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Displaying 529–540 of 601

Hospice Of Lansing

Our mission is to provide comfort care at the end of life. We believe that a life fully lived, no matter how long, should include an end-of-life experience of comfort, dignity, and peace. Our goal is to keep each patient as comfortable and independent as possible, while supporting the emotional and spiritual needs of our patients and their loved ones. We were the first non-profit Hospice in the area and one of the first 100 Hospices in the nation. Our founders were a group of dedicated doctors, nurses and community volunteers that began providing care to the dying on their own time. Our organization began in 1979 before there was insurance reimbursement for Hospice care and this dedication to our patients remains our culture to this day. Ionia Area Hospice approached Hospice of Lansing joined forces and a formal partnership was formed in 1984. Should the time come when it is no longer possible for a patient to remain at home, Stoneleigh Residence is a unique, comfortable, peaceful, and home-like alternative. Surrounded by gardens, a cascading pond, trees and wildlife, the Residence is designed to take full advantage of the natural beauty of its wooded 20-acre site. We are a true community-based Hospice, created out of necessity and driven by our mission to serve all by bringing kindness, respect and quality to the end-of-life. Hospice of Lansing, Stoneleigh Residence and Ionia Area Hospice provide pain management and personal care, respite care, emotional and spiritual support for patients, volunteer support and grief support for family members after the loss.

Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

MISSIONThe Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a nonprofit charity dedicated to planting edible, fruitful trees and plants to benefit the environment and all its inhabitants. Our primary mission is to plant and help others plant a collective total of 18 billion fruit trees across the world (approximately 3 for every person alive) and encourage their growth under organic standards.FTPF provides support, resources, and guidance for those interested in planting fruit trees and spearheads a variety of planting programs. These programs are aimed at enriching the environment, providing nutritious food sources for wild and rescued animals, and improving human health by bringing delicious, fresh, locally grown raw fruits and vegetables of the highest quality into the lives of all people.VISIONWe envision a place where one can have a summer picnic under the shade of a fruit tree, breathe the clean air it generates, and not have to bring anything other than an appetite for the healthy fruits growing overhead. A world where one can take a walk in the park during a lunch break, pick and eat a variety of delicious fruits, plant the seeds so others can eventually do the same and provide an alternative to buying environmentally-destructive, illness-causing, chemically-laden products.Simply put, our goal is to encourage and inspire the planting of 18 billion fruit trees around the world. 18 billion fruit trees can spring out of the soul of one human being — we believe in thinking big, and loving even more

Broken Wings Ministry

Broken Wings Ministry is dedicated to Tammy's (founder of Broken Wings) brother Jimbo who died on Christmas Eve 2014 from a heroin overdose. He suffered from Opiod / mental health issues. He was a victim of the national opioid crisis in America and did not receive the help he needed. Broken Wings want to restore lives to people who are broken by addiction and mental health / trauma. We offer services in the Orlando area with emphasis on women and children suffering from opiod addiction/ substance abuse and other mental health challenges. Curently we provide services including outpatient office based therapy, animal and garden therapy. Once our residential home is purchased, clients can come and heal in a safe holistic environment (body, mind and spirit). Therapeutic interventions will aim to get at the root cause of addiction/ mental health and seek healing from triggers with effective interventions to avoid relapse. Interventions include: animal therapy, garden therapy, EMDR, talk therapy, group therapy, therapeutic massage, spirituality, develooping life skills, nutrition education and a twelve step program with family involvement. Then, after a client graduates from our program we want to follow them for life. We believe that recovery is a life long process and want to stand by our alumni. Therefore, Broken Wings will offer lifelong alumni outpatient counseling services to clients for support to prevent relapse.

Together In Hope

Together in Hope's mission is to empower lives and communities globally. We envision a world where all children have enough to eat, can go to school, have access to quality health care, and where all parents can find jobs and provide for their families. Together in Hope believes that if we all work together, in hope, each doing what we can, we can make that vision a reality and give those living in poverty a future with hope. We work with some of the world’s poorest communities in the Philippines, El Salvador and Ethiopia. These are communities unreached by international development organizations. We work with these communities to help them break the cycle of poverty and give them a future with hope. Our model hinges on the perspective that to empower a community living in poverty, the community must be involved in every step of the program and that they must own the project. Together in Hope does not walk into a community and create change; we wait to be invited by local community leaders to work with the community toward empowerment. The community is the main decision maker and they decide the programs they need to become self sustainable. Together in Hope comes alongside that effort and works with the local community to implement these programs. Our main goal is to empower poor communities and to leave as little foot print as possible. This model is built upon shared leadership amongst the community. The local community plays an active role in the project identification, planning, implementation, and monitoring. As a community grows and develops, Together in Hope is there to assist with educational and nutritional support, job and livelihood training, and health care support. By empowering communities to self-define and self-actualize, Together in Hope seeks to break the cycle of poverty, giving community members and families a future with hope.

Asian Mental Health Collective

It is the mission of AMHC to normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community. With the rapid development of and focus on personal well-being in individualistic societies, people are now more aware of the detrimental effects of poor mental health and mental illnesses than ever before. However, as members of the Asian Diaspora, there are often strong cultural underpinnings related to our mental health experiences that go unaddressed. Mental health issues do not exist in individuals only, and this is especially true for those who come from cultures that value collectivism. Experiences shaped by cultural ideals that value face, achievement, and filial piety are interwoven in the fabric of our understanding of the world. Intertwined with generations of exposure to trauma, these ideals, while not inherently unhealthy, are often expressed in ways that create dissonance for the children of the diaspora who live in increasingly globalized societies. It is apparent that there is a generational and cultural rift in many Asian families, with mental health woven through both overt confrontations and unspoken grievances as a result. AMHC hopes to help bridge those divides. We do not need, or want, to do away with centuries of beloved culture and tradition for the sake of mental health. We at AMHC believe in integrating our shared backgrounds with the progressive ideals of emotional well-being and mental health - expressing collectivist ideals while respecting the agency of the individual. It all begins with understanding. Through projects such as our Facebook group, resource library, video web-series, and meetup groups, we hope to not only provide mental health support, but also facilitate the difficult conversations we need to have to move forward together.

Five Acres The Boys & Girls Aid Society Of Los Angeles County

Originally founded in downtown LA as an orphanage, our initial mission was simply to provide safety to children who had no home. In time, our mission expanded to also focus on the well-being of our clients and caring for the mental and emotional health of children who were increasingly coming to us as a result of abuse or neglect. Having grown to an agency caring for nearly 8,700 children and family members annually across five counties, we now strive for permanency – a permanent, loving home – for all those in our care. These three pillars; safety, well-being and permanency provide the framework for all of Five Acres’ current programs and they will guide our steps in the future as we continue seeking even more effective means of caring for children and families in crisis. For over 129 years Five Acres has been committed to preserving successful childcare programs and developing innovative services for children and families in crisis. With over 100,000 clients served since its founding in 1888, Five Acres currently cares for 8,700 children and families annually, across five counties including Los Angeles. Safety For over 129 years, children’s safety has been one of our priorities. Five Acres works to address and heal the trauma that effects children and their families so that children can grow safely and thrive within a loving family Well-being Healthy families are more likely to remain intact and enjoy a greater level of well-being. Five Acres believes families stay together when they are provided with essential prevention and intervention resources for success Permanency Five Acres actively strives to provide a sense of belonging by connecting children to caring adults with safe, permanent and loving families. With strong stability and the chance to stay in a loving home, children are able to rebuild their sense of belonging and grow.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Cazale Community And Cultural Center

The Cazale Community and Cultural Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people in Haiti to achieve their full potential. We believe that every child deserves access to high-quality education, extracurricular activities, and a safe and supportive community. Our mission is to enhance positive social interactions and build self-esteem and confidence among Haitian youth through a range of programs and services. We provide tutoring and year-round extracurricular activities at our after-school center in Cazale, which serves over 200 students in elementary and middle school every day with the help of 1 director, 1 administrator, 5 teachers, and 2 student aids. Our center is open after-school from 2 pm to 7 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturdays, offering access to a library, English classes (ESL) , music lessons, and a range of other activities, including board games, dance, arts, computer workshops, and sports. We also provide students with access to excursions outside of Cazale. In addition, we collaborate with youth in New York to host summer camps for about 200 Haitian youth every year. This summer camp builds off the topics discussed during the after-school program, including promoting community service, health and hygiene, self-esteem, and the overall goal of loving your neighbor as yourself. We also host a yearly CCCC Genie summer contest on the radio, where contestants compete in a Jeopardy-like game and can receive prizes if they place in the top four. Our long-term goal is to expand our reach and impact by establishing community centers in as many communities as possible throughout Haiti. We envision ourselves as the "YMCA" of Haiti, providing a safe and supportive space for young people to learn, grow, and thrive.

American Friends of Un Techo para mi Pais (UTPMP)

VISION: A fair and poverty free society, where everyone has the opportunities needed to develop their capacities and fully exercise their rights MISSION: Work Tirelessly to overcome extreme poverty in slums, through training and joint action of families and youth volunteers. Furthermore, to promote community development, denouncing the situation in which the most excluded communities live. And lastly, to advocate for social policies with other actors in society. VALUES: Solidarity. It is an empathy with the most excluded families, which moves us to want to be and work alongside with them. Sharing their hardships and desires, to learn from their skills and perseverance, and to advocate against everything that excludes them and that does not recognize their rights as human beings. Conviction. To overcome poverty and injustice in our continent is possible. This certainty gives us the determination to work tirelessly and together with others to accomplish it. Placing challenging and high goals, as well as taking the necessary risks to go beyond all the fatalisms that surround us. Excellence. All of our work must be of high quality, given that it is intended for those less fortunate. Our work is rigorous, punctual, always creative and innovative. It is respectful of the commitments, perseverant in the face of difficulties, intelligent to recognize mistakes and correct them, and proactive in the search for solutions to the problems that arise along the way. Diversity. At TECHO, all young people are welcome, regardless of ethnic or social backgrounds, religious belief, political choices or sexual orientation. We are sure that our differences are an asset in joining forces for that which unites us: the fight against extreme poverty in our continent. Optimism. We look at the future with hope, without being naive, because we believe that it is possible to defeat the injustice that we see today. We move forward towards this future working with joy, because as young people we recognize what a privilege it is to dedicate our lives to make our world a more human and equal place for everyone.

Good Samaritan Clinic

The Good Samaritan Clinic is unlike any other health clinic in the Arkansas River Valley. The clinic is modeled after the Church Health Center in Memphis, Tennessee on the premise that it is serving those in need through the generous donations of others. The Good Samaritan Clinic provides a local avenue of creating change, providing a chance for those who just need a hand-up, and being able to show the love and compassion of Jesus. This is done by meeting individuals’ crucial needs, primarily healthcare, and enabling our community to continue to prosper. It has been the Good Samaritan Clinic’s mission to be an ecumenical charitable healthcare ministry for the under-served by reclaiming the biblical and historical commitment of the church to care for the poor. With the volunteer services of healthcare professionals, along with the Good Samaritan Clinic’s staff and volunteers, we provide on-site affordable healthcare for the working poor, children, elderly and the homeless. The clinic cares for the whole person by providing not only medical care but counseling, health education, and preventative care. The clinic began in 2002 with a local group of individuals that recognized the urgency and benefit of such a clinic in this area. The clinic has grown from only about 6 patients the first few days with only three full-time positions to an average of 394 patient visits per month and 6 full-time staff members. With the Good Samaritan Clinic’s decision to begin accepting those with healthcare, but still maintain a strict application and screening process, the number of patient visits are continuing to climb. In comparison of the first quarter of 2015 to the first quarter of 2016, the clinic has seen a 15% increase in patient visits and a 60% increase of new applicants. The clinic has over 12,900 patients within our database, patients whom without our assistance would become worse health wise, develop and remain untreated chronic illnesses, continue to miss work due to untreated illnesses, and continue down the twisted fate of financial distress. As a team, the clinic and its supporters are striving to meet the needs of these individuals for the betterment of our community. With the continued community need of the clinic and the growing patient visits, as a contributor you are a crucial piece for us to continue striving towards our mission and accomplishing our goal. Mission: A charitable healthcare ministry for the under-served. Goal: An ecumenical healthcare ministry seeking to affirm the Bible and historical commitment of the Christian church to care for those in need.

Chemo Companions

Our Guiding Forces are Love, Compassion, Understanding and Hope. My mother, Mariann Gofonia, passed away in September of 2009 after beating breast cancer four times. During her many rounds of chemotherapy treatments, the Gofonia girls, there are five of us…would all but turn the chemo lounge into a party hall with laughter, jokes, hugs and love – and something interesting happened there. Smiles would suddenly fill this typically gloomy room with warmth, joy and light. Realizing that not everyone has this kind of resource, I created Chemo Companions. Chemo Companions provides companionship through a network of trained volunteers who bring comfort, conversation, laughter and nourishing essentials to the Chemo Lounge. Our mission is to make a positive impact on the lives of those undergoing cancer treatments by offering friendship and emotional support. The guiding forces behind Chemo Companions are love, compassion, understanding and hope. Our “mascot”, the hummingbird represents all that we stand for and has become the symbol for our inspiration, Mama Marriann. Like a sign from God, hummingbirds became an instant and comfortingly common presence in my life within minutes of my mother’s passing. I am convinced it is no coincidence that the Hummingbird is considered to be the messenger of Hope and Jubilation. It is also believed that the Hummingbird is the creature that opens the heart. Chemo Companions annually provides hundreds of “Chemo Comfort” goody bags to oncology offices. The bags are filled with chemo “essentials” for patients while they receive their treatment. The bags are filled with a hand-knitted hat, fuzzy socks, a blanket, lip balm, ginger chews, fabric handmade mask, herbal tea, a crossword book, pen, colored pencils and adult coloring book, a granola bar and other goodies. We also provide pantry items and gas/grocery gift cards for the patients who have suffered a financial setback due to a cancer diagnosis and treatment. I would love to have some financial assistance through your grant so I can continue to provide these essentials and in the future, provide even more of them because there are absolutely more than 500 cancer patients who could use these items. There is a huge need from the cancer community to have support in a variety of ways and this project provides that in spades.

Seeds for a Future

Perched atop the buried pre-classic Maya city of Chocola, the village of Chocola on the back slopes of the volcanoes that form Lake Atitlan, is poverty stricken yet poised to become a model of cultural celebration and self-sufficiency. What it needs most is leadership training and technical support to develop its potential for diversified agriculture, archeological-tourism, health care for its families and education for its children. In its simplest terms, the mission of Seeds for a Future is to help this impoverished community plan and achieve prosperity based on balanced development principles that protect cultural tradition, the natural environment and preserve the Mayan and post-colonial history of the town. Seeds for a Future traces its roots to the period from 2003 through 2006 when many Earthwatch Institute volunteers came to Chocola to work on the archaeological site, which was then being excavated under license from the Guatemalan government. The volunteers embraced being associated with an important archaeological endeavor and learned about the vast pre-Classic Maya city that may hold keys to the early development of Mayan language, system of time and other fundamental cultural practices. At the same time, many of us fell in love with the community, its families and children and the fabulous, healthy mountain environment. As a result, groups of volunteers organized to help a community struggling with terrible poverty and deprivation to find a way to prosperity without destroying their way of life or the delicate balance of their natural environment. A vision emerged among a core of volunteers, Guatemalan visionaries and local leaders in which Chocola is seen as lifting itself into a more healthy and prosperous community based on its historic farming skills, adding value to its coffee, vegetable and cacao producers and through community cooperative action. In the future, there is great promise for the development of Chocola as a tourist destination based on archaeo-tourism; conservation of the natural resources in which the community is embedded and conservation of one of the first and greatest coffee processing plants (beneficios) established during the 1890s. But we also discovered in the early years that before Chocola could begin to realize its potential, the people needed training in identifying their own vision for the future, learning to work together and acquiring the technical skills needed for success. Overcoming 500 years of economic and social servitude is not easily done, but real progress is being made and our program has been recognized as ground-breaking, by the Guatemalan Ministry of Culture and others. Four operating principles guide the work we do: We provide information and technical assistance to the people of Chocola to help them evaluate new opportunities and to plan. We provide direct funding and other forms of support for community requests for assistance on specific projects. These requests must come through Chocola leadership and must demonstrate sustainability and a willingness and capability of the community to provide part of the needed resources. All programs must aim at achieving self-sufficiency. We will help with programs that governmental agencies believe may be of value, provided that they too meet the same test as is noted for the community above. All such requests must be consistent with our mission to help the people and do no harm to either the Maya archaeological site or to the 1890 Coffee Finca site. In all of our programs we try to ensure that the participants become more engaged in the social and civil fabric, that they gain self confidence in their ability to change their own future for the better, and that we provide knowledge and coaching for a sufficient period of time that their activities and new ideas become self-sustaining in the community.

Hope Foundation for African Women (HFAW)

Mission: Hope Foundation for African Women (HFAW) is a nonpartisan not for profit national grassroots organization committed to women and girls empowerment, their sexual and reproductive health and human rights as well as elimination of gender disparities in all our communities. We work for the empowerment of grassroots women and girls through income generating activities and education about their rights. We address gender inequalities through raising awareness, trainings, motivating, inspiring and mentoring the women and organizations we work with. Our identity statement: We have firm believe in the power of ordinary people to change their situation and seek to unveil it Guiding Principle: To promote gender equality and equity for all Core Strategies: HFAW has adopted the strategies in addressing gender inequalities. We work with grassroots women and women's organizations to facilitate women's empowerment. We do this through various means: Engaging them in economic growth through individual and group projects Providing skills to address sexual and reproductive health knowledge and services Involving them in innovative strategies to total eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM) Supporting them to question gender based violence and use whatever formal or informal means available to them to end this vice in their community We mentor women with self-advocacy skills and motivate them to be leaders in their families and communities Educate women on their rights as guaranteed in the 2010 constitution We build the capacity of women to promoters of health, safe environment and other rights Our Core Values -To fight against marginalization of individuals -To be professional, confidential and respectful -Commitment to women's empowerment and seek respectful teamwork with individuals and groups and to uphold every person's human dignity and to do our work with utmost integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability -We have passion, calm and logic in our work to eliminate gender disparities Our History: HFAW was started in August 2011 by Dr. Grace B. Mose Okong'o and Mrs. Hellen Njoroge as a response to debates in our country that suggest that Kenya's women are not ready or willing to take up political leadership positions to fill the one third constitutional mandate. Currently only a few seats in the National Assembly are occupied by women, we have not met the 1/3 mandate. HFAW leaders see the problem as originating from our extreme patriarchal society which discriminates against women. Advancing women's participation in leadership has to start with addressing the whole spectrum of inequalities at the grassroots. We must address economic and educational inequalities. Women have to be economically empowered and educated about their constitutional and women's human rights. HFAW leaders are engaging women in civic education, women's rights, violence against women, reproductive health and services, and total eradication of FGM.We have started with two marginalized communities of Kisii and Maasai where FGM practice is universal with nearly 97% girls undergoing it. This practice is so detrimental physically but also mentally as it socializes women to accept their poverty and low status position in their families, communities and nation. The overall goal of this project is to improve economic and health of poor and vulnerable women,and advance human rights of Kenyan women and families through education, leadership training and the development of community health teams. One of our current objective is to adopt popular education model as implemented by EPES Foundation in South America to train 30 health and human rights promoters to work in rural villages in Nyamira. We will use the model to eradicate FGM in these communities; advance reproductive health, economic prosperity and human rights. Ultimately these women will lead much higher quality life and participate in their families and nation as full human beings.