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Displaying 565–576 of 670

Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania

Through the highest-quality holistic education, we equip youth to become leaders in their communities. IEFT operates Orkeeswa School, a community- based secondary school located in an under- served Maasai village in the Monduli Hills of northern Tanzania. By offering our students a diverse array of programs, opportunities and resources, we are developing a generation of well-rounded and inspired leaders in Orkeeswa Village, who are equipped and motivated to make a positive impact on their communities. Each member of IEFT's international and Tanzanian staff is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of Orkeeswa's over 270 students.

Tumaini Miles of Smiles Centre

Our mission is to advocate for the underprivileged children and women, release them from their economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled people in the society. Tumaini Miles of Smiles Centre was founded in 2004 after seeing the need in the rural areas especially in the lives of the orphans, vulnerable children and poor families. Rural areas are areas that rarely benefit from large international organisation as they are not easily accessed and this has left many children and women to suffer with no hope. It is in this regard that Tumaini was founded to be a light in the lives of the needy in rural areas.

NETwork Against Malaria

Mission:1) To raise money to purchase malaria nets for needy Africans to protect them from sickness and death. When children are not sick with malaria, they can attend more days of school. Parents have more time to work, and they spend less of their small income on malaria medication. 2) To ensure the nets are used correctly volunteers educate the bednet recipients about malaria, the benefits of bednets, and how to use nets. 3) To educate U.S. students about the burden of malaria in the world.

Hope for Limpopo, Inc.

Hope for Limpopo, Inc. promotes women and children's safety, education and well-being through support of projects and capacity building programs dictated by the needs of the local community in and around Limpopo Province. Activities consist primarily of financing works that provide education, basic diet and nutrition counseling, public awareness, and medical care for impoverished children and adults living in the rural areas of South Africa. An emphasis is placed on children orphaned or otherwise adversely affected by HIV/AIDS and their caregivers.

Mathari's Children Fund

To help impoverished children succeed in life. We enable children to access schools and we help them to stay there, by paying fees, teaching life skills, providing counseling when problems arise, providing medical help when needed and making sure every child has at least one square meal every day. We provide both formal education and technical training for children who would otherwise suffer hunger, disease and permanent poverty.

The Rahul Kotak Foundation

The Rahul Kotak Foundation is an NGO based in Kisumu, Kenya whose main aim is to improve the standard and quality of education available to young students in the slums and rural areas of Kisumu County, and also address the issues affecting them from accessing this basic right. We do this by implementing several programs that include: Feeding Programs, Literacy Programs (e.g. Kitabu Changu, Haki Yangu which is Swahili for My Book, My Right), WASH Programs, Classroom Refurbishments, access to shoes and basic medication among others.

Juventud para Cristo

YOUTH FOR CHRIST - GENERAL OVERVIEW The NGO Youth for Christ in Montevideo, Uruguay. Youth for Christ is an autonomous, non-profit organization. Since it began 40 years ago, Youth for Christ has worked actively to come along side marginalized population in Uruguay through formal programs. Our action is oriented primarily toward children, adolescents, young people and their families on three levels of intervention: - Personal (seeking holistic development) - Within the family and community (work to strengthen families, develop local networks, and encourage participation) - Political and structural (participate in constructing Social Policies and effective methods of intervention) In 1989, we began to work formally with the State and formed the Civil Society Organization Youth for Christ, Uruguay. Since then we have operated collectively with State organisms, International Organisms, and a wide variety of NGOs (non-government organizations) that work in the country. In Youth for Christ we run politically as a civil society organization. The General Assembly of partners is the sovereign body, which appoints a Board of Directors. This Board operates on an honorary basis and has a predetermined term of service. Youth for Christ works with a clear north, challenging but possible with Jesus Christ, which we express with simplicity in our mission: - Promote a culture in tune with the gospel and its values of justice, peace, solidarity, tolerance, love, and respect for the diversity. - For part of the Youth for Christ International family, adhering to the shared vision and mission of the organization.

Bosana Foundation

Bosana Foundation is a respected international advocacy organization dedicated to empowering and improving the economic and social well being of marginalized population through the delivery of targeted education, scholarships and livelihood development programs.We focus on education because the youth of today are the decision makers of tomorrow. We also work with women because they such integral and vital parts of both family and community. The Bosana Foundation believes that through our various projects, we are empowering and educating women and youth so that history does not repeat itself and that Bosnia and Herzegovina can once again be a country which boasts peaceful multi-ethnic and multi-cultural traditions.

Ashesi University Foundation

Ashesi University, is a secular, private, non-profit liberal arts college located in Ghana, West Africa. Our vision is an African Renaissance driven by a new generation of ethical entrepreneurial leaders. Ashesi's mission is to train a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in Africa; to cultivate within our students the critical thinking skills, concern for others and courage it will take to transform their continent. The Ashesi University Foundation, based in Seattle, Washington, USA, is a 501 (c)(3) organization designed to help US and international donors support the University. The foundation was instrumental in helping Patrick Awuah establish Ashesi, and continues to inspire a global community.

Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights

Our mission is to protect lives and human rights of North Korean people. We strive to achieve our goal through assistance to North Korean refugees hiding in third countries and continue to assist them with their re-settlement and education in South Korea. Our ultimate goal is to support a development of a generation of successful young North Koreans who will drive toward peaceful re-unification of the two countries and will become a bridge between North and South, if the two countries unify. In supporting human rights improvements in the country, we focus on providing information about the situation inside and encouraging international community to raise their voice against the abuses.

Michigan Abolitionist Project

Michigan Abolitionist Project helps people to use their gifts and talents to prevent and end slavery in Michigan and beyond. They engage the community through their network of growing Community Groups throughout Michigan. At the heart of who they are, are stellar abolitionists. MAP volunteers are business owners, college students, pastors, artists, stay-at-home moms and dads, writers, teachers, lawyers, construction workers, hairdressers, medical professionals, social workers, marketing experts, computer techs, professors, and more! They are living proof that anyone can do something to prevent and help end slavery.

Citrus County Childrens Advocacy Center

Jessie's Place is a child advocacy center where investigative efforts of law enforcement and DCF are coordinated and supported with collaboration from community partners of multiple disciplines. In our child-friendly facility, abused and neglected children of Citrus County, Florida receive specialized forensic interviews and medical exams. The children and their families receive advocacy services and trauma-focused, evidence-based therapy to help heal the trauma and begin their journey to recovery. All services are provided free of charge.Our mission statement is: "Our community working together to protect, serve, and advocate for children."