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Displaying 205–216 of 414

Elevate New York

Elevate New York’s mission is building long-term, life-changing relationships with youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community. We believe that every child is of great worth and has the desire and potential to succeed, together we can develop the next generation of strong leaders.

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Affinity Mentoring

Our Mission is to facilitate equitable growth in academics, social emotional skills, and self-esteem through mutually beneficial mentoring relationships. We believe in cultivating a brave space that amplifies the voices of young agents of change in a diverse and inclusive community. Our vision is to be a leading nonprofit for fostering belonging alongside young people, families, and community.

Aha! Attitude. Harmony. Achievement.

AHA! believes in a world where every teen can feel safe, seen, and emotionally connected. We equip teenagers and educators with social and emotional intelligence to dismantle apathy, prevent despair, and interrupt hate-based behavior. By inspiring teens and adults to joyfully lead with courage and kindness, AHA! transforms schools and communities into welcoming, nourishing, expressive, and inclusive spaces where youth and adults work together for the highest good.

Mission Of Our Lady Of Mercy

Mercy Home offers abused or neglected youth who seek a new beginning hope and promise of a healthy and successful future, safety, respect and opportunities for growth. Mercy Home seeks benefactors who believe in the miracle of God's mercy and in the integrity of those who care for the health and safety of our children. Mercy Home is committed to raising public awareness of the plight of all of society's at-risk youth in order to encourage support of programs that would enable them to begin their own process of healing.

Play Like A Girl!

Our mission is to ensure that every girl reaches her full potential by providing girls ages 9-13 an opportunity and in many cases, their only chance to participate in sport and physical activity. We endeavor to harness the natural properties of sport to propel young women into competitive, male-dominated careers especially those at the intersection of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and sports. We offer programs and resources designed to transform girls' motivation into an "I am unstoppable" attitude. It is our goal to help girls everywhere find the courage to do things beyond the field of play that they never thought possible. We believe that girls given the opportunity to play on a team become women who have the confidence to stand on their own