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Children's Hunger Fund

Our mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry. Children's Hunger Fund is a publicly funded, non-profit organization, which exists to alleviate children's suffering. To accomplish this, CHF solicits donations of food, clothing, hygiene items, toys and medicines from U.S. companies. These products are delivered through a monitored food distribution network in cities and countries around the world. CHF relies heavily on monetary contributions from concerned citizens across America. We realize our donors have many options for their charitable giving and every effort is made to effectively utilize their investment. CHF remains one of the most cost-effective charities in the nation, less than one percent goes to cover overhead costs.

East African Children's Fund

We're changing the lives of orphaned and vulnerable school children and youth in East Africa through improved nutrition and focused attention on health. Partnering with community leaders, we feed orphaned and vulnerable school children and youth in East Africa and support sustainable farming programs.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Makindu Children's Program

Makindu Children's Program provides resources to feed, educate and care for the orphaned and vulnerable children in eastern Kenya, so they can grow and thrive.

Margaret Okari Children's Foundation

Empowering orphans and vulnerable children through education.

The Childrens Hunger Project

We see a hungry kid. We buy food. We feed the kid.The Children's Hunger Project is in place to give hope to at-risk kids. Our objective is to nurture the body, mind, and heart of hungry elementary school-aged children in Brevard County. We aspire to provide these children with nutrition in a dignified and respectful manner thus giving them a reason to believe

Another Hope Children's Ministries

AHCM is committed to meeting the spiritual and physical needs of vulnerable children in Uganda, through strategic partnership, ministering and undertaking specialized and sustainable child focused initiatives.

Abandoned Childrens Fund

The organization provides housing, shelter and basic human needs such as food, education, health care and life skills training to abandoned children, desperate victims of disease, war and extreme poverty by supporting better family health care through donated medicine and provided funding for medicine, medical supplies, clothing, orphan care (housing, food, clothing, education and health care) for abandoned children around the world.

Lunchbox Fund

Fostering education via nutrition, The Lunchbox Fund is an NGO dedicated to providing a daily meal for orphaned and vulnerable school children in township and rural areas of South Africa, a country where 65% of all children live in poverty. Receiving food encourages these children to stay in school and obtain their education. When a child stays in school, his or her risk of HIV infection, abuse and unwanted pregnancies is greatly reduced.

Tivoli Fund

The Tivoli Fund supports organizations with a focus on improving lives. This fund will split donations evenly between No Dogs Left Behind, One Mission, World Central Kitchen, GLAD, and One Tree Planted. No Dogs Left Behind is a leader in global animal rescue. Through international alliances and local resources, we engage in every step of rescue. From emergency response to dog adoption, No Dogs Left Behind stands by our survivors every step of the way. One Mission programs make living in the hospital less lonely and stressful, bring back joy in a time of fear and uncertainty, and give kids and their loved ones the support they need to get through the emotional and financial challenges of treatment. World Central Kitchen uses the power of food to nourish communities and strengthen economies through times of crisis and beyond. Through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation. ONE TREE PLANTED A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION FOCUSED ON GLOBAL REFORESTATION

Cayenne Wellness Center And Childrens Foundation

The mission of Cayenne Wellness Center and Children's Foundation is to improve the nutritional health and mental health of the public. We achieve this mission through education, research, public awareness initiatives, and community outreach programs that promote good nutrition and mental health. We practice the science of helping people make changes in their lifestyle to improve their overall health and quality of life emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Founded in 2000, Cayenne Wellness Center and Children's Foundation grew out of the need to offer effective and exemplary service to those suffering with sickle cell disease, unhealthy eating habits and poor mental health.

Mathari's Children Fund

To help impoverished children succeed in life. We enable children to access schools and we help them to stay there, by paying fees, teaching life skills, providing counseling when problems arise, providing medical help when needed and making sure every child has at least one square meal every day. We provide both formal education and technical training for children who would otherwise suffer hunger, disease and permanent poverty.

Kasimu Education Fund

KEF provides scholarships and improvement to the grammar school infrastructure. Aliviate hunger by funding micro-loans and capital improvements to establish a self sustaining agricultural program. Estimated costs for micro-loans and capital projects $200,000. KEF is funding the construction of a secondary school to make that education more accessible to students and provide improved parental supervision. KEF is developing an irrigated agricultural model program at the school to establish an agricultural program which provides multiple annual harvests which will enhance food security and provided needed revenue to support the schools. Eighteen students have received scholarships to teachers college and return to Kasimu to improve the student to teacher ratio which now meets Malawi national standards. Student who receive scholarships must agree to return to Kasimu and teach for a minimum of five years. Prior to KEF's educational improvements only two students had attended and graduated from secondary school. There are currently 75 students attending secondary schools through scholarships from KEF and 47 students have graduated from secondary schools.