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Displaying 241–252 of 418

Make-A-Wish Foundation Of Sacramento And Northeastern California

Every 34 minutes Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a critical illness in the United States and its territories. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us in everything we do. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.

Play Forever

We believe that playing and involvement in sports as kids or young adults grows character, teaches valuable life skills such as communication and sportsmanship, and builds resiliency through competition. Financial barriers are the first of many that prohibit kids from playing sports. From the cost of equipment to transportation costs, to league fees, to school tuition, financial barriers are prohibitive for many young athletes. For challenged athletes who need adaptive sports equipment need to compete, these costly medical devices may be financially out of reach. We believe that playing any sports as kids or young adults grows character, teaches valuable life skills such as communication and sportsmanship, and builds resiliency through competition. But, not everyone is able to participate in sports, and we want to remove barriers that make playing sports inaccessible for many of today's youth.

Kakes 4 Kids

Kakes 4 Kids is a non-profit organization that celebrates the birthdays of over 300 foster and underprivileged children in South Florida. We believe these children's lives need to be celebrated. They need to know their importance in order to build their self-esteem. This is why we organize birthday celebrations complete with food, entertainment and a personalized cake and gift for every child.

United Marriage Encounter

In response to our call, we offer our Weekend experience and a community of caring couples who are committed to having a stake in other marriages. We will create an environment that can help transform marriages around the world. By following our mission and proclaiming God’s plan for marriage we believe we CAN influence the world for Christ.

Ronald Mc Donald House Charities Of Charleston South Carolina

VisionWe believe that when a child is in time of greatest need, families and communities can come together to create solutions, ultimately changing a child's life forever.Mission StatementThe mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charleston is to create compassionate environment and programs that provide families the best chance of success in caring for their child with complex medical needs.

Orphan Sponsorship International

Orphan Sponsorship International believes that girls and youth are the key to ending the cycle of despair in developing regions. We focus first on providing individualized comprehensive care for our children in the present, and second on their education and development, providing opportunity and means for each to become secure in their futures, in control of their own destinies, with the power to lift their community around them.

Kind To Kids Foundation

MissionKind to Kids Foundation believes that every child deserves a bright future. We deliver education, advocacy and guidance to children in foster care, poverty and at-risk with case management education services and resources to give children the support they need to succeed in life. Since our founding in 2008, we have served over 17,000 children in need.

Make A Wish Foundation Of New Jersey

Their Mission: "Each day Make-A-Wish® New Jersey creates life-changing wishes for children battling critical illnesses in the Garden State. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us in everything we do. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve."

Bright by Three

Learning doesn’t begin when a child starts school. Amazingly, 85% of a baby’s intellect, personality, and social skills are developed in the first three years of life. But because babies don’t come with operating instructions, all parents need a little guidance on how to make the most of this critical period. That’s where Bright by Three comes in. Bright by three visits with parents and other caregivers and provides a three-step program to make sure their little ones get the best start at life. And it’s absolutely free for these families, supported entirely by charitable contributions. Since it was founded in 1995 by then-governor Roy Romer and former Procter & Gamble chairman Brad Butler, Bright by Three has reached an increasing number of families across the state each year — nearly 21,000 last year alone. But an average of 68,000 babies are born in the state each year, so we’ve got a lot more work to do to put these tools in every Colorado home where there’s a baby or toddler. That’s where you come in. There are two ways to help us reach more families: tell a family member, friend, neighbor or anyone who has or is expecting a young child about us. This is a program that’s proven to be helpful for all families, regardless of their income or background. (it’s even available in Spanish) Help support this statewide initiative. A donation of as little as $25 pays for a kit for one family. If you can afford more, you can help us reach even more families. With enough people spreading the word about these programs and donating, we can realize our goal of ensuring that every Colorado child gets the same great start.

Loving Houston

Our Mission: Advancing community transformation throughout Greater Houston by helping churches serve local schools. Imagine the impact on our city if EVERY school across Greater Houston had a committed church partner serving with no strings attached and no agenda. School staff and administrators already do so much, but the challenges in our local schools are often overwhelming and the search for long-term community partners is difficult. To help with this, Loving Houston works closely with school districts and church networks across Greater Houston to mobilize churches to serve. There are 4,000+ churches across Greater Houston. Your investment will allow us to reach and equip these churches to serve their local schools excellently and effectively. With your help, we can indeed advance community transformation throughout Greater Houston by helping each church serve its local school! (What about the separation of church and state? Great question! Churches can serve schools just as any other community partner would – mentoring, supporting teachers, giving donations, etc. A church can NOT proselytize, invite children to church, or initiate conversations on religion. However, the possibilities for relationship-building and positive impact are priceless and innumerable. The key to effective, sustainable church-school partnerships is open dialogue, mutual respect, and adherence to school district guidelines. Loving Houston interacts closely with school districts across Greater Houston, and our Equipping Sessions and Leader Gatherings help equip churches to serve schools with excellence and discretion.) John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


We grant dreams to chronically and critically ill children, 3-18 yrs, living in Pennsylvania. The Dream Factory is the largest children’s wish-granting organization that does not limit its mission to children who have life-threatening illness. The organization believes children with chronic illnesses and disorders also suffer from substantial emotional and physical pain.

Salt and Light Coalition

At Salt & Light we believe that holy yoga, fitness, proper nutrition, and spirituality will change the world. With 25,000 women and girls falling prey to trafficking every year in Chicago alone, we manifest change by providing a volunteer-driven, one-year long program for survivors of trafficking with the dual goal of healing and empowering women to get jobs in the wellness sector.