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Displaying 49–60 of 1,108

The Culture Project International

The mission of the Culture Project International is educate, empower, and inspire youth around the globe to build a culture rooted in the upholding of the dignity of every human person.

Spirituality for Kids International

The Spirituality For Kids International, Inc. program provides a platform to foster discussion and understanding of spiritual concepts and principles. Our fun, free, website educates and entertains children—and their parents—with powerful lessons and stories on the human spirit, the benefits of sharing, making an effort, cause and effect, and the importance of unity. 

Uplift A Child International

The mission of Uplift a Child Interntional (Former name -Vonumu International) is to identify the poor and needy children, place them in a school, and support them through 10 -12 years of schooling through the high school. This will keep the children off the streets, provide them with the basic skills to develop, and give them an opportunity to emerge as self-reliant and productive members of the society. By the time the children completes high school, they will have the necessary social skills and will be mature enough to plan and work towards a brighter future. Until then, we work with each child in helping the child grow in the right direction.

Wings For Life International

Provide support for families of inmates who often feel unwelcome in local congregations.

Joyous Victory Ministries International

Making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International

Your gift to Kidpower helps protect children, teens, and adults, including those with special needs, from bullying, violence, and abuse by supporting our free online services, the development of new educational resources, and personal safety skills training for those most in need.

Kairos Prison Ministry International

The Mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love an forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.

Teen Mother Choices International

Equipping the Church to Empower Teen Mothers to Impact the Community.

Ministries of Aides International Inc.

The mission of Ministries of Aides International, Incorporated (MAII) is to partner with undeserved communities in order to offer compassionate aid and empowering education that prepare families for healthy, self-sufficient futures. We work with individuals and families to extend their rights to education, healthcare, and other basic needs. Capitalizing on the passion and abilities of local people, we provide the organization and training necessary to raise leaders who can spark grassroots change.

International Research and Exchanges Board

IREX is an international nonprofit organization providing thought leadership and innovative programs to promote positive lasting change globally. We enable local individuals and institutions to build key elements of a vibrant society: quality education, independent media, and strong communities. To strengthen these sectors, our program activities also include conflict resolution, technology for development, gender, and youth. Founded in 1968, IREX has an annual portfolio of over $70 million and a staff of over 400 professionals worldwide. IREX employs field-tested methods and innovative uses of technologies to develop practical and locally driven solutions with our partners in more than 100 countries.

International Association for Human Values

The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) is a non-profit educational organization committed to nurturing human values in society. Human values are understood to be attitudes, norms and behaviors that are the highest expression of human life. They are common to all cultures and spiritual traditions, and include a deep caring for all life, non-violence, compassion, friendliness, cooperation, generosity and sharing, a feeling of belonging and oneness with all life, an "eco-friendly" attitude and caring for the planet, service to society, a sense of commitment and responsibility, peace, contentment, enthusiasm, integrity, honesty and sincerity. IAHV's goal is a society in which the lives of all people exemplify human values. Through a variety of educational activities and service projects, IAHV works to achieve peace, harmony and well-being throughout the world. In fostering human values, the IAHV works in collaboration with partners dedicated to similar goals.

Girl Talk the Series International

To educate, and empower, young women age 18-35 to their purposed life, through education, financial assistance, life skills, motivation, coaching, and counseling.