijuana, and are holding regular worship events in San Diego, designed to encourage people to spend extended time before the Lord in worship and prayer, and, specifically, to extend GOD's Kingdom on behalf of the nations through worship and intercession.

Omnis Foundation

Omnis Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring communities in crises by establishing health and education programs founded on social responsibility. Our goal is to provide resources necessary for sustainable growth. We believe that the best way to unlock one’s potential is through creating an environment that encourages progress. We started our work in Ukraine to address the immediate humanitarian needs of the families and children affected by unrest in the eastern part of the country. Our short-term initiatives focused on supplying emergency medical aid and organizing educational workshops for physicians to set higher standards for the treatment of the wounded. Our long-term initiatives include projects that provide underprivileged children and youth with access to better education and empower them to realize their full potential. As Omnis Foundation continues to grow and establish itself, we are partnering with the global community to develop and implement programs that help societies overcome challenges they face today. We aspire to equip people with necessary supplies and skills, which will prepare them to take on future adversities that current social, political and economic climates might bring.

Aim At Melanoma

AIM at Melanoma is globally engaged and locally invested in advancing the battle against melanoma through innovative research, legislative reform, education, and patient and caregiver support. Founded in 2004, AIM at Melanoma is the largest international melanoma foundation seeking the cure for melanoma. We are dedicated to: Innovation in Melanoma Research We believe that the cure for melanoma will be found more quickly by bringing together leading global researchers and funding their collaborative research. Our three paradigm-shifting global research initiatives, including the Melanoma Tissue Bank Consortium, are poised to reshape the future of melanoma. Legislation, Policy & Advocacy We are the respected voice of melanoma across the nation. When drugs are approved, legislation is drafted, and research is assessed, AIM is at the table, speaking loudly and clearly on behalf of patients and their families. We are trusted advisors for pharmaceutical companies, medical boards, and government agencies on critical topics that affect melanoma patients. Information & Resources Both in the U.S. and on a global level we provide comprehensive, easy-to-access melanoma information and resources to patients and healthcare professionals.

Childhood Eye Cancer Trust

The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) is dedicated to providing support to people affected by retinoblastoma (Rb). We work closely with the retinoblastoma teams at the Royal London Hospital and Birmingham Children's Hospital - the two UK centres of excellence where Rb is diagnosed and treated. Rb is rare and little known about within the wider public so we aim to provide accurate, up to date information and one-to-one support from the point of diagnosis and beyond, aiming to minimise the negative impact of the condition on the whole family. Early diagnosis is vital to ensure the best chances of preserving a child's vision and their life. We believe everyone should know that children can get cancer in their eyes and what the signs are, so we work hard to raise awareness of Rb. We target health professionals with information about this rare cancer, which can help them to make an early referral. The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust also raises funds to support and fund clinical and scientific research projects specifically related to retinoblastoma.

Oasis Womens Center

Our mission is to provide emergency shelter and supportive services to victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence victims are frightened for themselves and their children. It is often difficult for them to leave or stay and maintain safety for many reasons including that they are often blamed for their own victimization. It is vital to the safety of our community that victims are provided effective services and those who use harm in relationships are held accountable. Domestic violence is a societal problem that results in disruption and trauma in the lives of individual victims. Our vision is a community where families are safe in their own home. We seek to create a safer community through quality services. We know that our clients deserve adequate housing, resources, other supports and information to choose healthy and safe alternatives and reduce the violence in their lives. We believe collaborating with others in the community will provide the strongest trauma-informed services to our clients Our work is focused on achieving racial equity, gender equality, and welcome for all members of our community. Our vision, simply put, is: Safe and peaceful families, safe and peaceful communities.

Community Hospice Foundation

The Community Hospice is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing high quality end-of-life care to residents of eight counties covering over 4,000 square miles in Upstate New York State. Some of the most vulnerable people in our community are those who are struggling with advanced illness, facing the end of life, and recovering from the loss of a loved one. The Community Hospice is committed to serving these people. While insurance reimbursements cover most costs, they do not fund the programs and services that reach out to care for Hospice patients and families in a comprehensive way. No one is turned away due to financial need. That is where your active support comes in. You can join the caregiving team by considering a donation to The Community Hospice. Contributions provide funds for community bereavement services, community awareness, educational programs, and special services so that Hospice care is readily available, fully understood, and appropriately utilized by those in need. We, St. Peter's Health Partners And Trinity Health, Serve Together In The Spirit Of The Gospel As A Compassionate And Transforming Healing Presence Within Our Communities. Founded In Community-Based Legacies Of Compassionate Healing, We Provide The Highest Quality Comprehensive Continuum Of Integrated Health Care, Supportive Housing And Community Services, Especially For The Needy And Vulnerable. The Community Hospice Foundation is a member of St. Peter's Health Partners and Trinity Health.

22 Warriors Foundation

22 WARRIORS FOUNDATION Close your eyes and imagine TWENTY-TWO Veterans losing their battle to stay alive every single day. However a more accurate number is 35 or higher if you include older Veterans, less than honorably discharged Veterans and those lost to drug and alcohol related deaths. The truth is, whether it is today’s Veterans, or those from any conflict and combat action; one suicide or forgotten Vet is unacceptable! The haunting devastation that lies behind each suicide must be addressed. 22 WARRIORS FOUNDATION is committed to addressing the issues that lie behind suicides, high risk behaviors, untreated mental illness and lack of resources. To raise awareness of this devastating epidemic and make Until 22 Becomes 0! OUR GOALS 1. Provide 100% cost free services regardless of discharge status. 2. Be the resource and hub for those in immediate need. 3. Be the VOICE for the 22. 22 Warriors Foundation is excited and determined to make a difference in the lives of our Veterans and their families. “Until 22 Becomes 0” Help us today provide the support and services needed by our veterans. Add your voice and make a donation today! 22 Warriors Foundation, is a Nevada Nonprofit Corporation and All Donations to 22 Warriors Foundation are tax deductible under IRS 501 (C) 3 tax code exempt status – ID# 81-1326496