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Asia America Initiative

The mission of AAI is to build hope and empower communities afflicted by armed conflict and severe poverty. We believe that peace, security and respect for human dignity are inseparable. Our goal is to develop programs as sustainable models that can be replicated globally. Our people-to-people initiatives integrate health, education, arts and livelihood as a basis for mediation. By building Hope, we overcome the hatred propagated by terror organizations. The success of these cost-effective models shows that empowering impoverished and conflict-plagued communities strengthens international security, stability and peace.

Youth Guidance

Youth Guidance sees a bright and successful future for every elementary and high school student.  Because we believe that success in school is not only possible but should be achieved and celebrated, we are present in the schools to facilitate an environment that truly engages students in the learning process, and through careful guidance, enables them to realize their full potential and graduate with a meaningful plan for successfully managing life. Youth Guidance creates and implements school-based programs that enable children to overcome obstacles, focus on their education and, ultimately, to succeed in school and in life.

L.A. Goal

MISSION STATEMENTL.A. GOAL provides opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to increase their independence and employability through educational, vocational and recreational programs. L.A. GOAL's art and outreach activities educate the community about the abilities of people with disabilities.VISION STATEMENTOur vision is to create a more open society where people with developmental disabilities can enjoy full inclusion in their communities. To accomplish this, L.A. GOAL teaches the world about how people with developmental disabilities can better our lives. It is a magical reciprocity that we believe has long been overlooked.

The Adventure Project

The Adventure Project is a nonprofit “adding venture” capital to create jobs to solve social problems in developing countries. Handouts help today— but a good job will change your life. Jobs transform everything. It’s what people want most. Jobs multiply opportunity, hope, education, peace, and prosperity for everyone. When people have good jobs, they invest in their future Empower one hero and you transform an entire community. Every $1,200 raised provides job training to hire one person. That job ends up serving approximately 500 neighbors with essential services. From farmers growing food to feed families or well caretakers keeping clean water flowing, these jobs aren’t just great – they are essential  

Made In Brownsville

Made in Brownsville wants to make technology and design/build creativity accessible to at-risk youth in Brownsville. We seek to employ youth to learn iterative design, fabrication, multimedia marketing and communication skills to give them the technical and leadership tools they need to change the narrative for themselves and their community. We believe that there are incredible gifts in Brownsville youth that can be triggered through actively engaging their interest through science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) content; and bridging the gap between them and opportunities to exercise those principles with real projects. Made in Brownsville engages at-risk youth to change the narrative and reality of violence and chronic disease through community organizing, planning and design.

Women Employed

The mission of Women Employed is to improve the economic status of women and remove barriers to economic equity. Women Employed has one passion: to make life better for working women. We believe that all women deserve full and fair economic opportunities. That means better career options and higher pay, more opportunities for training and education, and strict enforcement of fair employment laws. Women Employed is a leading national advocate for women's economic advancement. We analyze workplace issues, educate policy makers, and build support to improve opportunities and incomes. Since 1973, Women Employed has fought to outlaw pay discrimination, pregnancy discrimination and sexual harassment and to strengthen federal equal opportunity policies and work/family benefits.

Pars Equality Center

Pars' mission is to act as a catalyst for social, cultural and economic integration of  Iranian-Americans, and other communities, into mainstream American society.As a community-based social and legal services organization, Pars Equality Center is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping all members of the Iranian-American community and other Persian-speaking countries realize their full potential as informed, self-reliant, and responsible members of American society. We believe that learning and teaching the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy as well as the rules and rewards of entrepreneurship are the necessary ingredients for our success as a community.Pars Equality Center achieves its mission primarily by providing extensive social and legal services. Our Persian-speaking staff advocates for families and individuals in need with a strong focus on refugees, asylees, and those newcomers living in poverty.

Outreach Uganda

Outreach Uganda is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado and dedicated to helping empower Ugandans, especially women and children, to rise out of poverty. To do this, we work with village groups in Uganda to bring hope and improve lives, especially in the areas of education, women's empowerment, and self-sufficiency through job creation. Initially, our village groups help support themselves and their families through sales of paper beaded jewelry and other craft items. The beaders save money from their bead sales so they can then start own group or individual businesses to supplement their income and eventually we hope it will be their main source of income. Micro-credit loans from their group's internal revolving loan fund provides additional help for the ladies to either start businesses or further expand their existing businesses to a level that will help them rise above poverty. As an organization, we emphasize to both our donors and our clients that we believe in truly empowering those we help. In everything we do, we seek to be a partner with those we serve so that they do not become dependent on us, and so that we do not take away their spirit of wanting to help themselves. We believe that income-generation of the women, and education of the children is the way that families can truly become empowered. But it is essential to take a holistic approach and focus on multiple areas, all of which impact the woman's income-generation potential. For instance, a woman must be relatively healthy to be a successful business owner. Therefore, we must also help a woman address issues of health. For many of our women in northern Uganda, agriculture and the raising of cash crops will be key to their income generation potential. Therefore, agricultural issues, water issues and even land access and rights become important areas to address.

International Youth Foundation

The International Youth Foundation® (IYF®) stands by, for, and with young people. Founded in 1990 through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, IYF is a global nonprofit with programs directly benefiting 7.7 million young people and operations spanning 100 countries so far. Together with local community-based organizations and a network of corporate, foundation, and multilateral partners, we connect young people with opportunities to transform their lives. We believe that educated, employed, engaged young people possess the power to solve the world’s toughest problems, and we focus our youth development efforts on three linked objectives: unlocking agency, driving economic opportunity, and making systems more inclusive. Our vision is to see young people inspired and equipped to realize the future they want. The International Youth Foundation: Transforming Lives, Together.

Adas Cafe

Ada’s Café is a Palo Alto-based 501(c) 3, non-profit that provides training and jobs for adults with developmental disabilities living primarily in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. The social mission of Ada’s is three-fold: (i) to hire and train adults with disabilities to work in its café and catering businesses, (ii) to engage teens and young adults through work and involvement with Ada’s disabled employees and (ii) to foster a better understanding among the general population about the contributions that can be made by developmentally disabled adults. The benefits of empowering and employing adults with developmental disabilities are clear, innumerable and easy to document with social science statistics. The population of adults with intellectual disabilities is one of the most marginalized in our society, is often ignored and suffers from an unemployment rate estimated at nearly 80%. The self-esteem and health benefits that come from having a job, the satisfaction that comes from making an important contribution to a sustainable enterprise and reducing the burden on an already overwhelmed and under-funded social welfare support system are just a few of the many benefits created by Ada’s. In addition, Ada’s believes that youth engaged in meaningful work will feel more connected to and invested in their communities. In all of its ventures, Ada’s Café brings diverse groups of people together in a warm and welcoming environment with a mission of creating good food and community.

American Friends of Un Techo para mi Pais (UTPMP)

VISION: A fair and poverty free society, where everyone has the opportunities needed to develop their capacities and fully exercise their rights MISSION: Work Tirelessly to overcome extreme poverty in slums, through training and joint action of families and youth volunteers. Furthermore, to promote community development, denouncing the situation in which the most excluded communities live. And lastly, to advocate for social policies with other actors in society. VALUES: Solidarity. It is an empathy with the most excluded families, which moves us to want to be and work alongside with them. Sharing their hardships and desires, to learn from their skills and perseverance, and to advocate against everything that excludes them and that does not recognize their rights as human beings. Conviction. To overcome poverty and injustice in our continent is possible. This certainty gives us the determination to work tirelessly and together with others to accomplish it. Placing challenging and high goals, as well as taking the necessary risks to go beyond all the fatalisms that surround us. Excellence. All of our work must be of high quality, given that it is intended for those less fortunate. Our work is rigorous, punctual, always creative and innovative. It is respectful of the commitments, perseverant in the face of difficulties, intelligent to recognize mistakes and correct them, and proactive in the search for solutions to the problems that arise along the way. Diversity. At TECHO, all young people are welcome, regardless of ethnic or social backgrounds, religious belief, political choices or sexual orientation. We are sure that our differences are an asset in joining forces for that which unites us: the fight against extreme poverty in our continent. Optimism. We look at the future with hope, without being naive, because we believe that it is possible to defeat the injustice that we see today. We move forward towards this future working with joy, because as young people we recognize what a privilege it is to dedicate our lives to make our world a more human and equal place for everyone.

Hope Foundation for African Women (HFAW)

Mission: Hope Foundation for African Women (HFAW) is a nonpartisan not for profit national grassroots organization committed to women and girls empowerment, their sexual and reproductive health and human rights as well as elimination of gender disparities in all our communities. We work for the empowerment of grassroots women and girls through income generating activities and education about their rights. We address gender inequalities through raising awareness, trainings, motivating, inspiring and mentoring the women and organizations we work with. Our identity statement: We have firm believe in the power of ordinary people to change their situation and seek to unveil it Guiding Principle: To promote gender equality and equity for all Core Strategies: HFAW has adopted the strategies in addressing gender inequalities. We work with grassroots women and women's organizations to facilitate women's empowerment. We do this through various means: Engaging them in economic growth through individual and group projects Providing skills to address sexual and reproductive health knowledge and services Involving them in innovative strategies to total eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM) Supporting them to question gender based violence and use whatever formal or informal means available to them to end this vice in their community We mentor women with self-advocacy skills and motivate them to be leaders in their families and communities Educate women on their rights as guaranteed in the 2010 constitution We build the capacity of women to promoters of health, safe environment and other rights Our Core Values -To fight against marginalization of individuals -To be professional, confidential and respectful -Commitment to women's empowerment and seek respectful teamwork with individuals and groups and to uphold every person's human dignity and to do our work with utmost integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability -We have passion, calm and logic in our work to eliminate gender disparities Our History: HFAW was started in August 2011 by Dr. Grace B. Mose Okong'o and Mrs. Hellen Njoroge as a response to debates in our country that suggest that Kenya's women are not ready or willing to take up political leadership positions to fill the one third constitutional mandate. Currently only a few seats in the National Assembly are occupied by women, we have not met the 1/3 mandate. HFAW leaders see the problem as originating from our extreme patriarchal society which discriminates against women. Advancing women's participation in leadership has to start with addressing the whole spectrum of inequalities at the grassroots. We must address economic and educational inequalities. Women have to be economically empowered and educated about their constitutional and women's human rights. HFAW leaders are engaging women in civic education, women's rights, violence against women, reproductive health and services, and total eradication of FGM.We have started with two marginalized communities of Kisii and Maasai where FGM practice is universal with nearly 97% girls undergoing it. This practice is so detrimental physically but also mentally as it socializes women to accept their poverty and low status position in their families, communities and nation. The overall goal of this project is to improve economic and health of poor and vulnerable women,and advance human rights of Kenyan women and families through education, leadership training and the development of community health teams. One of our current objective is to adopt popular education model as implemented by EPES Foundation in South America to train 30 health and human rights promoters to work in rural villages in Nyamira. We will use the model to eradicate FGM in these communities; advance reproductive health, economic prosperity and human rights. Ultimately these women will lead much higher quality life and participate in their families and nation as full human beings.