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Displaying 13–24 of 670

French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children

The French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children is striving to realize a vital and ambitious vision: to be a leading institute of excellence and innovation in healthcare, research and education, providing exemplary, safe, comprehensive, accessible and sustainable services to Afghanistan and surrounding regions, while positively impacting the lives of patients and all others whom it serves. During this journey, the hospital is committed to: To provide exemplary quality and safe care to the patients To ensure accessibility of services, both physical and financial, such that needy patients are cared for with respect and dignity To develop new services in response to public needs and expectations as resources permit on an economically viable and sustainable basis To develop the institution into an academic centre that develops local and regional health human resources as leaders and leads to human resource sustainability To carry out programmes and assigned missions in a manner that would enhance the ability of the institute to move towards sustainability

Vision Health International

The mission of Vision Health International (VHI) is to improve the vision health of medically underserved people in developing countries by providing free-of-charge professional surgical, medical, and educational services at the invitation of the host country. In addition to providing direct patient care, an integral part of VHI's mission is the capacity building of local medical personnel and the transfer of technology to the medical communities of the countries served. Educational activities include directed training of medical personnel in the latest surgical techniques, pre-and post-operative care, specialized oculoplastic instruction, and patient exams. The transfer of technology is accomplished through donations of surplus surgical supplies and equipment to local medical professionals to allow for continuity of care. Please visit VHI's website and view VHI's documentary DVD:

Agape International, Inc.

Agape International's mission is to love and care for the poorest of the poor that suffer as a result of the global AIDS crisis. We provide more than 240 children impacted by AIDS a family-style home, nutritious meals, medical care and an education in Hyderabad, India. Please visit our website at to see how Agape is transforming the lives of AIDS orphans from cradle through college.

Youth Journalism International

Youth Journalism International connects teen writers, artists and photographers with peers around the globe, teaches journalism, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and promotes and defends a free youth press.

Human Life International

Human Life International exists for the glory of God and the defense of life, faith and family. We seek to respond to our calling as followers of Jesus Christ by building a Culture of Life and of Love around the world through education, outreach, advocacy, and service.

International Womens House

International Womens House is a domestic violence shelter with a mission to provide a safe haven and supportive services to women and children who are the victims of family violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, with a focus on immigrant and refugee women and children, cultural sensitivity and self-sufficiency.

Zawadi Fund International

Zawadi Fund International supports the initiatives of the Children and Youth Empowerment Centre, Nyeri, Kenya. In collaboration with the CYEC, we seek to develop effective and sustainable solutions for the street-dwelling children, including education and enterprise development, to enable these young people to lead fulfilling lives.

International Blue Cross

The International Blue Cross is one of the world's leading non-governmental organisations, caring for people harmed by or at risk from alcohol or illicit drug use. Our project work in prevention, treatment & counselling and aftercare focuses primarily on young and vulnerable people, and on those in extreme poverty. Through carefully researched and targeted interventions we advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies at the national and international level. In doing so, we seek to draw positive and dignified attention to the issues faced by dependent people and their families. Our Vision: We see a world where all people can knowingly choose and live a life free of harmful addiction; a world where all people harmed by addiction have access to and can benefit from high quality and holistic treatment. Our Mission: We provide healthcare development support and promote holistic well-being; We prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs and help mitigate the associated negative health, social, and economic consequences; We advocate for evidence and best practice-based alcohol policy formulation and implementation on the national and international levels. Alcohol and illicit drug misuse afflicts innumerous individuals and families. It also costs societies around the world billions of dollars in health and socio-economic costs. This growing burden is worthy of everyone's attention. The International Blue Cross constitutes a credible and renowned organisation driven by the values, the sort of professionalism, governance, and local community connections needed to effectively address this global challenge.

Habitat International Coalition

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

Girls Education International

The mission of Girls Education International is to expand and support educational opportunities for underserved females in remote and developing regions of the world. We work with existing non-governmental and nonprofit organizations in the regions we serve. These local organizations already have relationships and infrastructures in the rural communities where we work that allow us to build upon and maximize existing resources.

Children & Charity International

Children & Charity International mission is to "embrace humanity" by utilizing God given talents and resources to promote educational advancement and development; provide charitable and humanitarian aid, and 'Make a Difference' in the lives of poor and underrepresented people. As a mentoring organization we utilize charity and education to teach and empower people to take responsibility for their lives. We accomplish our mission partnering with churches, leaders, groups and organizations.

Women's Empowerment International

The mission of Women’s Empowerment International (WE) is to give women the tools they need to work their way out of poverty. In partnership with nonprofit microfinance organizations, WE provides small, repayable business loans and services for women and supports other poverty-reduction strategies in places where WE can make a difference. WE’s commitment is to education, to mutual communication, and to furthering the worldwide effort to alleviate poverty.