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Bring education/awareness to TBI and the impacts of having a hidden disease. Give back to the community to receive treatment and support TBI research, and promote kindness, especially to those who are fighting a battle you know nothing about.
The Lion Heart Heroes Foundation seeks to promote heart health for our military community. Objectives: Raise awareness of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and advocate for heart health in the military community. Promote the presence and use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS) on military posts and at physical fitness events. Support research and partner with the Navy to develop cardiac screening protocols to help identify cardiac abnormalities within our military community. Demonstrate heart screening protocols using the latest scientific techniques.
GO, rescue & raise up orphaned and abused children in the name of Jesus.
Holton's Heroes serves the community at large by connecting children who have suffered a life-threatening, post-birth brain injury with therapeutic tools and devices, enriching activities, educational information and resources for them and their loved ones. Holton's Heroes helps children and their families get the tools they need to improve their overall physical and emotional development in addition to their quality of life. Holton's Heroes strives to be a constant reminder to families dealing with a brain injury that they are not alone in this fight. It is this premise that drives our mission.