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Displaying 13–24 of 32

Institute for Educational Volunteer Programs

It is the mission of IEVP to make America home to all willing immigrants and refugees for now and for generations to come.

Friends Of Quabbin

The Quabbin Reservoir, located in central Massachusetts, was built in the 1930’s to provide clean drinking water for the Boston region. Over 2500 people in the towns of Dana, Enfield, Greenwich, Prescott, and parts of seven other towns, were forced to give up their homes in the Swift River Valley to make this project possible. Today, Quabbin is recognized as one of the largest drinking-water reservoirs in the world, a remarkable feat of engineering, an “accidental wilderness” that is home to an impressive variety of wildlife, and a place that brings bittersweet memories to many who once lived here.

Tabithas Heart

Tabitha’s Heart provides desperately poor children and families in some of the poorest slums in Calcutta with the services they need to break the cycle of poverty. Our goal is to empower them to transform their lives and realize a future filled with hope. These services include School Sponsorship, After School Tutoring, Children's Homes, Micro Enterprise Programs and Vocational Training.

Denise Louie Education Center

Denise Louie Education Center promotes school and life readiness by providing multi-cultural early learning services to children and families, especially those who need our services the most. We will respect and preserve each child and family's individuality, cultural heritage and home language. We will promote personal and social responsibility with integrity and love in an environment defined by social justice and peace.

National Peace Corps Association

The National Peace Corps Association connects and champions Peace Corps community members in “bringing the world home.” Our Goals: *Develop essential networks and information resources for and about the Peace Corps community. *Provide National Peace Corps Association members and Groups with service and education opportunities that build on their Peace Corps experience and values. *Advocate for the Peace Corps and its values and for critical issues identified by National Peace Corps Association members.

United States Servas

United States Servas, a non-profit membership organization, fosters understanding of cultural diversity through a global person-to-person network of travelers and hosts promoting a more just and peaceful world. Established in 1949, Servas provides opportunities for personal connections among people of diverse cultures in the cause of world peace, goodwill, and understanding. Travelers are invited to share life in the home and community and concerns on social and international issues with Servas hosts in more than 130 countries.

Educational Enrichment for Romanian Children Inc

EERC mission is to facilitate communication and forge friendships between students from Romania and USA. We believe that exposure to other cultures is invaluable in shaping the younger generation views of the world and of their own potential in positive and enduring ways. We create opportunity for middle school students from Romania to experience American life by attending overnight camps or living with a local family while attending local day camps. This experience opens further opportunities for them to pursue when they return home. Equally important is to present these vibrant young people as ambassadors of the Romanian culture. In our experience, the Americans whose lives they touch find these interactions enriching and gain new insights about other cultures. These shared experiences produce benefits to both sides that extend long beyond the immediate experience, even to subsequent interactions that occur beyond our program. We select students who demonstrate the intellectual and emotional maturity to benefit from this unique opportunity. They are boys and girls from various areas of Romania who are fluent in English and who demonstrate strong academic and personal characteristics. With our help, this rising generation will be engaging in a world without borders. We bring the world closer to home.

Caring Hearts Ministry

Caring Hearts Ministry is an interdenominational non-profit whose mission is to be a blessing to the people in the extremely poor border town of San Luis Rio Colorado in Sonora, Mexico. Currently this is being accomplished through short terms missions trips and a permanent local Church. This local church parters with our other ministries such as Oasis Boys' Home, Medical Outreaches, A Soup Kitchen, Drug Rehab Center, and Blind Center. With hundreds of short term missionaries visiting these sites every year, Caring Hearts is focused on our mission presented in Matthew 25.