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To assist low income cancer patients with transportation to treatments and doctor's appointments and with the cost of oral medications. We serve a 23 county area in southeastern Nebraska and Northeastern Kansas.
Our mission is to help people make sense of the complex medical and personal information about breast health and breast cancer, so they can make the best decisions for their lives.
Halo House Foundation helps to save the lives of blood cancer patients by providing affordable and fully furnished housing so they can receive treatment at the Texas Medical Center.
To facilitate free medical care to low-income, uninsured residents of Manatee County, Florida Vision: We envision Manatee County as a healthy community where all residents have access to medical care regardless of their ability to pay Values: Compassion for those in need; Dedication to use our unique skills, talents and abilities to serve, and improve the health of our community; Recognition that Human Dignity is a basic right we believe everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their station in life
Ronald McDonald House of Danville, Inc. shall provide compassionate, temporary, convenient, subsidized housing and related programs for childhood cancer and other patients and families associated with treatment at area medical facilities.
Thin Blue Ride's goal is to help law enforcement and military veteran families when diagnosed or during cancer treatment. We want to help with the financial burden of medical bills, not working etc
The Colorado Cancer Foundation is 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit dedicated to furthering oncology research at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Auora, and aiding Colorado-based cancer patients and their families.
The mission of the Jeff Gordon Children's Foundation is to support children battling cancer by funding programs that improve patients’ quality of life, treatment programs that increase survivorship and pediatric medical research dedicated to finding a cure.
The mission of Moveable Feast is to improve the health of Marylanders experiencing food insecurity and chronic illness by preparing and delivering medically tailored meals and providing nutrition education, thereby achieving racial, social, and health equity.
The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, that is dedicated to helping prostate cancer patients and caregivers research your treatment options. We understand that they have lots of questions and we can help them find the answers that are specific to their case. All of our resources are designed by a multidisciplinary team of patients, advocates, and leading medical doctors, for the patient. We believe that by educating oneself about the disease, they will have more productive interactions with their medical professionals, and get better individualized care.
Patients with chronic or life-altering diseases (such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis) must fight both their illness and the financial burden it places on their family as they struggle to pay for their medications. It is estimated that over 35% of these patients have insurance but still cannot afford the co-payments for the specialty therapeutics they need to treat or control their disease, which can range from $300 to over $3000 per month for a single dose. These underinsured patients are not eligible for most free drug or patient assistance programs, leaving them with few alternatives. They may be forced to do without their medications or go into debt to obtain them, greatly affecting their health and quality of life. Our mission is to improve the health and quality of life of underinsured patients with chronic disease, cancer, or other life-altering conditions who cannot afford the medications they so desperately need.
Zip With Us, Inc. is a 501(c)3 public charity serving infants and children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses via the donation of custom, vibrant medically-adapted garments. Our products enable kids ranging from infants to teens to keep their shirts on during chemotherapy and other infusion treatments both in the hospital and during at-home care. Our ZipShirts™ provide dignity and comfort, while making the medical device “access” process easier for both patients and caregivers since they are configured for the individual patient’s medical access points (e.g. ports, picc lines, central lines, g-tubes, n-tubes, etc.). They are soft, bright and personalized to match a child’s favorite colors, characters, and themes. Our new line of Drew’s Cruisers™ are medically-adapted onesies that protect a baby’s central lines via fasteners and flaps, allowing the child to move and play freely without worrying about line dislodgement or injury. These onesies are positive for these little ones in two powerful ways: (i) mitigating the chance of line infections and the need for unnecessary surgery due to accidental dislodgement, as well as (ii) helping prevent developmental stagnation by allowing free movement.