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Displaying 73–84 of 187

Pratthanadee Foundation

Pratthanadee is an award-winning charity providing life-changing training for underprivileged women and girls in Bangkok and the rural Isaan region of Thailand. The Foundation empowers under-educated women and girls to become confident, independent and ambitious individuals. Through training in crucial skills, such as negotiation, self-presentation, and goal-setting, women are equipped to access better job opportunities and higher salaries. They leave training with the lifelong tools they need to build a more positive life for themselves and their families. The women that Pratthanadee works with have often migrated from a poor rural area to the city, in order to find work and send money home to their families. Over half moved to Bangkok when they were under 18, often on their own. 34% reached only primary school and the remainder have high schooling only and no additional training. They have few marketable skills and little work experience. On arrival in Bangkok, they find their employment opportunities restricted to unskilled manufacturing and service-sector occupations, and the commercial sex sector is one of the few places where they can earn a good wage. As a result, they easily get stuck in a cycle of unstable, unregulated or low-paid work. These women face a high risk of violence and exploitation as they are: - Often isolated in Bangkok and cut off from their usual support network back home. - Financially dependent on a particular employer or a relationship, and therefore unwilling to question any behaviour that might result in losing money to send for their families. - Often working in high-risk jobs where they feel easily replaceable, such as domestic homes, massage and entertainment parlours, and factories. We aim to help two groups: 1) Uneducated women who are already in Bangkok, either looking for work or stuck in a cycle of low quality employment. 2) Teenage girls who are at risk of falling into the same trap. The underlying philosophy of our organization is best found in the words of Ruby Manikan, "If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate a family."

International Alert

International Alert works with people directly affected by conflict to build lasting peace. Together, peace is within our power. We focus on solving the root causes of conflict with people from across divides. From the grassroots to policy level, we all come together to build everyday peace, from the ground up. Peace is just as much about communities living together, side by side, and resolving their differences without resorting to violence as it is about people signing a treaty or laying down their arms. Peace is when you can walk your children to school in safety, feed your family or make a living, no matter who you are. That is why we bring people together to inspire and amplify our voice for peace. In collaboration with local communities, partners, businesses and policy-makers, we turn our in-depth research and analysis into practical solutions that make a difference on the ground.

Senhoa Foundation

Supporting vulnerable persons and survivors of human trafficking by providing income-generating opportunities, social reintegration, and programs for self-empowerment. We believe in: - Income generation so that vulnerable women can gain economic independence. - Educational and social programs for intellectual empowerment. - Using business sensibilities to achieve humanitarian goals.

MetroWest Legal Services Inc

Since 1976, MetroWest Legal Services has been providing free civil legal aid to low income, elderly, disabled, and other disenfranchised people living in 45 towns throughout MetroWest. We firmly believe that everyone should have access to justice, not just those who can afford it.

Ainsley's Angels of America

In addition to ensuring everyone can experience endurance events, Ainsley's Angels of America aims to build awareness about America's special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. Serving as advocates to providing education and participating as active members in local communities, we believe everyone deserves to be included.

Fly The Phoenix

Fly the Phoenix believes that education, as well as daily food, are basic human rights. In order to combat the imbalances of these rights, we are creating sustainable, 25-year cycle, educational community programs. These are funded by our local income-initiatives, challenges and international donations through our registered charity, Fly The Phoenix.

Aid For Women

Aid for Women serves thousands of women annually in the Chicagoland area who are facing unexpected pregnancies. Our life-affirming services are offered to clients free-of-charge and include: compassionate counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasound exams, Earn While You Learn Program, pregnancy and parent support groups, residential programs as well as medical and community referrals. Aid for Women operates five pregnancy care centers and two residential programs.

Americans United For Separation Of Church And State

Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit educational and advocacy organization that brings together people of all religions and none to protect the right of everyone to believe as they want — and stop anyone from using their beliefs to harm others. We fight in the courts, legislatures, and the public square for freedom without favor and equality without exception

Durga Tree International

Durga Tree International is a heart-centered, collaborative organization that raises funds and empowers multiple non-profits around the world who are on the ground actively working to fully end Modern Slavery. We believe it is the basic human right of every individual to have personal freedom, whatever their socio-economic status, race, gender, or religion.

Ethical Trading Company

Ethical Trading Company is working to end human trafficking. We do this by importing, marketing, and selling products from suppliers and organizations that create jobs as a way to prevent human trafficking. We believe that by bringing sustainable jobs and income into villages and towns where women and girls are most at risk we will be able to end the cycle of poverty and trafficking once and for all.

Stand for Children Leadership Center (National Office)

The mission of Stand for Children is to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school prepared for, and with access to, a college education. We believe all children deserve an equal opportunity to succeed in life. Education is the key that unlocks the door to success but far too many children, through no fault of their own, aren't getting the education they need to make it in life.

Womens Voices Now

Women’s Voices Now (WVN) is a non-profit organization using the power of film to drive positive social change that advances girls' and women's rights globally. We envision a global culture shift, powered by impact film, in which communities and institutions believe in the value of gender equality, and adapt their behaviors and actions to support systematic advancement of girls’ and women’s rights.