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Libraries Without Borders

Libraries Without Borders is an international nonprofit that expands access to information, education and cultural resources to vulnerable populations around the world. Our interventions address the structural causes of economic and human underdevelopment, reduce the digital divide, and promote cultural resilience. By focusing on the curation and customization of educational materials, along with the logistics and security involved with delivery, storage and construction of learning spaces, we have been able to develop innovative programs, create and re-envision library spaces and support librarians in over 25 countries. Most recently, we received the Library of Congress' International Literacy Award (2016) and won the Google Impact Challenge (2015). We advocate the idea of the library as a toolbox for communities to disseminate knowledge, promote social harmony, accompany the least fortunate, and ultimately, pursue human and economic development. We work in five areas of intervention: 1. EDUCATION LWB establishes libraries and information resource centers in universities and schools. This support manifests itself in the donation of materials, technical equipment, texts, and multimedia and electronic resources. LWB also provides support to teachers in their education responsibilities by putting in place educational resource centers as well as creating educational digital content. 2. INFORMATION AND CULTURE LWB supports the development of structures providing access to books, information and culture in developing countries. LWB enters into partnerships with libraries to help them develop their textual and digital resources and set up quality cultural programs. LWB also accompanies the creation of cultural projects for specific and disadvantaged groups such as visually impaired persons, prisoners and refugee populations. 3. CAPACITY BUILDING LWB initiates innovative specialized resource projects to reinforce the capacities of specific groups such as professionals from the medical or justice sectors. In facilitating access to verified and quality-controlled information, LWB accompanies their daily work in servicing their communities as well as their scientific research. 4. CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE LWB assists in the conservation and promotion of local written or oral heritage through the creation of specialized structures (libraries, cultural centers) and the training of personnel in these professions. Within the framework of promoting local knowledge and supporting publishers in developing countries, LWB also promotes the diffusion of local literature. 5. CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP LWB works alongside cultural entrepreneurs to design innovative and sustainable economic models. By setting up income-generating activities and training in management strategies, libraries are re-invented as social and cultural entrepreneurs with major economic benefits for their communities.

Viet Dreams

Viet Dreams is a 501(c)(3) charity non-profit organization founded by musicians, artists, and music enthusiasts who all share a common goal - to provide disadvantaged children in Vietnam and United States with better educational opportunities and a more healthy, sustainable way of living. It is our duty to provide these children with vital medical supplies and educational assistance so that they may live better lives and one day fulfill their dreams. 100% of every dollar donated goes to our projects. Some of our projects include donating bicycles and helmets, granting scholarships, medical supplies, workshops and most recently, providing access to clean drinking water , which will reduce water-borne illness among children. Our organization also collaborates with local networks and other non-profit organizations such as Hope for Tomorrow, ICAN, Friends of Vinh Son, Fund for Vietnam, Children of Vietnam and Because Vietnam in order to successfully create an environment where every child is safe, self-sufficient, and able to pursue their education. But what sets our organization apart is our unwavering commitment and passion. We are devoted to giving these children a healthier lifestyle and a promising educational future. Our efforts are focused on children living in the poorer, rural areas of Vietnam. We do not discriminate among ethnic backgrounds, religions, minorities or medical circumstances. Every child deserves our assistance. We use our musical talents to raise the necessary funds to support our projects. The majority of our funding coming from benefit concerts, auctions, sponsors, and selling CDs and various artworks. We hope that our efforts and commitment will serve as a powerful reminder that there are many children in Vietnam who still need our help. Our goal is to give these children an opportunity of a lifetime and to make their dreams a reality. "Clean Water in Vietnam - A Project of Viet Dreams"

Turning Point Of Lehigh Valley

Turning Point is a safe place where ALL survivors of domestic and intimate partner abuse and their children can find refuge. Our Mission is to eliminate domestic and intimate partner abuse in the Lehigh Valley through survivor empowerment, and community education and engagement. We provide services in Lehigh and Northampton counties and reached over 3,500 people in fiscal year 2021-2022 through our trauma-informed, inclusive programs and services. Those include: a 24-hour Helpline, Emergency Safe House, Empowerment Counseling and Groups, Legal Advocacy, Education and Training, and Medical Advocacy.

Bonobo Conservation Initiative

Our Mission is to protect bonobos (Pan paniscus), preserve their tropical rainforest habitat, and empower local communities in the Congo Basin. By working with local Congolese people through cooperative conservation and community development programs, and by shaping national and international policy, the Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI) is establishing new protected areas and leading efforts to safeguard bonobos wherever they are found. The Bonobo Peace Forest (BPF) is the guiding vision of BCI: a connected network of community-based reserves and conservation concessions, supported by sustainable development. The Peace Forest provides protection for bonobos and other species in the Congo rainforest, while at the same time ensuring a better life for the people who share this precious land.


To establish model medical facilities in order to alleviate the sufferings of poor and resource less patients and provide them quality medical care. To help the humanity in distress at times of natural calamities like Earth Quakes, Accidents, IDPs crisis and so forth. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To create awareness among the general public for improvement of their health through health education. To help deserving and talented students and provide financial support to widows and poor families who cannot afford treatment on their own. To achieve simple treatment goals through cost effective local medicines including Herbs and Folk Home Remedies designed to cure as many patients as possible with few side effects. To provide best possible treatment to the poor and needy patients through qualified and specialist doctors. To develop a Health Education Programme designed to improve the quality of life through preventative measures. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To establish a Centre of Excellence for the treatment of Tuberculosis (in line with WHOs, DOT programme), Hepatitis-C and other Infectious Diseases. To provide immediate relief in case of natural disasters and calamities and also to take active part in rehabilitation of the affected population.

Dhammajarinee Witthaya Foundation

Provide a safe home and quality education to disadvantaged girls who lack opportunity or are from problem backgrounds, Pre-school to 12 Grade. Girls come from poverty, broken homes, orphanages, situations of abandonment, and violent or abusive environments. DWF provides free of charge: traditional academic education, meals, medical care, a comfortable living situation, clothing, all school supplies and travel expenses. Currently DWF has set a goal to expand the student body by an additional 1000 students over the next 3-4 years, in order to bring greater progress and success to the future of more young, at-risk women in Thailand.

San Diego Family Justice Center

The San Diego Family Justice Center, the first center of its kind in the United States, provides help and hope to women, men and children who are victims of family violence and sex trafficking. Every day victims find safety, protection from their abuser, legal help, counseling, food, clothing, spiritual support, medical assistance, and so many other free services from the Center's professionals and volunteers. Our mission is to stop family violence and sex trafficking, make victims safer, hold batterers and traffickers accountable, and provide long-term support for victims and children through collaboration and coordinated services.

God's Littlest Angels Inc

God's Littlest Angels is dedicated to helping the children and families of Haiti by providing intensive nursery care for premature, malnourished, and abandoned children. We will assist in seeking outside help for children needing surgical or medical treatment not available in Haiti. We will also assist in placing abandoned children with adoptive families. We will provide education to children who cannot afford to go to school through a sponsorship program. We will provide teachers and schooling for the children in the orphanage so that they also will receive an education. Our purpose is to help the children of Haiti in any way we can and to spread the word of God to each person we serve.


MEDRIX works to save lives and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged people in Vietnam by providing Medical, Educational and Development Resources through International eXchange. In 2000, MEDRIX became an official non-profit organization in Washington State and in 2002 MEDRIX received official Non-Government Organization licensure to operate in Vietnam. Prior to this, co-founder and Executive Director LaRelle Catherman was invited to conduct research alongside Vietnamese physicians on home treatment for diarrhea in Hue, Vietnam. It became evident that most children suffered from diarrhea due to lack of safe water. Co-founder of MEDRIX, meteorologist, and businessman Robert Catherman undertook the task of finding a method of providing safe, drinkable water. He, along with many MEDRIX volunteers, began to work with provincial leaders to develop an affordable and sustainable water treatment system. MEDRIX began to grow as a result of these initial project ideas and new programs were put into place to address the greater healthcare, nutrition, and hygiene needs of under-served rural villages. MEDRIX accomplishes its goal of saving lives and improving the quality of life in Vietnam through the following endeavors: -Health and hygiene education for children in hand washing, oral care, and nutrition. -Providing education for women in nutrition, food preparation, food safety, along with health and hygiene during pregnancy. -Autism education training for health workers and community education efforts to ease the burden of autism in children. -Life-saving heart surgeries for disadvantaged children and young adults. -Pediatric education workshops in World Health Organization approved curricula for health workers in rural Vietnam. -Nursing education workshops for professional nurses at National Pediatric Hospital and Hue Central Hospital. -GIS mapping workshops to teach Vietnamese healthcare workers how to gather pertinent health information for epidemiological tracking purposes.

Girls Leading Our World Association

Girls Leading Our World Association aims to unleash the full potential in the youngsters and develop them as future leaders, who are able to take informed decisions and are active citizens in their societies. The goals of the Association are as follows: promoting the concepts of United Europe among the citizens; popularizing the Bulgarian, European and world culture and civilization; supporting the development of the civil society as regards its initiatives and programme aims; engaging in partnerships with international, regional, national and local partners for the purpose of the common European identity and values; enrichment and popularization of youth traditions, celebrations and initiatives, the succession and the free youth initiative; support of the socially disadvantaged, the people with handicaps and people needing care; support of the social integration and personal realization of young people; participation in the process of fight against drug abuse and violence; stimulation of the free exchange of ideas and information, scientific knowledge, intellectual values and rights on the intellectual property; providing protection and assistance to children and young people with socially important illnesses and from other risk groups; establishment of non-material values, ethical norms, tolerance and cultural traditions of the Bulgarian society, by incorporating them in the modern life; popularization of the culture and historical heritage of all ethnical communities that live in the borders of Bulgaria; incorporating in Bulgaria the usage of European and international standards for human rights and equality of genders, their protection and raising the social awareness on the issues; uniting resources and creation of multi disciplinary partnerships for solving local problem in the field of education, science, culture, ecology, human rights, social sphere, health care, as well as supporting the people with low financial resources, people with handicaps or needing care; and for supporting the social integration and personal development.

Ecuadorian Volunteers Association

EVA is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in the State of Illinois. It was created for the purpose of assisting Ecuadorian institutions devoted to educational, social, and health programs for the poor, neglected, and at-risk segments of the population. EVA is run by volunteers, and the various programs are implemented through network of viable, non-profit Ecuadorian institutions previously selected by a careful screening process. EVA requires that all the funds collected and distributed as yearly grants be only used for programmatic objectives of the organization it sponsors. EVA's Community Assistance Grant was instituted in 2008 to improve the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people living in the Chicago Metropolitan area where EVA is located. I Since its inception, we have been giving opportunities to advance educational, health, and human service programs in the local community.

CCI Health & Wellness Services

CCI Health & Wellness Services is a group practice, empowering patients to partner with staff for an unparalleled healthcare experience. Through integrated teams in a learning environment, we deliver high quality, affordable, care to every patient during all stages of life. The CCI Adolescent Services provides teens and young adults (ages 12-35) in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area with affordable, timely and culturally-competent direct clinical care and educational outreach services. Our goal is to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancies, as well as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Our Adolescent Health Service line of care tailors our clinical, education and outreach services to reflect the greatest community need and reduce barriers to ensure all teens and young adults are able to access preventive, comprehensive reproductive health services. Both in the community-education and clinical settings, CCI's focus is 100% on prevention in order to avoid more monetarily, medically, socially and emotionally costly intervention services. Direct Clinical Care- Quality Care: CCI serves as a reproductive medical home for patients ages 12-35 by providing a wide range of evidence based clinical services. Affordable: CCI works with every patient, regardless of income level or insurance status, to ensure they have access to reproductive healthcare. Comfortable: CCI provides a warm environment, where patients feel each staff member respects their individuality and is committed to their wellbeing and overall health outcomes. Accessible: Appointments are regularly available (including walk-ins) for all services; clinics are easily accessible by car, bus or metro; and all methods of contraception are available for purchase on site. Integrated Care: Medical staff, case managers and social workers collaborate to ensure continuity of care for each patient, including referrals and access to community resources. Education and Outreach -Outreach: CCI identifies members of the community at greatest risk and actively recruits them through community activities, educational presentations and partnerships with related organizations. Education: CCI provides in-clinic and community based educational interventions designed to increase knowledge, build skills and reduce risk to promote positive and responsible reproductive health behaviors.