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Displaying 61–72 of 124

Poverello House

Believing in the dignity of every person, at Poverello House we work to enrich the lives and spirits of all who pass our way by stewarding the resources made available to us through Providential and community support. Poverello House serves Fresno County.

St. Vincent De Paul Society Of Marin County

Because we believe in the dignity of all people, the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin offers compassionate, individualized assistance to help our neediest neighbors obtain nutritious food, affordable housing, meaningful employment and a voice in their own community

Joshs Heart

We desire to bring Hope, Love and Awareness to those afflicted by addiction. In a world where those suffering can feel invisible, we have made it our mission to let them know, "You Matter." To help the homeless by providing Blessing Backpacks with essentials. To provide education to youth about addiction and how it affects them and those who love them.

Haley House

Haley House uses food with purpose and the power of community to break down barriers between people, transfer new skills, and revitalize neighborhoods. We believe in radical solutions: solving problems at their root by challenging attitudes that perpetuate suffering while building alternative models of community.

Hearth Homes

Providing Transitional Housing And Critical Support To Homeless Women And Their Children In Spokane Valley. Hearth Homes strives to inspire transformation in the lives of young mothers by assisting in the development of essential life skills such as parenting, nutrition and independent living skills (finance, housekeeping, and responsible renting). Hearth Homes is supported entirely by individual donations and private grants from the Spokane Valley and local communities. Thank you!

Children Of Shelters

from the website: "Children of Shelters believes we can begin to break the cycle of homelessness for children in San Francisco. Every day we create opportunities and provide educational funding for many of the City's 2,500 homeless kids because without these changes, ​​​they will likely stay homeless for life."

Canterbury Court

ERS strongly believes in the power of people. In keeping with our core value of Inclusion, we stand with our sisters and brothers, affirming the infinite worth of all individuals. There is much we can change, moving from a society full of racism and making our world a better place.

Boulder Shelter for the Homeless

We believe that all people deserve the basic necessities of life, and that the community in which we live is called to serve this purpose. To this end, it is the mission of the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless to provide safe shelter, food, support services, and an avenue to self-sufficiency for homeless adults in Boulder and Broomfield Counties, Colorado.

Davidson Housing Coalition

Davidson Housing Coalition believes that Davidson’s traditional mix of people in all income levels is fundamental to our community and distinguishes us as a town. The mission of Davidson Housing Coalition is to work with the larger community to preserve and create affordable housing options and to prepare families and individuals for financial stability and homeownership.

Committee On Temporary Shelter

COTS provides emergency shelter, services, and housing for people who are without homes or who are marginally housed. COTS advocates for long-term solutions to end homelessness. We believe: in the value and dignity of very human life; that housing is a fundamental human right; that emergency shelter is not the solution to homelessness.


At AMICR, our mission is to elevate educational standards and opportunities across the United States. We are dedicated to providing innovative educational resources, supporting public health, community learning initiatives, and empowering individuals through knowledge. We believe in the transformative power of education as a cornerstone for personal and community development.

Inspire Life Skills Training

Inspire exists to break the cycle of abuse and poverty through stable housing, education, training and mentorship of foster and homeless youth. We believe education is a key to breaking the cycle of abuse and poverty. We combine formal education, personal mentoring and life skills classes to give a well rounded education.