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Family2 Family Sponsors

To connect families with sponsors who provide supplemental income to help meet the families’ basic needs of food, shelter and education. F2F strives to develop long-term sustainable supportive relationships between sponsors and recipient families by fostering a personal connection between them. F2F sponsors believe that alleviating the struggle to provide for their children’s’ basic needs and education gives the families a foundation on which to grow, seek opportunities for employment, and improve their future.

Heroic Hearts Organization, Nfp

At Heroic Hearts, our mission is to empower and uplift marginalized communities worldwide. As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, we provide access to basic human necessities such as food, water, clothing, and education, with a particular emphasis on supporting orphaned children, widows, the elderly, refugees, and internally displaced people. We believe in the inherent value and dignity of every person, and we are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.


AMURT is a relief and development organization with projects in thirty countries across the globe, applying its philosophy that every human being deserves the opportunity to enjoy a fulfilling life. This often translates into helping people procure the basic necessities of life: shelter, healthy food and water, education, health awareness and income generating capacity. We believe that the happiness of one depends upon the happiness of many, so we build bonds of solidarity amongst people.


At Nivas we believe that a healthy, safe home environment is crucial to moving families beyond poverty. Focusing our efforts in rural Nepal, we assist extremely vulnerable families to build new homes or amend their current homes; creating safe, healthy and resilient places to raise their children. By empowering families to have a safe home situation, they are able to go about the business of making life wonderful, engaging in opportunity, and expanding horizons.

Casa Estrella Foundation

Mission: To provide a Christian home, family and education to the impoverished youth in our communities. Casa Estrella Foundation, was founded in 2006 hostessing over 150 orphans through out the years, from ages 3 to up 18 years old. In 2014 we opened the first Private Christian School, from pre-K to High School. We have 360 students, this school year we gave 90 scholarships to mothers with low income and struggling families that have been separated from parents. Monetary support is essential to the success of this ministry. Thank you for your help. God Bless!

Asia America Initiative

The mission of AAI is to build hope and empower communities afflicted by armed conflict and severe poverty. We believe that peace, security and respect for human dignity are inseparable. Our goal is to develop programs as sustainable models that can be replicated globally. Our people-to-people initiatives integrate health, education, arts and livelihood as a basis for mediation. By building Hope, we overcome the hatred propagated by terror organizations. The success of these cost-effective models shows that empowering impoverished and conflict-plagued communities strengthens international security, stability and peace.

Global Gain

Our mission is to build a network of gender-quality leaders and democracy champions. We're dedicated to helping women prepare to run for office, and to recruit, train, and support women candidates. Global GAIN believes that the solution to the most significant problems in the world will be found when women and minorities/people of color make up the majority in positions of leadership at every level of public office. Our programs include supporting democracy champions in Ukraine, young women in Rwanda through our sponsored local GNO Women GAIN Rwanda, and women and children in Beni, DRC.

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi missions are a network of universal love. Tzu Chi works in the missions of charity, medicine, education and humanitarian with the spirit of sincerity, integrity, trust and honesty. We believe in the equality of all beings and the Buddha-nature latent in every person. Through charity, the rich can obtain blessings and joy while the poor can receive security and peace. With love, compassion, joy and selfless giving, Tzu Chi members strive to bring about the pure world of Tzu Chi through helping the needy, giving joy and eliminating suffering. We invite all people of goodwill to join us in purifying minds, pacifying the society and working towards a disaster-free world. "Respect, Gratitude and Love-Serving with Compassion" this is what Tzu Chi way.

Wellbody Alliance

We believe that every life matters. That is why we strive to deliver the best care possible to our patients, both in the clinic and in the community. Our mission is not simply to provide medical services to the poor, but to build an effective healthcare system in the region that will save lives in a sustainable, equitable and just manner. We have a vision that drives all of our programs: the poor and all in Sierra Leone deserve the best healthcare possible, and Wellbody Alliance is dedicated to delivering it. We will work towards this vision until the day that no Sierra Leonean dies a death that would not happen in America or Europe. We have a mission that aligns our work: to provide healthcare as a human right to the poor in Sierra Leone. We do this through our community health work and high quality clinical care in Kono District.

Franciscan Works

Franciscan Works is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty for the poorest of poor children in developing countries through education rooted in Gospel values in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. We develop the individual potential of children living in poverty so that they can live as God intended, making full use of their talents and abilities for the common benefit, in communion with God, nature and all humankind. Liberia Mission, Inc., located in West Africa, is the primary project of Franciscan Works. Liberia Mission is a community of love, learning, work and prayer. Here, children who were poor or orphaned - survivors of Liberia's long and brutal civil war - are learning to become future leaders in their families, communities, and country. We believe in "empowering the children of Liberia through faith and education."

Dembi Dollo Hospital Foundation

Dembi Dollo Hospital Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization dedicated to actively promoting the recovery of unused medical supplies for the purpose of Global aid, waste reduction, and cost-effectiveness. We are directed to improve healthcare in Africa. Dembi Dollo Hospital Foundation and partners work together with a shared purpose to provide critical medical supplies, equipment and training to hospitals in rural Africa. Our vision is to supply hospitals throughout rural Africa with medical necessities and training until such time they are self-sustaining. We are focussed on creating a community in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the life-span. Dembi Dollo believes that patients deserve to have timely access to healthcare and that our systems should reflect this value. At Dembi Dollo, our core values are compassion, innovation, integrity and excellence.

Worldwide Healing Hands

WHH believes that all women and babies should have access to healthcare. We are committed to providing that care both locally and internationally. We partner with medical organizations around the world to provide compassionate medical and surgical care in a way that is respectful to the cultural beliefs of the women. We bring together teams of physicians, nurses, physical therapists and other healthcare workers to bring relief to women and children suffering from the lack of health care that most of us take for granted. We accomplish our mission by partnering with local medical providers and organizations who demonstrate a long-term interest in the health of the local community. Although we donate our skills without monetary compensation, what we receive in return is priceless. Caring for individuals who would otherwise receive no medical attention is both gratifying and humbling.