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Wolf Connection

Wolf Connection is the howl that opens your heart, awakens your mind and transforms your life. With a unique focus on Wolf Therapy, they facilitate restorative human-animal communication worldwide. Wolf Connection is a wolf sanctuary that empowers all beings to believe in their worthiness, their inner capacity for personal growth, and the power of the pack. In order to accomplish this, they implement multifaceted programs in close interaction with rescued wolves. A powerful doorway is opened for participants to discover self-confidence and purpose; a feeling of being seen and accepted; and a sense of oneness with themselves and their community. Wolf Connection engages generations of humans to connect with their resilience and inherent roles in the ecosystem by offering life-changing programs, in-person and virtually. They provide an enriching sanctuary for rescued wolves, who give voice to their wild brothers and sisters. Wolf Connection engages in meaningful conversations and provides education around human potential, wolves, and the natural world, creating an impactful worldwide contribution. Located in the mountains above Los Angeles, the 165-acre ranch facility serves as a safe haven and home to rescued wolves who have been subjected to illegal ownership, abandonment and abuse. They give one-of-a-kind care and enrichment to the pack, who become ambassadors of hope to all who witness them. Since 2009, they have worked with students from expulsion schools, foster care organizations, probation camps, veterans and anti-recidivism groups and offer an immersive program for female-identifying adults. Bringing humans and wolves together for the benefit of all.  

DreamYard Drama Project

DreamYard is committed to helping transform Bronx schools and communities through the power of innovative, project based arts education. Our schools and students are based in the nation's poorest urban county, with one-third of the Bronx's residents living below the poverty line. In response, DreamYard programs are designed to challenge the cyclical systems of inequality and poverty by empowering youth to discover and develop their best possible selves and to locate meaningful paths and ways to engage with their fellow students, schools, families, and communities. As the largest arts education provider in the Bronx, DreamYard critically impacts the social and intellectual growth of thousands of Bronx youth through safe, positive and creatively challenging programs. DreamYard's team of professional artists partner with classroom teachers and community educators to help students learn how to express, write and perform their own stories. Through year-long programs offered during the school day, after school, on weekends and during the summer, DreamYard supports youth development, enhances life-long learning skills, and promotes creative thinking and expression. DreamYard artists spark an interest in education that often lies latent in our youth. The organization understands that it is imperative to direct a young person's creativity toward positive goals as we strive to develop well-rounded and engaged citizens. Through DreamYard, young people believe that they can have an impact and change their communities and society as a whole. Its projects are catalysts that help teachers and communities propel students and their families into a life-long learning process.

Russell Life Skills and Reading Foundation Inc

The Foundation was founded in 1998 by then Miami Dolphin linebacker, Twan Russell, and his mother, Corliss. Corliss was a middle-school teacher with a huge heart for helping struggling children. Called the Russell Life Skills and Reading Foundation, the after school program focused solely on reading as a means to equip children for academic success. Twan grew up in the inner-city and believed that a mastery of reading played a large part in overcoming his circumstances. He received a communications and criminology degree from the University of Miami that has helped him to achieve his goals long after his football career has ended. Twan and Corliss started the first center at a local church and neighborhood children immediately began to take advantage of the opportunity to overcome their challenges with reading and to reinforce important life skills. Community partners stepped in along the way and now the foundation serves hundreds of children. New centers are being added every year. Starting in 2010, the program began to add math and science, dance and other activities. The foundation was renamed in 2015 to reflect this broader focus. In 2008, Dragonfly Darlings was added as an auxiliary organization for the mothers of the children in the program. Through periodic events and an annual conference, it helps the parents to encourage their children academically and to improve their own literacy skills. Today, Twan Russell is the Senior Director of Community Programs for the Miami Dolphins. He remains active in the foundation as Chairman of the board of directors. Sadly, Corliss Russell’s early death in 2006 prevented her from seeing the life-changing resource that the Russell Education Foundation has become. Her memory continues to inspire everything that the foundation does in the community.

Asian Mental Health Collective

It is the mission of AMHC to normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community. With the rapid development of and focus on personal well-being in individualistic societies, people are now more aware of the detrimental effects of poor mental health and mental illnesses than ever before. However, as members of the Asian Diaspora, there are often strong cultural underpinnings related to our mental health experiences that go unaddressed. Mental health issues do not exist in individuals only, and this is especially true for those who come from cultures that value collectivism. Experiences shaped by cultural ideals that value face, achievement, and filial piety are interwoven in the fabric of our understanding of the world. Intertwined with generations of exposure to trauma, these ideals, while not inherently unhealthy, are often expressed in ways that create dissonance for the children of the diaspora who live in increasingly globalized societies. It is apparent that there is a generational and cultural rift in many Asian families, with mental health woven through both overt confrontations and unspoken grievances as a result. AMHC hopes to help bridge those divides. We do not need, or want, to do away with centuries of beloved culture and tradition for the sake of mental health. We at AMHC believe in integrating our shared backgrounds with the progressive ideals of emotional well-being and mental health - expressing collectivist ideals while respecting the agency of the individual. It all begins with understanding. Through projects such as our Facebook group, resource library, video web-series, and meetup groups, we hope to not only provide mental health support, but also facilitate the difficult conversations we need to have to move forward together.

Pittsburgh Botanic Garden

The mission of the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden is to inspire people to grow through immersion in a world of natural outdoor wonder to nourish mind, body and spirit. The Garden is already setting an example of stewardship by transforming 460 acres of abandoned mining property. The Pittsburgh Botanic Garden (PBG) holds a renewable $1/year 99 year lease from Allegheny County on the land, 20 minutes west of downtown Pittsburgh, next door to Settler's Cabin Park. The PBG is moving forward on two fronts. The first and long-term front involves the middle and southern portion of the site which is under a complete reclamation program. Even as that work continues, we will begin to develop the display and educational gardens in this area, including the first and only Mr. Roger's Garden of Make Believe, the Orangery and an amphitheater. The PBG's second front is focused on the 60 acres on the northern part of the site which features forested ridges and some meadows. Restoration of the Woodlands was started in 2010 and, to date, more than 20 acres of invasive species were cleared, over 5,200 native trees, shrubs and perennials planted, three miles of trails built including one mile of ADA accessible trails, several children's play & discovery stations were constructed, and a polluted pond was restored to life. The Woodland Gardens are adjacent to a historic homestead, recently added by the County to the Botanic Garden lease. The Pioneer Farmstead provides the front door for the Garden while reclamation continues. The 1870s barn is under renovation to serve as the Bayer Welcome Center and the 1784 log cabin, namesake for the nearby Settlers Cabin County Park, will be used for programming. A Heritage Apple Orchard, Pioneer Three Sisters Garden and other amenities will also grace the area. The Woodlands of the World Garden and the Pioneer Farmstead will open to the general public in the summer of 2014. Tours of the site are available. Education and volunteer programs are underway - for all ages. It is a grass-roots project, built by many volunteers and supported by individuals from the tri-state area. The Garden demonstrates the interdependence of plants, animal and man and our reliance on the natural environment, while fostering an understanding of basic botany and ecology.

Powerful Beyond Measure

Powerful Beyond Measure (PBM) is a 501c3 non-profit that implements efforts towards youth and community development; focusing on creative, academic, professional, civic, social and personal growth by strategically integrating the arts, entertainment, sports and media industries into programming. Our vision is to utilize these influential fields to effectively reach the urban communities of our targeted youth, via multi-dimensional services that will help positively shape young people and empower the adults around them to become active leaders and contributors. We aim towards the following: o To impact urban youth by exposing them to enriching and positive experiences, opportunities, and adults – leading them towards a greater chance for a productive adult life and away from negative endeavors o To create alliances with other non-profits to support them by developing a collective effort to assist and empower those around us; as well as support like-minded organizations with resources and services. o To help lower income families experience the same rights as those of greater income i.e. education, job training & access, programs and food/clothing – through volunteerism and information PBM uses the arts, entertainment and sports as tools to motivate. This approach was developed upon the realization that these fields are powerful by way of their appeal and influence on our target population. By harnessing that power to make programs more appealing, we can continue to implement the important values and societal offerings of more conventional non-profits. Powerful Beyond Measure believes we can help each other realize our potential for greatness, inspire the pursuit of success, and make powerful strides by working together for altruistic purposes. Founded in 2006, the organization began with its charter program, C.A.P.E. League (see below) – a multi-dimensional youth enrichment program. In 2007, we launched Exploring Possibilities, a unique career day for teens and young adults to discover non-traditional professions. Since 2008, we have produced PBM's Weekly Source Email – an on-line newsletter distributed to DC area residents, community groups and non-profits. It lists public events, job openings, services, scholarships and programs. In 2017, PBM will re-launch the Triple I Program to provide young adults with the opportunity to gain professional experience through hands-on work, mentorship, workshops and giving back.

PTSD Foundation of America

To combat post traumatic stress; bring healing to our military community (active duty, reserves and national guard, veterans, and their families) through pastoral counseling, and peer mentoring, both on an individual basis, and in group settings. Raise awareness of the increasing needs of the military community through public events, media outlets, social media, service organizations, and churches. Networking government agencies, service organizations, churches and private sector businesses into a united “corps of compassion”, to bring their combined resources together to meet the needs of the military community on a personal and individual/family level. Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor, and sacrifice. Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war. to give back to those who have given of themselves so selflessly PTSD Foundation of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring to our combat veterans and their families with post traumatic stress. Many warriors are coming home with visible wounds; countless others are coming home with scars we cannot see, wounded souls from witnessing the horrors of war over and over again – PTSD. We feel it is our duty as Americans to help these mighty warriors and their families adjust and find their new normal. It is our turn to step up with other excellent existing community organizations and help those that have fought and sacrificed so much for us. We are faith-based in our approach and have a great history of providing hope and healing to those experiencing the unseen wounds of war. We offer a safe place where no one is judged, everyone is supported, and everything a warrior says or is revealed is confidential within the group. We would like the opportunity to train and/or help form groups within your community for warriors & their families to reach out to. Our teams consist of veterans, active and reserve service members as well as civilians that have a heart for the military and their families. We have active, reserve and/or veterans from every war up to world war ii that are coming to our groups. Warriors that we have worked with have learned how to heal and cope with ptsd to find their “new normal” and are now are reaching out to other warriors to let them know that there is hope in the darkness and they are not alone. please give us the opportunity to show you what we can do to provide hope for the warriors in darkness and the families who love and support them. to increase public awareness of post traumatic stress establishing relationships within the faith based community and secular organizations to facilitate support systems for our military community; locating and identifying churches currently ministering to, or are willing to consider beginning ministries to our military community workshops and counseling manuals are provided for both the warrior and their families. by assisting the spouses, children and other family members, we aid in the healing process of the individual with ptsd. Too often other treatment options fail to appropriately address the impact of ptsd on the family; training is available through regional workshops or through video. training should be undertaken by pastors, staff, counselors and lay-members who might interact in any counseling program; keeping the issue before the media and general public through regular press releases and email newsletters, as well as psa’s, websites and facebook

Cherry Kids Inc

Creating Hope through Education, Resources and Resilience for our Youths Kids Our mission is to provide our youth and their families with the practical tools needed to overcome self destructive, negative behaviors. Along with parents and guardians we will make every effort to put our youths on a positive path. Our efforts will begin with instilling self-esteem, motivation, determination, and the ability to make sound decisions in our youths. Qualities that lead to successful outcomes; Our commitment is to firmly guide, encourage and support our youths. Our team of qualified professionals along with community advocates plays a vital role in our success. We will work closely with all professionals that serve our clients. We promote a therapeutic approach that consists of small social skill enhancement groups as well as individual counseling. Establishing clear boundaries, for how our youths will be expected to conduct, themselves will be fully and fairly explored. Our commitment to strengthen the family unit is paramount. To this end, parents needing skills for improved parenting will be referred to appropriate agencies to assist them. They will be given the knowledge, to become positive role models for their children. Having healthy and productive role models at home and in the community will allow our youths to see strong, positive individuals up close, on a daily basis. Cherry Kids takes great pride in contributing to cultivating the lives of each and every young person that comes into our service. Whom We Serve Our program has been established to assist youths and their families in the underserved communities. Many of these youths are labeled as under achievers. They come from families that are socially and economically disadvantaged. More often than not they come from single parents homes. Others are in the care of grandparents, aunts and uncle, extended family members and in some cases, by individuals that are not biologically related. We may also find a percentage of our youths in the foster care system. Many of these youths demonstrate poor academic achievement, excessive suspensions coupled with lateness, absenteeism and unfortunately far too many instances they have discontinued attending school all together. The reasons for our youths not completing their formal education varies. Poor family relationships, poor diets, limited social skills, are all major contributors to the decline in attendance. These individuals and their families are often in dire need of intervention. They will not improve their purpose in life without the assistance of community and or state based services. Cherry Kids are a totally dedicated group of professionals, vowing to make every effort to improve the lives of the youths and families that seek our services. Who We Are The Cherry Kids was created to provide early intervention to youths in inner cities, experiencing behavior issues that negatively impact the education process. The implementation of our program provides the primary elements that constitute the framework for positive character building. Our qualified professionals will identify the challenging behaviors and assist our youths and their families with the finding. Cherry Kids is designed to minimize the kind of negative behaviors that impede our youth from achieving academic success. The Cherry Kids team will collaborate with schools to provide therapeutic counseling for the youth we service. Our joint efforts will provide multiple opportunities for our youths to obtain productive learning experiences. Our team of professionals understands the importance of education. We realize that our youth’s academic growth, socio-emotional well-being along with the family unit is of the utmost importance. The end product of what we do can be seen as up standing young people possessing healthy self-esteem that leads to positive behavior, which ultimately will lead to more productive individuals to benefit society. Implementing a strong focus on education our youths are encouraged to pursue their goals in life. They are encouraged to explore all aspects of academics, cultures, societies and the world at large. The beginning transformation of our youths sets the foundation of self respect, respect for others, and ultimately, respect for life as well as a lifelong thirst for knowledge. The Cherry Kids firmly believes that if we reach out to our trouble youths today, we will have contributed mightily to the individuals and their families that we serve, the community in which they live, and will have helped to make the world a better and safer place for all mankind in the process.

Minnesota Distance Running Association Foundation

The Minnesota Distance Running Association connects the Minnesota running community and supports runners of all ages and abilities through education, programs and advocacy. Whether you run socially, recreationally, or competitively, MDRA can help you achieve your running goals.

Elisha Project

The Elisha Project is a movement that is focused on bringing diverse communities together through service, sharing, teaching and learning – in order to make a positive impact in all communities through the lessons taught to us by Jesus Christ. It was He who said: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” So we serve everyone. We simply Refuse to do Nothing!

Two Step Revolution

The Two Steps programs are all individually designed and we take a completely holistic approach to help every individual or group to obtain the goals that they have, by offering both equine and conventional therapy as well as specialized team building programs. The beauty of what we do is that it can be applied to so many different things. We have something for everyone because we know that a clear purpose and direction in life can help restructure even the most difficult crisis into opportunities for growth and renewed motivation that not only helps them overcome but to succeed as well. It is our desire and focus to help you achieve your goals, whatever that may be, and to overcome any challenges that you may have so that you can step into the life that you deserve. We also offer non-theraputic services, such as horse riding, competitive riding, vaulting, competitive vaulting, and horsemanship.

Alive & Free

The mission of the Alive & Free is to keep young people alive and free, unharmed by violence and free from incarceration. To provide youth with opportunities and support to build positive lives and move into contributing roles in society. The club's core value is "The more you know, the more you owe." Since 1987, the founders developed and refined the "Alive & Free Prescription" which frames violence as a a disease and a public health approach to eliminating it.