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Building houses, jobs, and community for those who have fought for the preservation of freedom and democracy for others. HeroHomes is a 501(c)3 not for profit foundation established to build houses for those who have fought for the preservation of freedom and democracy for others. These deserving vets and their families cannot regain what they lost defending our country, but we can give them a new start in building a solid foundation for their future and the dignity of an independent life in a wonderful small town community setting. We provide the opportunity for disabled veterans to rejoin society with the security and pride of home ownership.
Mighty Hero Homes exist to eradicate veteran homelessness by providing affordable, permanent homes to all homeless veterans in safe environments with a full array of on-Base amenities and wraparound services. Homeless to Home Ownership is the objective for each Base resident. Because They Deserve Better! It is time to end the institution of veteran homelessness. Measurable generational change will occur in hundreds of American cities because of the infusion of healthy, hopeful, and productive American heroes in the communities where Mighty Hero Home Bases are installed. Veterans will become vital contributors in the societies that welcome, support, and embrace their residency. Mighty Hero Home Bases will provide Base residents with employment opportunities, health care and wellness services, and other amenities such as a commissary, gardens, green space, indoor and outdoor congregation areas, etc. Support from the communities where the Bases are built is mission critical. As such, Mighty Hero Homes will recruit and empower local businesses, churches, and other civic organizations to sponsor each Base resident.
Mighty Writers teaches Philadelphia kids ages seven through seventeen to think and write with clarity so they can achieve success at school, at work and in life.
Mighty Earth ( is a global advocacy organization working to defend a living planet. Our goal is to protect half of Earth for Nature and secure a climate that allows life to flourish. Mighty Earth achieves transformative change by creating a “perfect storm” of campaigns, communications, and practical engagement with decision-makers that can rapidly transform whole industries and government policy. Our recent work has focused significantly on the private sector, because too many governments around the world have abdicated their responsibility for climate action and broader environmental protection.
Mighty Companions is a Los Angeles based non-profit organization, "Dedicated to encouraging the awareness of ourselves as a One Life." We produce events and projects and communications to support a shift of consciousness from outer focus to inner, from separation to union. We host circles where leaders of thought explore the changes currently taking place in human consciousness. Our mission is to help humanity vibrate to a new harmonic. We are an energy field -- a consortium of heroic disciples of Truth, serving as instruments of the Intelligence to express on earth. Our Website exists to "compare notes" on the transformation of consciousness and to cheerlead for what we think will move humanity along as it goes from separation and self-centeredness to a sense of oneness and concern with all of existence. We offer a neutral playing field, with no religious practice or commercial product, for people of vision and heart to engage with one another. In human endeavor, sacred sources speak of pattern-setting by as few as two people. With individual saviors having come in other eras, interaction among "two or more" catalyzes change now. We operate in the belief that the engagement we make here can matter to the whole of humanity.
The Hero Foundation supplies financial support for Michigan families battling cancer.
Hero Labradors' mission is to breed and select Labrador Retrievers of the highest quality, possessing the aptitude for service dog training, and to provide these dogs at no cost to service dog training programs across the United States. Selected programs agree to train and provide these dogs at no cost to disabled American Veterans, the Military Community, and First Responders and their families.
We place dogs with veterans and first responders. Our focus is on training dogs to help alleviate symptoms of post traumatic stress and service connected challenges. We use rescues dogs whenever possible to help 2 lives at a time.
The Mighty Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support small businesses to ensure their survival.
The Mighty Quinn Foundation honors Quinn Rooney's passion for learning and love of theater by providing scholarships, training, artistic programming and creative opportunities within its community. Our goal is to provide young artists with the tools to learn, grow, create, and perform.