Giving Tuesday, Human Rights Month and the Holidays! December is the Ultimate Month for Causes in 2020
November 27, 2020
December is one the most generous months of the year! From Hanukkah to Christmas and Giving Tuesday to Human Rights Month, the last month of the year is when we can truly make a difference.
Movember, Election Day, Veterans Day & More! Causes to Support in November 2020
November 2, 2020
November is an inspiring month of giving - from Movember and Native American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month, to Veteran’s Day and American Education Week.
Causes in August are All About Animals
August 10, 2018
Summer may be ending, but August is for Animal Lovers!
June Causes to Support & Celebrate
June 6, 2018
Summer is on it’s way and we’re warming up some great ways to celebrate this month.
Pledge and American Diabetes Association® Tackle Diabetes Through Mobile Engagement
June 21, 2016
Pledge's mobile-first fundraising platform is chosen to power donations for the Association’s new “Team Tackle” Initiative
June 20, 2016
There are currently 65.3 million forcible displaced people worldwide, over half of these are under the age of 18.
World Autism Awareness Day
April 3, 2016
Autism affects little over 1% of all children.
Celebrating #WorldWaterDay
March 31, 2016
663 million people around the world lack of clean water which causes hardship, disease and even death.