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Displaying 1–12 of 1,251

Care Corps

Enriching lives by providing a path to stability.

Habitat For Humanity International

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

City Serve International

CityServe International confronts the most entrenched needs of our community through the local church, local businesses and local government. Our goal is to train and resource community leaders to respond to their neighbors in need and to seek the restoration of broken lives.


Mission: Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat invites people from all faiths and walks of life to work together in partnership, building houses with families in need.

Zoe International

ZOE is a Christian organization with the mission to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of the un-reached people of the world and to demonstrate God's compassion through rescuing and caring for orphans and children from human trafficking.

B'nai B'rith International

B'nai B'rith is an international Jewish organization committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people, defending human rights, combating anti-Semitism, bigotry and ignorance, and providing service to the community on the broadest principles of humanity.

Living Hope International

To provide for the emotional, physical, educational, and social needs of at-risk children, youth, and families, as well as to equip, support, and send leaders to provide similar services throughout the world. To accomplish these goals, LHI receives financial and service support from individuals, churches, businesses, and foundations throughout the United States and other countries.

Agape International Missions

AIM works to rescue, heal and empower survivors of sex trafficking to be free.

Shepherds In Christ International

Our VISION Build a vibrant, healthy, compassionate and an action-oriented Christian Community. Our MISSION Offer, promote and provide spriitual and community services and programs towards bringing our vision a reality.