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International Womens House is a domestic violence shelter with a mission to provide a safe haven and supportive services to women and children who are the victims of family violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, with a focus on immigrant and refugee women and children, cultural sensitivity and self-sufficiency.
Helping survivors of sexual violence heal emotionally and spiritually from the devastating effects of inappropriate sexual behavior.
Their mission is to provide a safe place for Haitian women to receive compassionate and respectful maternity care. They are dedicated to improving the health and well being of the women and infants of Haiti, one woman and one child at a time. This vision is achieved through the application of evidence based midwifery care, delivered primarily by Haitian midwives and supported by volunteer midwives from around the world. Healthy women make for healthy families. Their goal is to offer services to women that will decrease their risk of dying from what should be a normal life event: pregnancy and birth. However, Haiti has the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere. It is their core belief that no woman or child should ever die because of where they live.
To model to our rescued girls in Peru what a happy and healthy family is like. To provide for them love - in addition to the emotional, psychological, and physical security that they did not have before arriving to us. To provide for them a good education so that they can become agents of change for their society, culture, and world. Most importantly: We serve to be an expression of God’s heart towards the children He gives us. His heart is expressed very well in Psalm 68, verses 5 and 6 – “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” We consider it a privilege to be used of Him to provide a family for the children and youth that He has placed into our hands.